The Battlefield Of The Mind
Introducing Rick Yee, author of the groundbreaking book "Everything is a Choice" - where he teaches that even the most complex decisions can be broken down into simple choices.Rick's unique approach is all about training your brain and raising your awareness. Creating the truly authentic, high-value person you were always meant to be. He's helped countless individuals make life-changing decisions and take control of their lives. Don't settle for less than you deserve, start making choices that empower you with Rick Yee's guidance! This is the way, the warrior's way!
The Battlefield Of The Mind
134. The Strongest Spirit Medium! The 6th sense! Daniel Jackson
Ever wondered if those crystals and sage really hold the key to your spiritual awakening? Spirit medium Daniel Jackson joins us to shatter these myths, emphasizing that true transformation comes from within. In this riveting conversation, Daniel critiques popular practices like sacred geometry tattoos and aura photography, declaring that without genuine personal effort, these tools are mere distractions. His unfiltered insights push us to discard quick fixes and embrace the hard work necessary for real spiritual growth.
Facing toxic relationships and setting boundaries, especially within family dynamics, can be as challenging as a strict diet, but equally rewarding. Daniel shares his personal experiences and practical advice on walking away from negative influences to reclaim your emotional stability. We discuss the importance of self-reliance, personal responsibility, and how encouragement from loved ones can be a powerful catalyst for change. Through thought-provoking anecdotes, Daniel illustrates the significance of personal truth and authenticity in overcoming past traumas.
From societal norms to spiritual battles, this episode spans a wide array of compelling topics. Daniel dives into the therapeutic use of psychedelics, the importance of finding community, and the power of human connections in our shared journey. He addresses the complexities of societal control, free will, and the profound meaning of life beyond material possessions. Whether it's through exploring negative energies or challenging conventional belief systems, this episode is filled with transformative wisdom and hard truths that will leave you reflecting on your own spiritual path. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion with Daniel Jackson.
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All right, what's up, warriors? Welcome back to the battlefield of the mind. Been a minute here, but I am excited to have back spirit medium Daniel Jackson, who, if you haven't if you're not one of my Patreon subscribers, you haven't seen that episode. Why? Because Daniel Jackson goes hard, hard and he is one of the very few people who ever made me cry on the show and he speaks like just hardcore truths right in your face and I love it. So I'm excited to have more conversations with him. We're doing that right now. So, spirit medium, daniel Jackson, you were just saying right now people aren't doing the work, and I was like you're about to just drop bombs. We better record these bombs.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they are not doing the work. They want to use these, like I was writing down some notes before we came on. You know, people want to deck themselves out in these sacred geometry tattoos. They want to wave sage around. Maybe they want to go on some psychedelic trip or something like that. Or they want to use dousing rods or even crystals. I mean, come on, you know what crystals are? They're rocks. These are rocks that we've been walking on and standing on for years.
Speaker 2:And how come they haven't taken your negativity away? Because you haven't done the actual work, you haven't tried to get rid of the negativity. You know people go to these metaphysical fairs of the negativity. You know you can. People go to these metaphysical fairs and I've seen this.
Speaker 2:I saw this lady one time standing in this big, giant brass bowl and I said what's that for? And she said oh, he's going to come by with this thing. It's going to vibrate the bowl. It's going to, it's going to raise my vibrations. I said you know what it's really going to do. She said what I said all you need to do is add some potatoes, some carrots, some chicken and have some noodle soup, because that's all it's going to do for you. It's not going to do everything. It's not going to take everything away from you that you have within you, and the only person who can make that go away is you. And she just looked at me bewildered, I mean.
Speaker 2:But it's the truth. You have to. You can't just go into this blindly and go okay, I'm going to meditate three or four times, that's going to cure me. Now I'm going to go do some astral projection. No, no, it's not going to help you. You're going to go into something half-assed and then it's going to cause you more problems than you had before you went into it. You have to do your homework. You have to do your work. You have to figure this out and get other people who already know how to do this to help figure this out. But again, don't go into it with just the attitude I'm going to just dive in head first. You know you got to put your toes in first a little bit to figure out how it's going to work for you first. But if you're not willing to do that, if you're not willing to take the time like anything else, you will get out of it what you put into it. If you're not willing to put anything into it. What do you think you're going to get out of it?
Speaker 1:That's a good question and people won't answer that question. They're not going to answer that. No, well, the quick fixes and the structures. This is something that I noticed with people right now is people are like when I work, look at people, um, with like the stones and the crystals and the, there's also like these cards that people will pull to tell them like here's the thought of the day or some structure, and it seems like people these days, um, they're looking so externally to try to fix their internal issues, that like they're looking for structure and it's like almost anything but God, and then some kind of maybe these cards will tell me what I need to do, or maybe this stone will whisper to me the secret. Tell me some of the stuff you're seeing with the structures of people trying to find these quick fixes, or saging, or turning themselves into stew or whatever that thing is.
Speaker 2:Well, yeah, I mean saging does not work. I don't see the value in that and how people think that's going to work, because you are going to burn something, okay, and now the smoke's going to go in the air and you think it's going to make negative energy go away. It's not going to make negative energies from the spirit realm go away, because this thing that you are burning, that smoke that you are making, and that smell does not transpose or transpire into a non-physical realm. The beings that are in that realm don't have a physical body, they don't have lungs, they don't smell, they don't breathe. This stuff is not going to affect them whatsoever. If it's going to make you feel good and give you a sense of calm and peace, great, but it's not going to make any negative energy go away. I mean, you know, the only thing you're doing at that point is you're setting off all your fire alarms. That's what you're going to do, because if this were not the truth, then how come all the forest fires in the world that have burned all the sage and all the cedar have not made all the negative energies go away? Because it doesn't. It doesn't work. Again, they're trying to basically, unknowingly, put a spell out there or magic out there, and we know a spell and magic and witchcraft is not good anyway, so you shouldn't be getting mixed up in that. Anyway, none of it is any good. Okay. But you think you're going to take evil away with evil. That's not going to happen. And again, these things smoke is not going to go into that negative energy realm and make negativity go away. It's not going to happen.
Speaker 2:You have to want to do this yourself. You have to take the time to do this yourself. You have to be proactive in order to get this negativity away from you. You have to get the. You know, I don't care if it's your mom, your dad, your brother, your sister, your best friend or your so-called best friend. We all have one of those. If they are not being a positive force in your life, if they are not helping to lift you up in this world, then not being a positive force in your life. If they are not helping to lift you up in this world, then why do you have them in your life? And the only reason you have them in your life is because you allow them to be there. You know what you do. You stop allowing them to be there. When they call you on the telephone, you look on your telephone and go oh oh yeah, it's that piece of shit who was giving me a piece of shit yesterday. Click and done, you walk away.
Speaker 2:And then, once you walk away, don't let them back into your life, don't associate with them. Don't go to the parties that all these crappy people are at. Don't go up to the water cooler where you know everybody's going to be gossiping. Don't rubberneck every time you're driving down the road and you see an accident going on or you're seeing somebody getting arrested or trouble happening. If you see trouble happening, walk away, walk in the other direction. But if you continue to you know I mean then you say, well, maybe I can give them a second chance. Well, if you want to give them a second chance, go right ahead.
Speaker 2:But when they come back into your life and they start treating you like crap again and you want to complain about it, no, because the only person you have to blame at that point is you, because you allow it to happen. You have to stop allowing it to happen. You have to start from day one and say you know what this is like going to be the worst diet I've ever been on, but the best diet I have ever been on, because I'm going to get rid of this and then I'm going to keep it away from me and you can't look back, you can't go. Oh well, maybe I can. No, you can't do that. How well does that work out for a drug addict or an alcoholic? It doesn't. It's not going to work out for you.
Speaker 2:Either you have to take a stand or be owned. Either you have to take a stand or be owned, and I don't want to be owned. So I'm going to take a stand and do whatever I have to do in order to stay away from everything. And yes, you're going to lose some people in your lives, but these people are not meant to be in your lives in the first place. These people are a test for you to see if you will actually take a stand instead of being owned by them.
Speaker 2:You're going to have to do it One way or another. If you don't do it, then again you're not going to get these tattoos. You're not going to get all these crystals and this sage and maybe some dousing rods or something like that. It's not going to help you. It's not going to help you if you don't do the actual inner work in order to get first and then after that, get rid of the outer work that's going on around you. That's what the problem is. But again, they think you know, if I go to one of these metaphysical fairs and I buy some rocks and some stones and oh, I love this one, oh, let me go over here and get a picture taken of my aura.
Speaker 2:Are you serious.
Speaker 1:I want my aura picture.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, I want to go get a picture of my aura. Yeah, because that's going to help me out. They're not taking a picture of your aura. They're taking a picture of your heat signature. They're taking a picture of the electricity that's going on in your body. That is not your aura. That has nothing to do with your aura, but you just spent $90 on that.
Speaker 1:Good luck with that, because that's going to help you. It's a $90 picture of my aura.
Speaker 2:Okay, oh yeah, it costs $90 to get one of those pictures. It's worth about as much as that fuzzy picture of Elvis you got hanging on your wall, right? So, yeah, it's just. This is. It's an illusionary cop-out for everybody. They want the easy button. They want to go to Staples and get the. Now my life is clear. No, it doesn't work that way. It takes a lot more than that. But this is their way of copping out, of not doing the work. So they'll get some trinkets and some other junk.
Speaker 2:You know, like your aunt has sitting in her house for fucking 10 years. You know you get rid of all that stuff because it's not going to help you do anything, man, but people, people believe it's going to help them do it. Why? Because when you go to these metaphysical fairs, it's there, they have everything. It's oh well, the sound bowls. Oh well, let me move sound bowl. Oh yeah, that. That does what for you. If music makes you feel good, that's great, but music is not going to cure you. The only thing that's going to cure you is you, and that's you doing the work. And if you're not willing to do the work and you want to focus on all these false trinkets out there that are going to do it for you. You're wasting your time, you're wasting your money. It's just a big waste. That's what it is.
Speaker 1:There's a lot of cool stuff you dropped in here, so I just want to make sure that the spirits don't have organs. Spirits don't have organs. So it turns out smoke doesn't stop something that doesn't get bothered by smoke. Evil doesn't stop evil.
Speaker 2:So that really won't work. Just like a cross will not make a negative energy go away, because the cross is a form of punishment. So how are you going to make something evil go away with a form of punishment?
Speaker 1:You're not, they love that shit, they love it, right yeah.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:And then we got to do the work, and there's a lot of different elements of outside work, inside work, but then also you talked about like you know people believe it's working the placebo effect, and then I will come back and talk about the frequencies, because there are some things like maybe, maybe not. I've heard some things both ways on this. Let's do the work.
Speaker 2:Yeah, sure, I want to do the work. So, yeah, the work they need to do. Again, start off with a plan. Get a checklist going, like anyone else who would get a checklist going for the kind of man that you're going to date or the kind of woman that you're going to date. Get a checklist going for what you're going to do and how you're going to do it.
Speaker 2:Again, start off with the family members. That's the first place to go to, because we get so much drama. What's the difference between in-laws and out-laws? Rick, out-laws are wanted, okay, and in-laws are not. So when you have these kinds of problems with the out-laws or the in-laws, supposedly you will now talk to them when you need to talk to them. You will be around them when you need to be around them and you will have to deal with them when you need to be around them and you will have to deal with them when you need to deal with them. But if you don't need to be around them, you don't need to talk around them or be with them or deal with them. Then don't Stop doing it, because you know it's going to cause you some issues. You know you're going to get angered, but you know what you can do, as I always do.
Speaker 2:I had a woman come to me one time. I was doing readings in a mall and she came up to me and said excuse me, sir, do you speak with spirit? I said yes, and she said so, you're actually talking to spirit. I said yes, I am. And then she stood up and said you're speaking to the devil. And I stood there with this voice and said no, I'm not speaking to the devil, because there's no such thing as a devil. There's no such thing as purgatory or hell. There's no such thing as a fallen angel. There's no such thing as Satan. There is a Lucifer, but he is an archangel, he's not a fallen angel.
Speaker 2:And as I went on with that in this type of voice, the only thing she did was get more angry. But the only thing I did was just kept being me, because I choose not to get angry, I choose not to be triggered by anyone else, and because that's the new hip word to use nowadays, that's triggers. Yeah, word's been around for years, but no one's ever used it until the past 10 years. You are allowing yourself to be triggered, to react to someone else, getting overly excited or overly angered at what you're saying or what you're doing or whatever conversation you're involved with. You have to learn to stop and you have to learn to let that go. That's what it's about.
Speaker 1:Do you have to get angry? No, you're knowing thyself. Though because I know me means I don't have to match you. You know, because she wants to lose her cool doesn't mean I have to join you.
Speaker 2:Absolutely, you could just go, are you done? Yeah, oh, okay. Well then what? Don't you have anything to say? No, I don't, because I'm not going to get in and lower myself, lower my what we call, lower my vibration down to your level and get into this with you, because I don't have to, because I don't want to and I don't need to, so I won't.
Speaker 1:And now you can walk away because, well, there's a step here I do a training on that where I talk about the psychology of how people will match somebody's energy, and somebody matches somebody's energy.
Speaker 1:Almost always there's going to be a thing there, and so, whether it's a good two-year-old kid screaming in the shopping cart and eventually mom's like shut up, like somebody's going to match somebody's energy at some point and so, like it's just a basically just human thing, we're a hurt animal and so we're going to, like you know, naturally start to gravitate towards which energy is the most dominant.
Speaker 1:Even if it's the more calm one or if it's the most aggressive one, we're going to have an energy response to it. And with that being said, you have this lady who's like I'm going to go here, which is an uncontrolled energy to try to force you into also having a lack of control over your energy, and you're like but I know me, and because you don't really know, you want to be angry, but because I really do know I'm not going to join you. And this is a training that I teach for especially my men, to be good, healthy pack leaders, which is where I can be understanding, I can be concerned and or empathetic and I can be compassionate towards. I can be concerned and or empathetic and I can be compassionate towards what it is that you're doing, but I'm not going to agree with you.
Speaker 2:Right, yeah, it's like two people you see, or you see four people out on the dance floor and two of them are all over the place and two of them are moving, you know, calmly with each other. You know it's yeah, she's way up here trying to get me to come up here and I'm just going. No, I'm going to do my own thing. That's what I'm going to do and I'm going to be okay with it too, because I always tell people I never apologize to anyone for me being me. If I say something that's going to get you irritated and you're going to be offended by it, I really don't give a shit because I know eventually you'll walk away, that I don't have to get. I lose my cool over somebody else's stupidity and that's just the way it is. I may say something and go, but then I'll just go nah, not doing it.
Speaker 2:It's not worth my time.
Speaker 1:There's a tool you're doing that's very effective and it does take a little practice, and this is part of the deep work and knowing thyself Even going through. I do a lot of work in grief. I do a lot of work in growth, and grief is actually one of the main components of why people are struggling today. They just don't know how to effectively grieve. They don't know how to work through loss.
Speaker 2:Well, we've been taught grief.
Speaker 1:That's why You're taught that having grief is a disorder, when really it's a process. It's not a disorder. We're not fucked up for denying things or going through bargaining or anger or sadness. You're not broken.
Speaker 2:There's a reason why we have a grieving system, it's just do you know how to get to the acceptance element of it and even what you're saying is getting into we tend to grieve a lot too much over the death of people or the death of something. Because, as I know, as I've been told you know, no one dies too soon, no one dies too young, no one dies tragically, no one dies unexpectedly, no one dies untimely. Everyone just dies. They just do, and it's okay to grieve over that. But are you meant to grieve over that the rest of your life? Are you meant to sit around and go? I can't go through my life without this person.
Speaker 2:Well before, when you first came into this world, you were not with that person. You're going to leave this world on your own. Everyone is, in a sense, where your soul is going to leave by itself. Uh, there'll be others there who will be there to to hopefully take you across. Not everybody has that, but uh, but yeah, but you that that's part of your life's lessons to learn to figure out that, okay, I had this person in my life, but I don't absolutely need that person. I'm here to do things on my own as well and I'm here to figure them out. You know, there's that term that says God bless you. Well, he did, he put you here. He wants us to figure out the rest. That's what he wants us to do, but we are being taught to have grief and to hold on to it, so that you are always and constantly the victim, so that way that we can give you all kinds of drugs and everything and then feed you into the system so you can give us all your money.
Speaker 1:No, there's a lot. Well, there's multiple systems to do that system. It all leads to that. But, yeah, the finding, the meaning, or even what I teach, is to honor those who you've had the blessing to have in your life. How do I live my?
Speaker 1:life and honor the experiences I've had, and you're not wrong. When I watch people use grief as their identity, I am tragedy, I am trauma, I am loss, and it's not true unless you believe it's true. And this is where you're saying like, that's not how that works, like I like the idea to challenge these beliefs of like no, but that was my person, or that was my mom, and that was my best friend, and so without them, I'll never be me, ever again. And it's like then your entire identity was based around another person Like you, are you still, you are still you, but being able to take the life lessons you have from that person and then being able to say how do I honor the meaning of what I've had in their life?
Speaker 1:And I have a good question that I ask for people. Something, especially around death, is they don't have any more physical minutes here. That body is gone, like they're, they're gone, they're done from that. In which case, how would you think they would give you advice on, since you still have minutes, how would you think they would want you to spend those minutes? How would you honor them by living your life by their advice? What do you think they would say?
Speaker 2:And then people give you their responses.
Speaker 2:By the strength that my father taught me and my mother taught me, to have the resilience that my mother and father taught me to have, to knowing that everything that I do in this world, if it does come down to it, is not the end of the world. To know that don't cry over spilt milk is the same thing as don't think the world is coming to an end because you just spilt your coffee. Go pick up your coffee, go clean up the mess and go get another one. My parents have taught me that. But the problem is with the kids. Today we didn't teach them that. Today we taught them that everybody gets a trophy for playing baseball or everybody will have their hand held. And here I'm going to put this telephone in front of your face so I don't have to talk to you anymore. And then they wonder why these kids are going out and shooting up schools and they can't deal with each other. They have no social skills anymore.
Speaker 1:There's a lot more that are depressed.
Speaker 2:We can't blame the kids. We have to blame ourselves, because we've done this to them and we are constantly doing this to them. We are the epitome of segregation ourselves from ourselves. That's what we do in this world. The social network is a social injustice, more or less because it's not helping anybody. It just keeps everybody apart from each other.
Speaker 2:Anybody can get on a keyboard and call you a bunch of names and slurs and all that stuff and not have to be accountable for it, because, well, you know, they're behind a keyboard, they're not in front of your face, and we've taught them to do that. We're still teaching ourselves to do that all the time. We have all this political crap going on. You know you got the left wing and the right wing. I'm sorry people, but they're all on the same bird. You better wake up. The death act, because they're all. They all look like they hate each other, but behind closed doors they're loving each other because why they have the power and control over everybody, and you just don't know that you're just a. You know you're just a puppet. So, uh, but yeah, my mom and dad have taught me many things and it was in little, tiny ways that they taught me this, and it's not until I went through that experience of using that little tiny way, I was like, oh, my mom, my mom, I remember my mom teaching me that I can't. It was just this little tiny thing and and that's the way that we get through them. It doesn't need to be this gigantic, ginormous sense of okay, this is the way you're going to fix everything in the world. And there's a no, there's little ways to do that, and the little ways is what you know. I mean, we always know the little things in life are the things that mean the most, and so these most meaningful things can help you get through your life. But you do have to work on them. You can't just go. Mom said, you know, maybe I shouldn't do that. I'm going to do it anyway. Yeah, hey, your mom's been around for a long time. I think she got it right, you know. So maybe you should learn to get it right this time around too.
Speaker 2:But we are hard learners in this world. We do have trouble learning things and learning them quickly. As I always say, you know, there's a nail on the floor in that doorway and you walk through the door and you trip over the nail. Well, how do you learn that lesson? You go get a hammer and bang in the back game. But how many people actually learn that lesson? They don't. They trip four or five times, you know, and I worked in prison for six years. Those people were tripping all the time because they haven't figured out that they're not good criminals, you know. So that's why they keep showing up in prison all the time. Well, you know, those are the ones who got caught. There's everybody else who didn't get.
Speaker 2:But you know, my mom and dad instilled some things in me that I still use today, and I'm glad they did it, and I'm glad my dad didn't raise me to be a freaking pussy, because I'm not, you know. I'm out there doing what I need to do to take care of myself, and I'm not waiting for everybody else to do it for me, that's for sure, or expecting when everyone else to do it for me. There's a little bit of a difference there, and we have now got a generation of people who are growing up in this world who think that they should get a tax break or they should get all their debt taken away just because they went to college. No, work for it, you have to work for it, like everybody else does. You know you can't just get everything given to you. It doesn't work that way. Because if you were given everything in your lifetime, what would you appreciate? Nothing, and that's the problem. You know.
Speaker 2:If life wasn't meant to be easy, you know if it was meant to be easy, what would be the point of living at all? There wouldn't be a point. It's life is meant to be hard. It's not meant to be easy. It's for you to learn. I have these people come to me all the time and ask me what about my guardian angel? You don't have a guardian angel. Nobody has a guardian angel.
Speaker 2:If you had a guardian angel following you around, taking care of everything you did in your life and guarding you from everything, what would you learn? You would learn nothing. And you're here to learn. But why is that guardian angel coming in? Only for the times that you want him? Because you know, only those times you're a complete and total screw up. Maybe if you would stop doing the stupid shit in your life, you wouldn't feel the need to have a guardian angel. You wouldn't feel the need to have a guardian angel. You wouldn't feel the need to ask for god's forgiveness. You wouldn't need to ask for god to help you and get. Oh god, I need a million dollars, so you're gonna have to bring it to me. You know, ask and you shall receive. No, it doesn't work that way.
Speaker 1:It's work for it and you shall receive I think that we need to make we need to do stupid shit like we need to. It's important for us. Part of our development is to do stupid shit Like we need to. It's important for us. Part of our development is to do stupid shit that teaches us way faster than winning does.
Speaker 2:But the guardian angel thing, like last time we talked, you said, like I have a guardian angel, which is that got me? Well, no, you have a spirit guide, Spirit guide okay. Yeah, he will give you advice, but you have to follow it. Got it and if you choose not to follow it, that's on you.
Speaker 1:I think it's an important clarity because, like people will ask the spirit side questions, if I have a spirit guide cause that you got me last time with the spirit guide that one, that one's where you got me.
Speaker 2:And I was like how's your grandpa, how's your grandpa Richard doing? Huh.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's that was amazing, that you even that. You remember that Like you got me and that's crazy, that's crazy. That was like that was a thing. I was like I actually it was such a good reminder when you did that I actually realized because I was still repressed heart side, I didn't have my heart completely open yet that I had to regrieve all of those. All the funerals I ever went through, I had to go through all of them again and grieve them appropriately. All the funerals I ever went through, I had to go through all of them again and grieve them appropriately. And my grandfather that conversation was an eye-opener for me that I hadn't completely grieved that loss and so I had to go through it with my heart side too. My grandfather, richard, you got me with that that one.
Speaker 2:But he is the only guy who's ever told you that he was proud of you.
Speaker 1:That, yeah, that was a really, that was a really tough thing. For sure, he was at that moment like that was the only source of I believe in you, that I even had and it was right that loss of that one guy yeah, and it was a big deal and so that that to have that as a spirit guide, I would think it's important for people to go like guardian angel versus spirit guide, like the difference between those but him.
Speaker 2:Knowing him, knowing that he was the only one guy to offer that kind of encouragement to you, telling you that all the time do you believe he would want you to give up?
Speaker 1:Oh, no, no, no.
Speaker 2:He gave you that so you wouldn't give up.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Or give in.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that was a. Spartan side family. We were warriors on that side and so, no, he was very, very tough, very hard. And so for him for that element, because my grandfather was a tough dude, especially on my dad and my uncles and my aunt. He was very, very hard. My grandma was even harder and I got New Testament grandfather. Old Testament grandfather was brutal on my dad and the kids.
Speaker 1:But when the grandkids were born, my cousin and I, when we were born, we got New Testament grandpa, who was very sweet and encouraging and kind and loving, and so that's why I call it New Testament, because he's very forgiving and understanding and Old Testament was fire and brimstone and kick your ass and so yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:Well, that's why you got both sides of you. You're the calm person, yet, as we talked about before, you have the dark wolf standing in front of you and you know when to turn it on and turn it off. So you got both sides. But and turn it off, so you got. You got both sides. But you know, like sometimes you got one parent that's halfway good looking and the other parents halfway good looking and they have some kids and they're really good looking you know, so you got.
Speaker 2:So that's what you got. You know you got. You got both sides of it, you know, and and luckily, luckily for everyone else out in the world right now, and who's who's listening to you and getting your message, gets that lucky for them. You know.
Speaker 1:Well, we have. We have a purpose and, like I said, the things that you said you, I've really done some deep work, cause I had to really challenge the things that you said, because you um, you have a tendency to shake the tree and I really enjoy that about you, because a lot of people are afraid to say what the truth is because they're so concerned about things, and it's it's because, like powers at me, the people who would control the narrative would make sure they censor someone like you as hard as possible. I'm very aware of it too, because, even though the things you are saying may be absolute truth, they would make sure that even I am not allowed to speak anymore because you said the truth. And these are dangerous times right now, where information is now considered a problem if you tell the truth, and that's been a very interesting.
Speaker 1:It's interesting for me to navigate because, like, I love hearing different points of view, but now it's like the point of view is only allowed to be said if we say so. You're like what kind of free speech is this Correct?
Speaker 2:It's not, it's not free speech anymore. Yeah, because they want to spoon feed everybody and let it trickle out a little bit. Because some people believe that we can't handle the truth and others are out there who just don't want to tell us the truth.
Speaker 1:Because they don't want us to realize what's actually going on.
Speaker 1:I would actually challenge that. Most people really cannot handle the truth. They really struggle with it, especially, like you said, let's go back to doing the work. Whenever I'm training people to know thyself, gaslighting their introspection is the most common defense that I see is they won't tell themselves the truth about themselves, and so that's going to be the biggest denial, is the toughest obstacle, especially through the grieving cycle, to get past, because that protection system, the masks that we wear, the personas we pretend to be, the things that we project to give only the information I want you to know about me so that way you like me or don't abandon me, or, you know, don't reject me.
Speaker 1:The masks that we wear that is the most common defense that I have, that I see people go through the suppression of self in order to be accepted. That's the most common defense, and so that would mean that my entire acceptance and approval system is based on lying and so telling the truth. People can't handle the truth, because then you'll see through my mask, you'll see through my fears, you'll see through the things that I need to control, and if I don't have control, well, I'm going to lose control of myself. To try to get control back from you with judgments and shame and guilt and blame and canceling and anger and frustrations and judgmental demolition or reputation demolition. I'm going to hurt you until I'm okay again, because then I can control the narrative.
Speaker 2:Because that's going to make you feel better.
Speaker 1:Oh my God, so much better. As long as everybody doesn't see through my lie, it's so much better.
Speaker 2:Right, right. Well, as long as you're pouring the left lies, enough of those lies out.
Speaker 1:They're not going to be able to see through it and to see that, well, I thought he's such a righteous person, but he's telling this other person that they are a worthless piece of shit all day long.
Speaker 2:He's so righteous. I say that about some people. Well, I do say that about some people, but I only say it because of one reason Because if someone will say something to me about someone, I'll go are you that piece of shit? And they go. Oh, I thought you were all spiritual and everything I said. I am spiritual. I'm not judging them, I'm just telling you they're a piece of shit because of one reason they choose to be a piece of shit. They could choose to be differently, but they don't.
Speaker 1:So it's not a judgment.
Speaker 2:That's just a fact. It's observational truth. That's all it is, and that's the part of it they can't seem to handle, they can't get a grip on, because they go oh well, yeah, maybe I guess they are. Yeah, well, they are. But they can choose at some point to stop doing that, but they got to want to do it.
Speaker 1:It's important the way you said it. He chooses to be a piece of shit. He chooses to and that's a big training that I've been doing on how I am is who I am, and people are judging people based on their past, instead of recognizing that what I did was meant to teach me something and I don't do those things anymore. But can you see that what I did is not who I am now? And people have a hard time with the reality of that because they go like I remember, daniel, when you were 19,. You did that thing. You're a fucking piece of shit.
Speaker 1:I don't do do that anymore, I don't do that yes I get the same analogy.
Speaker 2:All the time, I tell people who I will say to them in this way, where, say hey, because they always, well, you know, uh, they want to cry and moan and want about everything that happened to them and again play the victim about everything and all that stuff that happened to them, maybe when they got. They got, uh, raped or something we got whenever a kid, and all that stuff that happened to them, maybe when they got, they got raped, or something we got whenever a kid, and all. But you know what? You're not a kid anymore, you're not the same person anymore. You're supposed to have grown from that point and you have grown as a, as an individual in age. But you're supposed to grow away from that too.
Speaker 2:You know, I would tell them that, you know, if you went out to go get a job and then you put out your resume to this company and they looked at it and go well, you know what, this looks pretty good. But we did a little Google search on you and we found out that when you were seven years old, you took a stick and put it in some bird shit and went around to all the girls and said, oh, bird shit, bird shit. And so we think that's kind of bad and we don't want you working at our place. And then that's when you tell them well, I'm not seven years old anymore. I don't make the same decisions, I don't have the same thought process, nor do I have the same perspective or outlook on my life. I'm not seven anymore. Oh well, okay, fair enough.
Speaker 1:I'm going to do a quick disclaimer on the twist, because you went through it pretty quickly on that one. Well, being seven and doing bird shit stick is one person. That's an action that I did. Being raped, and molested as a child is a very different game, and so those are serious things that do require a level of training to overcome by taking your power back, which can be done.
Speaker 2:I've done this with people who have been molested, people who have been raped.
Speaker 1:I do train them how to go into these memories. There's neuro-linguistic programming, there's cognitive behavioral therapies that we do to make it so you can do the work to go, take your power back. And then there's mind, heart, body and spirit releases and acceptances to be able to go. I am okay again. So it's all elements that are there. So there is a way it can be done.
Speaker 2:It's not to belittle or to say like you know get over it, but there is ways to take your strength back from somebody who has hurt you.
Speaker 2:Yes, it's about learning to let it go. It's learning to know that that power, that person, no longer has power over you. They don't have to have power over all you, but you have to. You have to learn to, to overcome that. You have to learn to be strong and learn to move forward. At that point, so you know what I'm not going to let this ever happen again and I don't let that. I don't have to have that guy. Let him have power over me. You and he's no part of my life anymore. My life is in a different direction now. Just like you know, I could have a father who was a piece of crap all his entire life, but that doesn't mean I need to be a piece of crap to my children either. I can turn around and do something different. I can be something more, be something better and not show that same type of behavior to my children and let them know that they can be a good father to their children as well.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I agreed. I just didn't want to kind of glaze past like you're not ready to get over it, like it's like well, that's.
Speaker 2:No, no, it's not that easy?
Speaker 2:It's not that easy, it takes times and you do need to seek out some professional help and someone who can help you with that. I worked around those kind of people in the prison. All the psychological people over there did help a lot of people in there. I mean, the only unfortunate part about being in prison is that 90% of the people in there were just trying to get medication and drugs as much as they can so they could live that part of their life. But there were about 10% of the people in there who really did have some issues and the thing about it where I worked was in medical records I could see into their psychological history.
Speaker 2:It's not just them, it's their entire family. Their entire families are messed up and they don't learn right from wrong from anybody. It's never taught to them or any type of treatment to turn it around. Even being in prison they don't really treat anybody anymore. They just want you to come back in so that they can make some more money. That's about what it comes down to. But yeah, it's just the way it is.
Speaker 1:It's the sad system.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, as I have in my book. You know, the basis of my book is yeah, I had a whole bunch of crazy things happen to me spiritually throughout my entire life, but I know it couldn't just be me. So I went out and found my people. I found them. I found the people that I felt comfortable with and people who could help me. Anyone in your life. If you have something going on in your life that you can't figure out, there's 7.5 billion of us. There's somebody else who's either gone through it or is going through it, and you can get together with them. You've got to go out and find them, but you've got to be proactive. There's a work part there.
Speaker 1:There's a work part there that's pretty important, and I train this myself, because most people have limiting beliefs or beliefs that are cursed upon them from people in their life where they didn't have a defense Some way to like. I don't know how to protect against this person saying that I'm worthless or I'll never be anything or I'm not worth loving, or some kind of a belief system put in by somebody who's not happy with themselves the generational curses. Well, in order to be able to fit in or belong, basic human need is to belong or to be accepted or to be approved of. We're a pack animal.
Speaker 1:There's an element of nonconformity that isn't really discussed as much with what you're describing, which is go find your people. Well then, who are you in order to know who I'm looking for as my people? And there's an element of know thyself in order to find your authenticity. And then, once you find your authenticity, it's impossible not to be journeying to find like-minded people and or your purpose, which is a very difficult journey to do. But I can't think of a way to do it if you stay in conformity right now, to be like everybody else, and if you're like everybody else it's going to be difficult to find purpose.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean, as you, as you have probably noticed just being on today's show and in previous show, I'm not the one who goes along to get along. I don't do that. I'm not rainbows and unicorns and everything is love and light whatsoever. We get along in that category.
Speaker 1:I get it yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we get along in that category. But even when I was on my personal spiritual journey I wasn't really on a journey at that point of finding my spirituality I was trying to figure out what the hell was going on, because I was seeing so many spirits at once that I have seen throughout my entire life. But it was coming to a head where I was seeing so much at one period. I had to figure out what was going on. So I went into the root of looking for a paranormal group, came to my house and then they were unable to help me. I mean, there was lots of things that they witnessed, which was good, because we were happy that other people were witnessing at the same time. So from that experience I said, well, okay, if they can't help me, I got to go find somebody else, maybe I'll try one of these mediums.
Speaker 2:And I did that and I found five mediums and then one of those mediums led me to having a talk with God and when I settled into that conversation of being feeling as though at that point I was at rock bottom, I asked for his help and he helped me. He brought others to me and then that also helped me find other people, and then from one person to the next person, to the next person. I got a little bit of information here and there and then eventually I found a whole group, a whole community of people, and then I felt at home. And why did I do? Why did I do that? Because I was proactive about it. I didn't feel like I was going to sit around with my thumb up on my asshole all day and do nothing about it. You can either do that or you can do nothing, or you can go out and try to find it, and that's what I try to do. I had no inclination, no idea that I was going to become a medium.
Speaker 1:It just I'm with you on the action, but you do something that's very. I have to call it out so that way people can pay attention. You just glazed by conversation with God, like we just went right past that, like that's not a big deal, like that's a pretty big deal. Oh, that's the biggest deal, that's a really big deal and we're like. So I talked to God and then I came back and I found a community.
Speaker 2:It's like wait can we go back and talk to god a second ago?
Speaker 1:well, yeah, I did, I did glaze by it, but well, let's, let's hit that really quick, because the community element is something that I, I, we can, we could probably get that pretty quickly. But can we go back to the I hit rock bottom. Talk to god, um, there's always going to be that debate. Is there a god? Is there not a god? Is there a thing is? Is it you know, um, you know the universe, or is it you know? You said it's not the spirit rocks, it's not these things. There's a God. Help people out with this because, like, I've been doing a lot of deep diving spiritually, I found my things. I found, but you talked to God, you got to go have it. Can you explain that interaction? Like, help people who are like I have no faith at all, nothing, what does that even feel? Experience like? What is that like? What did you ask him? You got to have a conversation.
Speaker 2:If you can ask one question to God. What was your thing? When I went to him again, I felt as though, like any alcoholic or any drug addict would feel, or anybody who's ill in any type of way and not feeling that they want help, they will know when they're asked, getting to that point of asking for help to something they can't actually see, then they that they know they believe in god. Uh, but I, I, I had this talk with this woman, this other medium, and that's what she even told me. She said, uh, she said you need to have a sit down, talk with god and decide if you're going to move forward with this or not. And I said move forward to what? And she said oh, Daniel, you're just an untrained medium. And I said, OK, I guess whatever. But so by the time my wife and I got home, because we talked about it, I even said to my wife so I'm supposed to have this talk with God. I said, how do I do that? And she said to me because, and I said, yeah, I guess I just do I have this feeling within me that something's there. I know something's there, so I'll just go in and I'll have a talk with him.
Speaker 2:And when I sat down, I went into the bedroom and I sat down and I turned out the lights and I said, Bud, if this is what you want me to do, I'll do whatever you want me to do, but I need some help. I mean, I see these spirit and these ghosts and all this stuff I'm being told that are coming to me because they want my help. I said I don't know how to help them. I said I need help to help them, but I'll do it. If you want me to, I'll do it. 110%. I said I even I said it plain out I'll go wherever you want me to go, I'll be wherever you want me to be and I will do whatever you want me to do. Uh, you know, if you want me to work for you, that's what I'll do. But I need some help and if you will bring me that help, then I'll it'll. I'll be shown that way of direction that I need to go in and I will stay on that path. That's what I will do. I walked out of that room. I said to my wife okay, it's done.
Speaker 2:And I, at that point I was seeing a lot of scary stuff going on in my house. I mean, uh, the people next to me. I mean, if you think the movie, uh, the poltergeist was bad, well, that's what they were living next to, and they were aware of it too, Cause they would tell me some things and I go, eh, it's not a big deal, but that's what was going on in my house. The very next day it stopped. It stopped, I mean, cause it was going on for two weeks solid, really bad, but it stopped.
Speaker 2:And then it's a lot of that negativity started to fade away, but I was now opening myself up to everything. That's the thing about having my, my ability. People think, oh, I want to, I want your ability. No, you want the cool part of my ability, you don't want the rest of it. You think you're opening up a can of chicken noodles but you're opening up the worst can of worms ever, because once you open yourself to anything and everything, that's everything.
Speaker 2:There's not a day that doesn't go by that I don't see negative energies doing horrible things to other energies all the time. It's like a horror movie that you can't turn the TV off with and I have to witness that. But in order to be able to do what I do, that also has to be within my life in order to do it, because I'm opening myself up to get messages from spirit. So yeah, so I went through that process and then he brought people into my life. There was somebody who I had tried to contact six months before that emailed me and I was like wow that's been a while and she said I have an intuition group, you should come.
Speaker 2:And I went to the intuition group and then, within going a couple of times, she said I'm putting a group together with these experienced mediums. I want you to come because you've got a lot going on and I, we, I think we can help you. And that's what I did. And then when I went to that group, I went to that group for a year. They helped me.
Speaker 2:I got a message one time it's funny, I get a message and it's and it says I want you to sit down with Siobhan. I'm hearing a voice in my. I said I want you to sit down with Siobhan and I want you to ask her if it's okay and then to clear out your minds and hold out your hands and have her hold your hands and then watch what happens. And I was like okay. So I went and then I said that to her and she said, yeah, sure, and I put my hands out and I cleared out my mind and then and one of the ladies said are you getting ready to channel? And I was like what the hell is that? I didn't know what it was, because I didn't know what any of this was. I was just a guy who was being a lot of spirit and a lot of things were happening to him all the time.
Speaker 2:It's gotten to the point now where, since I have stayed on that path and continued on that path, I got a message about six years ago that said if I listen, trust and follow through with everything they tell me to do, I will never get into another car accident again and I haven't, not once. I haven't had an accident, I haven't had a close call, nothing but because I dedicated myself to doing what he has asked me to do. Now I'm in communication with what we would refer to as archangels. They're not men with wings and shields and swords. And I say refer to, because the stories that you hear is not what they are. They're not. Most of them don't even look like people. They don't look like. If you actually saw what they actually look like because they can manipulate themselves in order to make you feel at ease If you saw what they actually look like, you would run away scared. Yes, you would run away scared.
Speaker 1:I saw like images where they try to describe like in the Bible. I think it's when John writes about what it is. They look like, they have eyes all over and very interesting shapes. I don't know. You mentioned they look almost like praying mantis some of them.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I see Eight-point praying mantis, and some of them look humanoid and some look human and some of them don't look like anything I could ever describe to you, because it's nothing that we would know of, so it would be almost monstrous at some point. So, yeah, but I know who they are and what they are and what they do, and what they do for me and what they do for everyone else, and they bring a sense of peace and calmness around and trying to manipulate our thoughts and get rid of all this negativity within our lives so we can focus on helping each other and taking care of each other.
Speaker 1:So those angels hang out around us Like they're out trying to help us too.
Speaker 2:No, okay, no, they don't. Yeah, there are archangels and there are angels, but they are not helping you to go get a cup of freaking coffee. That's not what they're doing, they're doing big picture effects.
Speaker 1:What about the big picture element of this spiritual battle? I have concepts of theories which I'd love you to confirm or say. That's not how that fucking works. Do you know who they're?
Speaker 2:battling. They're battling us, right, they're battling us.
Speaker 1:This is the theory that I have on. This is like the, the whole concept, even the movie constantine, where they talk about it's influencing it's the game, but the game is choice you know, and so they're gonna try and like, influence your choice and influence the choice and they'll move in through different ways. And I believe you know, even if lucifer figure were to do things, even if that concept was to say there was a devil, the idea itself would be.
Speaker 2:No, there isn't.
Speaker 1:But the idea of the influence would come in through pleasure. The influence would come in through what do you want? Correct, you know. And so these are the games that we are being the pawns of. But is there like there are evil spirits and there are good spirits?
Speaker 1:There are and they're going like are you going to make this choice, or are you going to make this choice and the free will seems like it's the game? Now I don't know the currency. Now there seems to be currency. In soul there seems to be currency in spirit.
Speaker 2:Free will is the actual answer. That's all. It's just depends upon which answer you want to give. Is there a currency?
Speaker 1:though. Is there some sort of like get your soul? Is there some sort of currency? Or is there like what's the point of the?
Speaker 2:game then to say, like, what free will or what choice we make if there is no currency in spirit or soul? Because the end game is to go home and stay home. It's not to keep coming back over and over and over again. It's not to have the multiple amount of lives you have those multiple amount of lives in order to figure out your lessons learned but you're here for a purpose and your purpose is not becoming a doctor or a lawyer or a teacher. It is not an occupational choice. You are going to fulfill your purpose by doing one thing by being human and our purposes.
Speaker 2:We're here to help each other just for the sake of helping, not because you can, but because you should, in a way where you're going to help someone to do something they can absolutely not do for themselves, or you're helping them to figure it out. In a way like if you're driving down the street and you see a cat in the middle of the road and you could say, oh well, let me get that cat out of the road and let me maybe help get it to someone or get it to a doctor or help it out, or you're going to be one of those people who goes, ah, fuck that cat, because I'm late for work. Well, if you're late for work, you know what you do. Get up earlier, because you're a piece of crap, and go do something. Help. That's what you're here to do. You're here to help everyone and we are all here to help each other, take care of each other and share everything in the world, because there's enough of everything.
Speaker 2:And take away the idea of currency in this world, because the true currency in this world that no one can seem to get past this and the problem with the other currency is we base our currency on what? Rocks and paper you know, you've heard of it dollar bills and gold and diamonds. That's what we base our currency on. But the true currency in this world is us, because the true value is us, because without us, those rocks and papers have no value whatsoever. The things you have the six cars and seven houses and ten boats have no value unless it is within your grasp, and without you it's just stuff. That's where the true value is.
Speaker 1:I agree with you. You go so fast. I think people listening will miss that. You drop like four bombs in there, like there's big bombs of meaning of life and purpose to school.
Speaker 1:I don't disagree with any of the stuff you're saying, it's just. I just don't want to also diminish the power of what you're saying because it's so quickly and so there's a lot of potency in the things that you're saying, like the currency of us, which is soul, or connection or heart or love yes, love. You know the things that make us and then the value of meaning that we bring to things, which is the only currency that that stones or items or things have comes from the meaning that we give them, the value that we feel about them. Again, currency for us, then, would be feeling or heart, or connection, or sharing, or whatever it would be.
Speaker 1:The currency seems to be intangible and I don't want to go through too fast on that because, hey, wait a second. The meaning of life isn't my occupation or my things. I've gathered. It's going to be in connection and corrupt. You're like, wait a second, why is so many things right now trying to still? I still want to get back to that. If there are dark forces to try to make us so what we have to keep doing this game over and over again. What do they get from that? Like? What is? What currency is there from them?
Speaker 2:So energy is, the is the currency for that, and what I mean by energy is these negative energies, what we would call demons and devils and all that stuff. They they are the same thing as we have demons and devils here. We just call them shitty people. That's what we call them, and these are the people who are shitty people, and then, when it comes time for them to die and go away, they see that light. They could walk into that loving place or they could stay here in this low energy place and a lot of them do and they become these negative energies.
Speaker 2:Not everything there is negative, because I see dogs and cats and horses and cows and fish walking around, doing all kinds of stuff too. So they, a lot of those are just lost because they don't realize they've died, because when you step up out of your body you don't always realize that you have died. But a lot of them know where they are because they understand that, they see everything changing here, because they can see. You know, cars from 50 years ago don't look like cars now. So they understand that part of it, but they still don't have a sense of time. But they themselves who are in that lower energy place even regular beings that are people and dogs, cats, horses, goats, fish. They have to have energy there because there's not a lot of energy to survive off of it, so they have to collect it. And I see it. No other medium is going to talk about this, rick, because you know why? Because they don't see it and they're full of shit. That's why there's bands of energy that go through there that look like rivers and they have to walk up to that river and they have to cock their head back and go into a dream state like, and collect it. And then they collect it. And then why don't we understand it here? Because you don't do it here. That's why. But you do do it here. Why? Because when you get triggered from someone else who's being angry at you, you pick up on their injury and go into their bad energy place. We do it here, but we just do it in a different way. Right and now.
Speaker 2:So those negative ones, the real bad ones that I see all the time.
Speaker 2:When I see them or when I'm doing a reading with someone, I see there's like red mist around somebody. That's the negative people that are alive. But when I see an actual being who's glowing red. That's a negative energy. He needs a lot more and he needs negative energy in order to survive, so he can get some of it off the people that are there in this low energy realm, off the people that are there in this low energy realm, but he knows where Smorgasbord is and they come through here and they stand around us. I mean the people who tell you that, oh, I have a haunted house, oh, my God, there's so much going on and all this stuff. The other part that they're not telling you is that person is a piece of crap and that's why it's going on, because they are the negative buffet that's enabling no spirit to come through and collect all this negative energy off of them, at the same time giving them a little bit of negative energy so they stay negative, so they will remain a buffet for them.
Speaker 1:Here's a term that I use because I know that we have kind of like the judgmental element of like that person's a piece of crap. We can say it could be observational, but a lot of times I've noticed with there are people who have intent and get pleasure from hurting people Like there are those people Right because it makes them feel good. Correct.
Speaker 2:It makes them feel good inside.
Speaker 1:But I would say a vast majority.
Speaker 2:Well, it gives them a sense of power, Like the person who comes and says, oh, they gossip about everybody, and you know that person. Before that point where they're all well, they like, oh, I don't want to talk to them because they're not like us, and blah, blah, blah, blah. But then when they come in with all the gossip, oh, and then that since they got that, now they got something sense of power, which gives them that sense of joy and they keep on doing it Agreed and that's judgmental demolition or reputation demolition, the gossiping and the tearing other people down to connect.
Speaker 1:Now the reason.
Speaker 1:I bring this up is, instead of saying, well, they're a piece of shit. What I've realized is is, if you look at the behavior even let's just stick with the gossip, judgmental demolition I'm going to judge them and tear them down to make me feel better. That would mean that I'm going to bring you to an energy level that I can connect with, in which case, if my connection level is hate, if my connection level is talking shit about other people, if my connection point is let's say bad things about others because I can connect with saying bad things like bad things as a connector, what it is is showing really how damaged or hurt I am. Because if the only connector point that I can connect with you is negativity, that shows what I talk about myself in the mirror and the reality is it reveals you to yourself. Because the only point that I can connect with another person, even spiritually or emotionally, is through hurt, and that means I'm hurt, is through hurt and that means I'm hurt.
Speaker 1:So I would probably say there are maybe I'd probably even put a small percentage of people who truly desire and get pleasure from hurting other people. There are that, but I would say a majority of people are just hurt people by other hurt people, and it's a generational thing of I just don't know how to get out of the hurt of this, and that's the only connector point that I've got, in which case I believe those ones is trainable, that, like you said, the choice to be a piece of shit. Well, some people are just hurt and that's where I think the negative energies would be like Ooh, this one is vulnerable because they're hurting.
Speaker 2:Absolutely, because they're hurting.
Speaker 1:Well, this is hurt because that's the denial system of. I can't deal with this pain. I need a distraction away from it. And that's where the drugs, and that's where the alcohol, that's where you know any number of vices.
Speaker 2:I can go down the list of distractions, right, but this is what society has supplied us with the drugs and the alcohol, and the hurt as well.
Speaker 1:We've got porn, We've got TV shows. We've got. You know, blame it on my family. We porn, we've got TV shows, we've got blame it on my family.
Speaker 2:We've got social media, we've got spouses. We've got the work. Please don't down the porn, rick, just kidding.
Speaker 1:It's all got a purpose. Get your distraction, but even positive things like overworking is a distraction, or even fitness, or the comparisons. There are all these different things that people are doing right now because we're hurt, and these are the vices that we'll go to because we're not okay, and that's why the grieving element is so important, because it seems like these dark spirits or, like you said, the red beings. I've never seen them. This is your gift. I do not.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you don't want that gift that part's not a gift.
Speaker 1:Listen, my gift is gnarly as it is, so like I don't even want to play with your side. Mine size already pretty tough and so as far as I'm with you on, there's a negative element of having this gift. I am very weird and so, with nobody wants some of the things that we see and some of the things that are there, it's really difficult to um, have people just go you're a piece of shit on this one, like, like you were trained to be a piece of shit but you don't have to be, and I think I just want to put this like this, this, this hope that's in there, because most people are just hurt people. Most are hurt people. It's very, very it's very rare that I run into somebody whose joy is damaging folks. It's very rare.
Speaker 1:That that's where I love to feel the best when I hurt people, and that just shows also how severely broken they are. And so most people if they just learn how to do grieving. There's a lot of disorders that I have completely removed from people's lives Bipolar disorders and PTSD and anxiety, depression. These things are even the unaliving thoughts Like the things where, like I want to, I don't like myself or I'm not okay or I want to hurt me, and these things are all beatable. If we can just change some of the narrative around, I guess the way we judge others it's like you're a piece of shit going like damn you're really hurt.
Speaker 2:It's not saying you're a piece of shit going like damn you're really hurt. They don't want you to have any trust and faith within yourself to be able to do anything, because they want you to believe that they can take care of you and they'll do everything for you, while supplying this negativity to you at the same time. The drugs and the alcohol and the porn and everything else and the bad, horrible news and everything's murder and rape and all this other stuff going on all the time, and everything's murder and rape and all this other stuff going on all the time, and they want to compound it on top of you all the time with 90% of that, with only 10%, oh, I can help you, but you still got to live through all this other crap too.
Speaker 1:Okay, here's the thing?
Speaker 2:We have them out there, we have they. They tell you one day to wear this type of shoe and they tell you the next day to wear this type of shoe. And they tell you this next day to wear this type of shoe. And they tell you to eat bacon one day and they tell you to eat not, not, not eat bacon the next day. The problem is, is they, they? What they need to do is they need to shut the hell up, but what we need to do is we need to stop listening, and that's the big problem. Well, you're talking about.
Speaker 1:you're talking about inquiring, yeah.
Speaker 2:Not the they them, yeah, and what? Well, the they them is the royal they or the presidential they or everybody else who's in control of us, or the populace of the big corporations and big drug companies and all that. They, the oil companies, they own everybody.
Speaker 1:Everybody is a slave to this world. You're talking about the big they, not the gender they. No, no, no they not the gender they no, no, no yeah not the yeah.
Speaker 2:When I see spirit, I see men and women. Now, I see other beings, and I'm not exactly sure what they are, because a lot of times they're whatever, hide something. I see men and women. Now, what I don't see is I don't see anybody discriminating each other, because I see women making out and I see men making out. And I see men and women making out, and I don't just see them making out, they're doing everything else too, and I see it all. And then people think, oh, they really do that. Yes, they really do that, because love is still love, because love has no boundaries. So, yes, but there's no one there. I mean, do you have any tattoos, rick?
Speaker 1:I do. Yeah, I got a couple tattoos.
Speaker 2:Well, good, you can enjoy them now, because when you turn into spirit, you don't have them. That's cool.
Speaker 1:I'm okay with that.
Speaker 2:So what you also don't take is you don't take your individual. I'm going to be this gender and I'm going to be that gender, the or not going to be that gender. The one thing you will have is I don't make the rules, but I explain the rules. If you're here in this day and age and you're changing your parts, I'm telling you you're coming back Because God created a perfect body and he wanted you to learn the lessons that you needed to learn in your body, and you could choose to go and put a penis on you, but you could always choose not to. It's an interesting thing.
Speaker 1:I've actually done work with people who have gender identity. I've helped people through really difficult stuff and to also accept and love who they are and how they are, and it's actually been very effective, and so this is obviously— Want me to explain that.
Speaker 2:What's that? Want me to explain gender identity?
Speaker 1:Well, you can.
Speaker 2:Gender identity? I can, because you may come into this world as a woman maybe six or seven times, and then that seventh time you come in as a man. Why wouldn't you have feelings of a woman? Because it's the same soul.
Speaker 2:Same soul you have, so many experiences, so many lifetimes, that you come into this world you are sometimes a man and sometimes a woman, and you are them all the time and your soul picks up the experiences of each one of those lifetimes and it doesn't. It doesn't the soul. I'm doing a show, pretty soon called the Unintuitive, about these people who want you to believe that they can do everything for you Again like the subject we're talking about but they can't do it for you. And they're the ones who say well, I can take away your past life trauma. That doesn't happen. That can't happen, it's not possible Once you leave here and the reason you are here is because you've been to heaven and, just like the other 7.5 billion people, you had to come back.
Speaker 2:Once you leave here and you go home to heaven, all that trauma, all the hurt, all the negativity, everything gets washed away and then you come back into a new body with the same soul, but the soul has all the experiences and has everything that it learned, but it does not have pain, nor does it hold pain, and it's not going to bring old pain that it no longer has into a new body to learn new lessons and fulfill that purpose. So everyone who says that, oh, I can take your past life trauma away. It's bullshit. They're just trying to take your money from it. But yeah, these things, once you go home to heaven, it all gets washed away. You don't get it back. So you know so.
Speaker 2:But you are here to learn these lessons and you are here to figure out that. You know God sent you here in a. You're here to do things as that man, but nowadays, you know we have been doing that for hundreds and thousands of years. But now, in the past hundred years, now, all of a sudden, we're allowed to change our genders. Why? Because people want individuality. That's what they want. But you're already an individual. You don't need to change the outside, because it's not going to change the inside. The inside soul is learning about what the outside self is going through.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I'm going to lean in with you on the acceptance element of it, because even when I've worked with people who are working through the transgenderisms I've talked to people in multiple phases and in multiple levels, and there's a couple of things also too is to be able to have acceptance of your individuality without feeling like you're a mistake. And that's one of the big curses I see is that people in that, in that sphere, are told that somehow you are built wrong, like, somehow you are wrong, you were made wrong and and that's a really, that's a really difficult thing is because, like I study also the psychology of what's happening is, if you believe that you are built incorrectly, you are wrong, not necessarily that you have a, you know, a male with feminine traits or a female with male traits, because, like, it's very true, like even what person who I regard as like a, like a family person to me? Um, female, but it's like I have very male beliefs and feelings and thoughts. I'm like I was definitely a dude in a past life or a dude soul in a female body. Yeah, what would you be? There was a big dissonance that they were struggling with until I could get them to see like you are by no means a mistake, you are an amazing person, you aren't a mistake and they could work on acceptance of self. They still have those thoughts of like.
Speaker 1:I still enjoy very male tendency, I enjoy doing male things, even in my female body, but I have acceptance of self and love of self and that was a very powerful moment and breakthrough for, like people who go through those things to go, I'm actually not a mistake and if that belief system is there that I am in the wrong body. They were looking at the unaliving rates of that. Even post-body change, post-surgery, was still over 50%, which means even after you change the exterior, you still feel like I am a mistake. Even after you change the exterior, you still feel like I am a mistake and that's a higher death rate than Holocaust survivors and slavery. Like there was a lower unaliving rates in those type of traumas than there are as I am born a mistake that has a higher unaliving rate than anything else and that is a very interesting thing, but they don't know that they're a mistake until someone told them they are Correct.
Speaker 1:You have to be sold and have a belief system that you are born wrong and that's an interesting sales pitch Right.
Speaker 2:So some huge car salesman told that you are wrong Again. Accept that self. Stop accepting what other people say to you.
Speaker 1:You don't have to listen to them.
Speaker 2:You can turn them off you can walk away.
Speaker 2:You have to challenge everything you can say you know what? Again, it's the society. This all comes down to. Society teaching us not having any trust and faith within ourselves to be ourselves, not trusting yourself that you can do and be and go out and do whatever you want in this world without anyone else telling you that you can't. But when you listen to them, that's why they are the way they are now, because they listen to them. They bought us. Well, you know, the only person you can right and the only person you can blame for that is themselves, for buying it well, but they want to know, yet they want to like we can't, we can't we, yeah, but we can't have a defense against things we don't understand like we can't.
Speaker 1:we can't. We can't have a defense against things we don't understand, like we can't make choices that we don't know about yet. You know, like being a child being told that you're, you're a problem because you were born the way you were born. They're like I don't have a way to challenge that. Yet I'm still a kid. I don't have the development yet to really go against a parent or a mentor or a teacher or a coach or an adult in any phase to go, like I can say, at a seven-year-old mind I can actually challenge these belief systems. Like I guess I must be bad because a person who's in charge or supposed to guide, protect and take care of me, is telling me I was born incorrectly. This is why it's difficult because, like, as much as I want to go take accountability, you seven-year-old, well, they don't have the tools yet because the only people teaching them are corrupting them, right, but that's where it comes down to the accountability, we need to teach differently.
Speaker 2:We are still stuck on teaching our children about fairy tales, about you're going to find a prince and you're going to find a princess, or maybe you're a prince who wants a prince. You know what, Whatever going to find a princess, or maybe you want, maybe you're a prince who wants a prince, or you know what, whatever it's, a, whatever you feel is best for you is best for you, and what's best for you isn't always best for someone else. But we are, we are. We are putting too many standards out there that you have to be a certain way. We still have uh, we still have models going out and running the runway and that you have to be this big around. You can't be this big around, you know, and you have to be this big around. You can't be this big around. We are pushing too much of this.
Speaker 2:But yet everyone's coming out and saying but you're doing this all to me. No, we're not doing it to you. Yes, you are, we are doing. The cause and effect thing is we are causing it and this is the effect and the only people who we can blame for that is everybody. Why? Because we are allowing it to happen Again because we are listening to. They do it to us and we are allowing it to happen. So when are we going to stop allowing that to happen and actually stand up and say you know what? Enough is enough. You're killing my whole generational family. You're killing my friends, my kids, everything out there, because you want to have power and control over me. That's what you're doing. So when do we stand?
Speaker 1:up. Well, it's a tough calling, because the concept of standing up will require organization, and even that by itself is difficult to do without using a program that's run by they. And so that's difficult to do, because anytime people have said, hey, this is wrong, and so that's difficult to do, because anytime people have said, hey, this is wrong, well, then that also gets shut down. You'll be, you know, shut down completely. And we've also seen certain like there's a what was the name of it? It was a parlor, something like that. There was a social media that was supposed to be pushing free speech Like anyone can do free speech here, and you know, it was really glazed over with the they that exists, that. That was a company that was like hey, we're going to do a social media network where you can have free speech. Doesn't seem like a big deal, right? They're all supposed to do that, right? They don't?
Speaker 2:Well, in which case?
Speaker 1:that's when you saw Voltron show up. I call Voltron, with all the lion bots put back together, became Superbot. And what happened was then you saw Facebook, twitter, amazon, apple, google they all Lionbotted together to form an alliance that erased this company off of everything. Deleted the company, which is highly illegal to do, sure like, deleted the company, which is highly illegal to do, to just erase Sure like the electric companies, Yep.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the same thing the electric companies did to Tesla Same thing yeah.
Speaker 1:Well, the concept of I want to start a free speech company, then having all of these companies break the law blatantly and government going the fuck are we supposed to do? If that Voltron ever went towards the government, they could shut. What the fuck are we supposed to do? If that Voltron ever went towards the government, they could shut us the fuck down.
Speaker 2:And they could If Apple, Google, the only way you could truly bypass that is not having it on social network or any type of internet, because that's where it will absolutely get shut down. It didn't get shut down before we had the internet because you didn't hear about it, because it was just certain groups in areas, and that's how it truly grew. It just spread out the other ways and that's why we had the war against the North and the South, because one section said I don't believe in us and the other one said we didn't have an Internet to get it shut down, because if they had it, they would have shut it down.
Speaker 1:That is true, internet to get it shut, shut down, because if they had it, they would have shut it down. That's true. Well, this gets back to the question of like well, if that voltron exists, what do we? What? How do we? How do we stand up again against that? Like, how do we? How do we do it?
Speaker 1:I'm not saying don't, but if we have a thing that goes like oh, you guys have a site where you guys all communicate to make sure that you guys are able to, you know, make, make a stand or protest or, you know, work against, so we own that, we can just delete that. And then now you have to start all over again and so we'll use emails, then like, yeah, but we own the emails, so we'll just delete your email account. Fuck, all right. Well, what about if I want to have a rally together? They're like well, yeah, how would you send it to everybody? Because I can just delete you from that too. And you're like fuck, how do I do it? And that's going to be the battle. I think that's going to be. If people are going to do it right, how do we do it when all of the networks like even to have an app to be able to do that is owned by Amazon. The servers are owned by Amazon.
Speaker 2:To get everybody to show up in one single place and for everybody to leave their electronics at home. Yeah, that's how you do it.
Speaker 1:We've got to use the electronics to get them there, though.
Speaker 2:Damn it Right. You form a different type of group that has nothing to do with it and then eventually, when you get there to the meeting, you say, well, hey, everybody, this is what's going on. This is what we're going to do. We're going to change this whole group. It's going to be a different form of communication. We're not going to be using electronics to do our form of communication. We'll actually do the way that people used to do it a long time ago. You know, talking to each other. That's what we can do, and if we have to, we'll do it in code, because, you know, do you remember who was it?
Speaker 2:The Windtalkers. The Windtalkers back in, I think it was the First World War or Second World War. It might have been the First World War, but the Windtalkers were Indians and they were using code in their Indian language to get messages across to other countries and stuff like that, because they were taught how to do it. Not only they knew how to do it, and that's why we won part of the war there.
Speaker 2:You know, it's not that we should be going to war for anything, because we shouldn't, because we're all just people. We all live on the same planet. No one's going anywhere anytime soon. So we better start to get along with each other before we annihilate each other. So we have a group that we get together and you'll eventually, just like any other group, you'll have to weed out the people who just don't belong in the group and then find other people, because they're going to find other people too. And then if you want to get this group to grow, you have to go out and find your people and that's one of the things I was talking about.
Speaker 1:You got to find your people. Yeah, it is a big challenge, but it's got to start somewhere right, of course. No, I'm not disagreeing. There's going to, there's got to be a movement, it's just going to have to be such an interesting.
Speaker 2:I don't think we're disagreeing about anything here.
Speaker 1:No, we're not so far, I'm with you. So, as far as this one goes, you said something very quickly and I also want to go back and grab it up, because it's important to understand this sentence, because I don't think people even know what the word means. You said that love beats all. Like love can transcend and beat everything. Love is, it'll beat all of it, and I don't know if people are able to grasp the beatles. Had it right?
Speaker 1:Yeah, all you need is love, and so like correct with this thing, or even I think einstein had a thing where, like, the answer is love, like that's like the thing where it's like that's a thing. Now I, now, because I've been able to open my heart, open my soul and connect with people, I now understand love at a completely different level, like, and now that I get it, I'm like, I get it. But I talk to people on a daily basis who try to do love and don't know how to be in love or connect in love, or be open in love and go. Oh my God, now they're also they don't have enough love around them.
Speaker 1:Well, even if they did, they wouldn't know how to receive it because their hearts are still like a strainer and so, even if given to them, it just pours out of them instead of being able to actually hold the love they're given. And so they would reject the love anyways because they don't like thyself or know thyself enough to even receive. And so repressed hearts or suppressed hearts or closed off, you know, energies of themselves would make it. So even if they had the best of love, they still wouldn't know what to do with it. I think that there's an element there that if we were really able to kind of go into and this is going to sound probably silly, almost like a modern hippie concept, more of a controlled than a reckless version of it of like no we love each other.
Speaker 2:Like. People say like, but I'm not.
Speaker 1:I don't love and then not work. I don't love and then not bathe. I don't love and then not take care of my business. I don't love and become, you know, a pacifist in the way that I'm fucking useless. I can still protect and honor and love and take care of people. I'm still proficient. I just choose when to be dangerous because I don't have to be there all the time, you know. And so the idea of love beating all there are entities right now and I want to kind of throw it out there into the thing where let's go into ways that people are tapping into spirituality, ways that people are tapping into connecting with love, gets into the taboo conversations I've had with many people of psychedelics, whether it be psilocybin or MDMA or LSD, these types of DMT, these things where people are doing things to be able to.
Speaker 2:False tactics, false tools that are going to get you. Yeah, I was on somebody's. I was watching a friend of mine who was doing a show and she's also a medium. She had these two guys on there who were telling people that if you did mushrooms you could tap into psychic, you could tap into spirit. I said absolutely not. You're going on a psychedelic trip. That's all you're doing. It's clouding the mind and everything. That's the biggest filter People don't, they can't get past is they think the mind is everything, but the mind is nothing. The brain doesn't do anything. As far as, as far as you being you, the brain does one thing it makes all the little parts work. So all the things that all the scientists are telling you, that this temporal lobe and all that other bullshit that's holding everything and all your memories. If that was the truth, then how come people come to me to talk to their mom and dads who are in spirit, yet those spirits don't have a brain anymore?
Speaker 1:I think it's a different thing. So this is this is the only thing so far I can say. I can challenge a little bit with you, while, while I would say very untrained and escapism, and people who do it and just think that, like you do this with no training and no understanding, that you now tap into psychic abilities, I am right, that's fucking silly. I'm with you because, like, that's not how I've experienced any of these things. Um, also, I follow, like rick doblin and people who work at lycos and trying to do the therapeutic element, for they're using mdma, for example, and getting ridiculously good results.
Speaker 2:Because it's not because they're tapping into spirit stuff but it helps you work through acceptance. But they can only I get it all the time and I don't use anything.
Speaker 1:Not the same thing. This is where I think we have to be clear on, like the clarity of it. I don't believe that any of the. I don't believe psilocybin or MDMA gives you superpowers or makes you have a new ability. I don't agree with that. So that part of somebody is saying if I do take a mushroom then I will also have Daniel's ability I don't agree with that. That doesn't work that way. But does it open up elements of your spirit or soul that you may have had repressed or closed off to be able to say, like even what? Your capability, just as your soul, does it open up those elements of closed doors?
Speaker 2:I have experienced that it doesn't mean I have your abilities Right, but in the same way that alcohol will take all your inabilities away to act like a crazy being and walk around and say the things you normally wouldn't say and do the things you normally wouldn't do.
Speaker 1:Maybe to a degree, but not the same, because alcohol makes me feel sick, like I don't feel good For you, but not everybody Right? Well, if you drink enough of it, you'll be very sick, and so like Well, yeah, yeah, you can get alcohol.
Speaker 2:Poisoning Sure.
Speaker 1:Right. So a cybin though I've even taken very, very high doses and been able to just go into those inner space like the past life stuff or understand thyself, or I've gone in and done like dungeon work how deep can I get in here to know thyself?
Speaker 2:And I've done the things that people say are supposed to be scary, but the past life things are no longer the past life, things are no longer thyself, because thyself is thyself now. The past lives that you lived were important when you were living them, but they're not important now, because if they were so important, you wouldn't be here now. You would be back at home, staying at home. The reason you're here is because you didn't get it done at what you were supposed to do, and that's why you're back again. But those past lives people want to do past lives because they want to have a story about. Oh, I was related to a king or a queen. Well, you want to relate to somebody who stood on the backs of other people who are pieces of crap.
Speaker 1:No, Agreed that part I agree with you too. I agree the past.
Speaker 2:It doesn't need to be worked on, agreed, but that stuff doesn't need to be worked on because you've already done it already. Nor am I saying I was working. It's like the same thing as your past.
Speaker 1:I wasn't working on past life. It was more acknowledgement of experience. Not necessarily I need to do work there. So there's a but. There's a thing, though, because I had to challenge your concept of is there a past life thing? Well, there were. Now can I go through and work on the past life thing or be like live in that life? No, that's already passed, I agree with you.
Speaker 2:There's no need to. It's already over Done. Yeah, just like you don't want the things from your past showing up on your future job application.
Speaker 1:Same thing, sure, but the point is is it was there. So I would confirm that what you were saying wasn't fucking crazy, because there was a thing there. Now that was weird. The knowledge was there. There was a knowledge there. I was like, okay, that's interesting because. And then some of the stuff that Daniel Jackson who's supposed to be full of shit said is actually there. And then you're like, okay, maybe he's not full of shit, because I found some of the stuff he said was there. Now, does that mean that's who I am? Or a past life is now my story? I didn't get enough information for that. Again, it didn't give me superpowers, it just goes those things aren't there.
Speaker 2:The other part that would tell you that I'm not full of shit is I did it without doing anything. Again, I just did it by being me and having the ability to do it without having to have something else to enhance it.
Speaker 1:Not taking away from your power. That's not by no means. But I do not have that gift, I don't have that ability. But I won't say that there isn't something.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I also have the ability of having to take out the trash every night too.
Speaker 1:That's good. Listen, there's a lot of women who are like can you teach my husband? So, as far as this one, though, I'm just I'm giving um validity to some of the things that you said. But I also am not taking away from what you do, because by no means can I tap into what you do, no matter how much I fucking do.
Speaker 2:I can tap, I don't have to tap in to do it. For me, it's here all the time, like right now, as I'm talking to you and saying I don't have to tap in, I don't have to tap into it. I'm being touched on my face, so it's, it's always there for me. I do know other mediums, who, who, who can turn it on and turn it off. I cannot do that, but I also, I'm also able to do things they cannot do because they are not meant to have it on all the time.
Speaker 2:So, and and these other people have to tap into it or to have to do something in order to jumpstart it, in order to tap into it. And that's the difference between myself and them, where all I have to do is ask. I don't have to take anything or inject anything in order to get myself into a state, in order to ask those things or in order to do that work. But what I'm here to tell everybody is they those things or in order to do that work, but I'm what I'm here to tell everybody is that they can do that without having to do that. But the way that you're telling, saying it is again it's the easy way, I don't know.
Speaker 2:But you're not going to get it. You're not going to get it right, it's not. But you're not going to get true clarity by doing it. You're going to get a filtered block.
Speaker 1:I'm going to challenge just a little bit because if you go in untrained, without purpose and without understanding, it's going to be just blindly walking around. That thing I will definitely agree with you. If somebody goes in without a guide or without understanding or without training, it's a waste of fucking time. You're not wrong. They're just going to aimlessly wander around with no purpose.
Speaker 2:I go with the person who's training also only knows that way and doesn't know the actual, true way to do it either. So the person it's like the blind leading the blind is what you're getting there.
Speaker 1:Maybe, and Daniel, this is, this is where I want to take it, just off of you for a second, just like not to take away from any of your gift or strength. I'm going to hit my shut off button, In which case I have to mute myself often too. It's not to say you don't have a special thing.
Speaker 2:That's not to take that away you have some gift I can't tap into, but I have seen I'm the shizzle-dizzle, I know it, you're the shizzle.
Speaker 1:You are the shizzle-dizzle I'm saying. I have seen radical changes in people's ability to work through very hard things and I don't necessarily think that using a psychedelic correctly is the easy way. It's fucking brutal if done correctly, but effective as hell, and I've done in the equivalent of 15 years of traditional therapy. That would be done in eight hours, and so that's not the easy way. That's we're going into a battle way and that type of stuff. I don't necessarily. I wouldn't agree with you. That's easy. Now can I even try to recommend doing what you're doing? That's not even on the table, not one of the options that I even have, because I don't have that gift. I have a discernment gift. I don't have the gift of sight that you have. I have a very different gift and so, being able to tap into what you do, I can't use that gift, and that's where you have a vision, where I have a discernment. I don't have the vision, and so that's a very different vision.
Speaker 2:I get, I get, I get told things.
Speaker 1:And so I'm with you on the getting told things. I get messages that aren't mine all the time, but I don't get them as as uh, the way that you were saying them.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they're not fluent like that. They come usually in the middle of the night and things like that is where I'll get those. So I have a break things down thing. Usually when the veil is at its weakest, like those are the moments where I'll have to get up and I write stuff. And some of my best work and some of my best writing has come from a middle of the night thought that wasn't even mine, so I can't deny or taking a shower, or taking a shit, or taking a shower or taking a shit Pending.
Speaker 1:But even still, I will say that using some of these things and I would argue, I would argue with like deep knowledge of there are certain psychedelics if done correctly, would really eliminate a lot of problems today. Especially, I want to like really push the value of, like the Rick Doblin thing with MDMA. I really do believe, if used correctly, would really take away a lot of the hatred, hurt and pain of like divorce and not knowing and loving each other and it kills love, like love killers. This at least would it be a tool, not the, the cure. Very fucking clear Not the cure, but the tool that could make it so you get out of your way for a little bit and listen to your person with acceptance, instead of stay in the way with needing to control.
Speaker 1:Very useful tool, especially if done with the right people, and that's something I kind of do want to throw out Like. Will it be as effective as speaking to a spirit medium if they don't necessarily understand the belief of what you do or don't get it yet that may also not be effective because people would just disregard truth which, like you said, can't handle the truth.
Speaker 2:And that would be hard, even if you told them Well the reason, it won't be effective. Again, you're inducing them with some type of drug in order to do that, and that's just not the way, because you have a beautiful white light within you. You have a powerful soul within you that has all the knowledge within you, but until you take the time to do the actual dirty work of getting rid of everything else, just drugging yourself again it's not going to help you. No matter if it's the people who say, oh, I can train you to do it, but they themselves don't have the ability to actually do it. They had to find a drug again to do it, and a drug. That's not the way that God wants us to do it Again.
Speaker 2:Life is not meant to be easy. It's meant to be hard, but you're meant to get through it and try to figure out. To get through it and try to figure out. I don't have to do all this bullshit. I can learn to let it go. I can learn to trust and have faith within myself and not listen to anyone else or everyone else tell me that I can't have trust and faith with myself. You can, but you really have to want to do it.
Speaker 2:Some people can be 600 pounds and get down to 100 pounds and some people can't. But you know what? Again, they worked their asses off to get it. If you do it in a false way, you're constantly going to rely on that false way, and that false way is never going to give you true happiness and true love and true joy and true unity with your own self. It's never going to do it. No matter how much we can talk about it and argue about it, it's never going to do it. Because it's a drug. It's not real, it's fabricated. The only thing that's not fabricated is your soul. But you have to be able to fabricate the will and the wantingness to actually get in touch with your soul.
Speaker 1:I'm agreeing with you. It's the semantics of it. I'm agreeing with you, but it's the semantics.
Speaker 2:I'm only giving you a brief part of what I actually do as well. There's other things that once we are off camera, I will tell you about that I actually do, but I can't tell them on camera, Rick I can't.
Speaker 1:I'll scare the crap out of people.
Speaker 2:No, you'll never hear from me again. Oh okay, fair enough. So, and what I'm talking about, and all this stuff that I'm talking about with you, that I talk about with everybody, is about 20 of what I'm able to do, sure and I agree with you especially like when we talk about having the gift of being able to see things.
Speaker 2:But I see, hear, feel and experience things. I see things that no one wants to see and I can't turn it off. But in order to get the answers that I do, I have to have all that. So that's part of the ability. In order to have this part of the ability, when you take the drug.
Speaker 2:You're only getting the one little thing. When you take the drug, you're only getting the one little thing and I'm telling you off camera. Once I tell it to you, you're going to say you're correct, because I'm telling you you don't want the rest of it. You don't. It's not pleasant. Being touched by an archangel is not like the freaking TV show. It's not Now. This is not like the freaking TV show, it's not Now.
Speaker 2:This is what I had to go through. Once every two weeks I would get little cold touches on my body and this is them so that I could see them, hear them, feel them, communicate with them better. They were working on my soul so I could get to where I'm at now. And this was a process and that was something that happened to me in the very beginning. And this was a process and that was something that happened to me in the very beginning. And after those touches I'd wake up and I would be throwing up and shitting everywhere for three or four hours. Then I would heal up and then I'd be okay for about two weeks and then that two week later it would happen again and I would repeat the process and that went on for three years. That's what it takes to be me. That's the kind of commitment it takes to be me.
Speaker 2:I see negative energies walking around all the time. I know from seeing negative energies walk around all the time that if you don't cross over into heaven and you stay here, that's because you still hold your pain, anger, sorrow, guilt, guilt and anguish and you chose to be here. No one can keep you from going one place and say you're going to go to another place. They can't do that. No one can do that for you. Okay, you're doing that by your choice.
Speaker 2:I have seen these negative energies walk around. If you've ever seen a murder mystery movie where someone kills somebody and then they take a police to an outline of the person on the ground, I've seen beings walking around that look like an outline being okay, it's just an outline of a person. There's no face, nothing, and their outline is in white. But that white line goes from white to yellow to red. And then they have these squiggly lines that go through them white to yellow to red. And then they have these squiggly lines that go through them white to yellow to red. And that's a negative energy. And these negative energies were walking around and they were going over the other energies who they needed to steal their energy from, because they're negative ones, and they were choking them and punching them and kicking the shit out of them.
Speaker 2:And so I know that spirit feel pain. So when you're on the other side, on the earthbound side, and another spirit comes up to you and smacks you in the face, you still feel it. That's what you're saying yes to, to going over there. But some of them are just comfortable being there because they don't want to have to come back and live another life again, and that's why a lot of them stay there. Now these things are beating the shit out of them and then dragging them off.
Speaker 2:Now I know there's no such place as hell, but I do know there's an inner, darker, deeper realm of that earth balance place, because I've been there, because archangels have sent me there, and I've gone there in my meditation and seen the most horrible things you'd ever seen your entire life, and I see that every single day. So if you're going to medicate yourself, to go get a power that you, that you think I have, you better sit down and shut the fuck up, because you don't know what you're doing and you're going to cause yourself some problems that you don't know what you're doing. I just talked to a friend of mine who I'm going to do a video about, because she has an ability, and I told her how to take care of that and how to work through it and everything. But she didn't. She went on throughout the years just dabbling in it and dabbling in it. Well, she went to do a meditation and with that meditation she actually did a astral projection that she didn't know she was going into, went into the deep dark realm, heard the voice and the voice called her in and she went to it and then she felt herself going down into a deep dark hole. She was able to actually drag herself out of it and when she finally came out of it, now she's going to the doctors because she's all fucked up and the doctors can't figure out what is going on with her. What's going on with her is she picked up residual energy from this negative energy place and that's affecting her body and she can't get rid of it and the doctors don't know how to diagnose her.
Speaker 2:So you want to mess around with drugs? Go right ahead, but when you get all fucked up from it, that's your fucking fault and that's your problem. And I don't give a shit about you because you chose to do it and you may think it's giving you something, but it's doing more to hurt you than it is giving you something. I'm telling you it's not the way. There is a true way to do it. But again, taking the medications and taking the drugs to do that is an absolute freaking cop out because people don't want to do the fucking work.
Speaker 2:Well, if you want to get joy, if you want to get the pain, free of all the negativity and all the pain, anger, sorrow, grief, guilt and anguish in your life, then you got to do the goddamn work. And taking some supplement or some other expert told you well, this is going to work because I know how it works. You know why he knows how it works, because that's the only way he knows it works, because he doesn't know how to do the other real thing. And that's why there's so many of these other practitioners out there who are teaching you everything is love and light and all that stuff, because they don't know either. And people need to know.
Speaker 2:Life is not easy. It's going to be hard, but you've got to work through it. And if you're not willing to work through it. You're a quitter and I refuse to believe that anybody will just quit and I'm going to do my best in my entire life will just quit and I'm going to do my best in my entire life. The rest I have left is 26 years, because I'm going to die when I'm 83, in the third week of August, on a Wednesday night, on August 18th of 2049. I'm out of here but I'm going to do my damnedest to get everybody on board to let them know they don't have to do it falsely, they don't have to take a drug to do it, they can do it forely. They don't have to take a drug to do it, they can do it for themselves. They can get in touch, but you got to do the work and if you don't do the work, that's not my problem. But I'm going to help everybody out there who actually wants to do the work.
Speaker 1:That's hardcore.
Speaker 2:Hardcore, Daniel. I know it's hardcore, but that's the part that no one wants to hear.
Speaker 1:I don't disagree with you. I do not Just be very clear with you. My entire program is not based on medication. There's no medication in my programs at all.
Speaker 2:The way that you speak about things. I know that's not the truth because you are here to work. Help people to work through it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, you are right, and this is why I say check and see what I do, because it's not the medication element. I actually get people off of medication often. I was just curious on your thoughts on the things that people are saying are doing holistic medication, I could have gave you the easy answer.
Speaker 2:And the easier answer is hey, rick, all that stuff is bullshit, fair enough. But if I just say that, like you were saying earlier, you talk and you go through things and you're dropping bombs and stuff like that and it's going well, I hope they got that bomb because it was one big bomb that is the absolute truth and it's the truth that none, none of the other practitioners out there want to talk to you about. You know why? Because even these practitioners out there, who are other intuitive coaches and intuitive this, they drop the word intuitive like they want you to believe that they are going to get you some divine intervention.
Speaker 2:Intuitive the first two letters intuitive is the letter I-N In meaning in here, your soul is for you. Your intuition is to guide you, not someone else's intuition to guide you. Yours is for you, theirs is for theirs, their intuitive coach business is a business strategy trying to get you in so you can become an acquisition for them, so they can get your money. That's what it's for. Don't listen to them, don't let them fool you into all this bullshit or I can get rid of your past trauma, bullshit and all this stuff.
Speaker 1:No Vast majority. Vast majority.
Speaker 2:And the in intuition issue is also in with this inside view, which is all this other bullshit that you choose to hold on to, and the only way you're going to let it go is you choosing to let it go. But you also choosing to see that if I can't do it myself, yes, it's okay to go find someone else to help you do it. If you do have to see a psychologist, if you do have to see a doctor, if you do have to take some medication to ease it, but still all they're going to do is suppress it, but it's still in there. You've got to let it go. They've got to do the work.
Speaker 2:You know you can go to a doctor and he can give you some pills to suppress your depression, but it's still in there. Or you can go to a specialist who can talk you down from it. You know what you can do. You can learn to talk yourself down from it. You can learn to let it go. You can learn to know I don't have to hold on to this and I don't have to have all that negative energy, have power and control over me. I can learn to let it go and I can take the power back.
Speaker 1:That is actually true.
Speaker 2:That is actually true, that is true, we relinquished the power a long time ago. We relinquished it to kings and queens and now we call them government Because we believe that they're going to take care of us. If you think the presidential race that's going on right now not that I'm going to get political but how many presidencies have you lived through, rick? Because I've lived through a bunch of them and I'm going to live through this one too, because they are not our saviors. They are not going to save you because they don't care about you. They care about you going out and working your ass off so you can put all the money into the system, so they can have it and they can have power and control over you. Why? Because they have all the money to do that, because they have all the big lawyers who can destroy your lives, or you don't have to listen to them. I don't live my life by what they talk about and what they do. I live 12 miles away from Mexico.
Speaker 2:You know Donald Trump was just down here. You know how much of him I saw. I didn't. You know why? Because I don't care. I didn't go down there to see him because he has nothing to do with me or my life. Prices are never going to go down, taxes are never going to go away, everything is going to cost a lot of money and it's going to continue to do that again if we stay along the lines of letting them do it or until we get away from the amenities of this world and decide, hey, let's get back to doing this the way we used to, let's start talking about it, and then eventually that will grow, because that's the only way it's going to happen. We can't do it. We think we're going to go online and talk to everybody and everything's going to be cool, until they go in there and go oh, can't do that, no more, shut your group down, bye.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Oh, what do we do now? Go back to the way that it used to be? That's the way they talked to each other before. Why can?
Speaker 1:Yeah, go, get back in line.
Speaker 2:Because this is too easy. This is too easy. Oh, this is too easy. Hey, I'm going to go to the doctor and get a whole bunch of drugs. That's too easy too. No, I go through pain every day. I have four screws in my back. I got four screws and I'm fused in my lower back. I got neuropathy. I have no feeling from the knees down. This is all pins and needles from the elbows down. But I'm still pushing man. I'm still going through life. I'm getting through it the best I can. I know I'm going to check out and I know it's going to be hard before I check out, but I'm still going to live my life and I'm not going to let everyone else take control of my life.
Speaker 1:I just can't do it. It's about power and control. Badass, dude, that's some warrior talk right there. I like it, that warrior talk. I like when people say that shit, I'm not going to conform, I'm going to keep fighting, I'll keep going.
Speaker 2:That's your show, that's the battlefield. That's your warrior talk. That's me. We say the same things, we just say it in a different kind of way. That's all Correct, I agree, but the good part is we're saying it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's good to have the conversations about it and like again, truth is the fight. Right now, truth is the fight. People struggle with the truth and it's always an honor.
Speaker 2:Man, I'm really glad I got to reconnect with you on stuff and I'm glad also to see like things are evolving very well for you and you said you have a show coming up, right, yes, uh, I have my regular show that I had before called beyond available daniel jackson, me, daniel jackson, that's how I started. I'm crazy, but uh, but uh, yeah, it's going to be out on a? Um, a brand new streaming network. It's going to be coming out soon called ethereal tv. It's a e-t-h-e-r-e-a-l-t-vnet, um, it's, they're they're still working on it, uh, it's. It's taking some time because it is going to be on, uh, roku and fire tv. It's going to be out everywhere, like like a discovery or a history channel, that type of same thing, uh, same direction. But uh, all spiritual tv and it's. And it's not just, uh, um, spiritual people like myself, like mediums and other stuff like that, and healers, but it's also like different cooking shows as well.
Speaker 2:So, because you can't just get rid of negativity just by getting rid of the people, you got to get yourself healthy too. You can't just walk around and go, oh, I'm going to eat Twinkies all day long and get rid of everybody and I'm going to be OK. But you know, or get the crystals and all that stuff and think that's going to do everything. Or get the crystals and all that stuff and think that's going to do everything. You've got to do the entire total package of work. It takes a lot of energy to do that, but you've got to be dedicated to it.
Speaker 2:So there's all kinds of people on this network that are bringing out all kinds of information about it. But it is one of those pay networks, you know, so you have to subscribe to it and stuff like that. But when it's ready, I know it's going to help people. I mean, like I said, they sought me out, they sought a bunch. I actually know some of the people on the network because I've actually been on their shows before, so I know, yeah, so good for them, right. But yeah, it's a really cool place. I was actually on a podcast like three years ago and the people who own the network came to me and said, hey, we need this guy.
Speaker 1:So I'm the guy, so is your show. Is your show going to be prerecorded or will it be like interactive?
Speaker 2:Um, it is prerecorded, but, uh, they can interact with me, uh, if they choose so with me, if they choose so. So if people want to get a hold of me from there, they can. They can make comments, but I also I did a little commercial to let people know if they do have any comments, questions or even show ideas that they want me to do or things that they want me to cover. I have an email address. It's a Daniel at spirit medium, Danielcom. They can, they can email me there and that's how they can get a hold of me, or even they can.
Speaker 2:I have a group on Facebook. It's got like 100 and almost 200 members, something like that. But the only reason it has 200 members though it doesn't have a lot of members is because I don't let everybody on there. So when people like when I talk about spirit touching me and stuff, they touch me and they say yes and that's no, it feels like a tear running down my face for no one across my forehead, and at the last time I talked to you, I think I was up to like 50 or something like that.
Speaker 2:I have 67 archangels that are touching me at all times, and so when I see someone who wants to join the group, I look at the name and I go. Is this person going to be a good person? No, oh. So they're going to cause a bunch of trouble on this page. No, oh, yes, I go. Okay, Click Delete. That's why I have so little members on there, Because I don't want anybody to come on there and have to deal with a bunch of spam or people trying to scam them out or something. So yeah, but if they want to join, they can try.
Speaker 1:We call it troll patrol yeah absolutely.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that patrol when we people come. Yeah, absolutely, yeah, that's a good one. Yeah, I don't have to write that, but yeah, so I go in there and make sure that the people who are who I know are not going to cause trouble are going to be in there and I allow everybody comes in there and talks to each other and then they can ask questions all they want and I'm not very active in there and I will answer their questions. I have no problems answering any questions for anybody, but I just did put a little bit of a disclaimer in there and told people don't come in there and ask the political questions because, again, they don't care about us.
Speaker 1:So we're here to work on ourselves. It's a spirit show. Yeah, we're here to work on ourselves, it's a near show.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's all about working out the inner problems that you have in yourself and concentrating on all that other mess. That is not going to help you do it, and if you are listening to that, apparently you're not listening to me.
Speaker 1:So they're not going to like and subscribe and they won't be able to get in. Yeah, absolutely, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:And if you're concentrating on all that stuff, I don't want you to like and subscribe, because I don't want you to come in, because I want like-minded people who are going to come in, who are trying to work on themselves and trying to get themselves together, because it's going to take a long time for us to get together, but it's got to start somewhere and so I'm doing that with that little group Again. I'll be on eventually Roku and Fire TV with the serial TV network. They can go on Amazon and they can get my book. It's Daniel Jackson, a New Beginning, an Awakening as a Spirit Medium. Just go on Amazon and put that in, daniel Jackson, a New Beginning, an Awakening as a Spirit Medium, and you'll see a picture of a man walking into a bright white light. And that's me.
Speaker 1:It's about my story.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, it's right behind me.
Speaker 1:There you go.
Speaker 2:It's right here. Look at that. Yeah, get it, get your cup of tea. Yeah, I'm actually working on book number two right now. I'm working on a book of what it's like to be me, because people want to know that type of stuff, cause, again, they always come up to me so what's? They always ask my wife so what's it like to live with him? I mean, are you walking on clouds every day? No, I'm taking the garbage out like you do, but I get messages from archangels and gods. So I'm trying to get you to do the same thing with what I'm doing, but you won't listen. So maybe you'll listen this time.
Speaker 2:But yeah, they can find my book. Yeah, I know it just comes out, but yeah, it's like diarrhea, it just comes out of my mouth. I just want to stop talking. But yeah, I mean mean they can find it for eight books, eight bucks eight bucks on there for the paperback and six dollars and 49 cents for the ebook. Or we're actually my wife is building a box right now outside of this room. She's building a box because we're going to do an audio version of the book. But uh, because people they say they like my voice. I mean they say, uh, I have a very soothing voice and I hope it doesn't put him to sleep like it puts my wife to sleep, but yeah
Speaker 2:but hopefully my voice will. It gets across to people. I hear this constantly. I'm not bragging again because I'm not bragging when I say I'm the shizzle-dizzle, I just know I am because I go and do readings once a month up in Tucson. Up in tucson, I'm always the busiest fucking table, I'm always walking out or having to do 17 to 21 readings a day. And why do people know that people always walk in? I just heard you on a podcast. I I feel you resonate with me and I you resonate. I resonate with you because my, because you know that your soul was telling you that I'm telling you the truth. That's why and that's what you need to hear. So, yeah, so I'm always busy because people who you know this, because you do it, because people who tell the truth are always busy.
Speaker 1:I'm very busy.
Speaker 2:That's why.
Speaker 1:Agreed, and that's a big part of today, and it's a good business. They're starving for it, though, starving for truth, they are.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I agree. Right, they really can handle it. But you got to give it to them in a way where there's no bullshit, where you're not like the doctor who gives them a bunch of medical jargon. You want the doctor who tells you the truth. That's what I want to hear, because there's no good news. It just depends upon what you do after that news.
Speaker 2:You can sit around with your thumb up your ass all day long and do nothing, or you can be proactive. But no matter what you do, no matter what you do in your life, there's one thing you must remember what's important is what you do. From the time that you wake up in this world and that baby body and your mom and dad's going, you're going. What your mom and dad's going I'm your mom and dad and you're going oh no, fuck, you are, but okay. And then they teach you the ways of the world and it's up to you to decide which of those ways of the world are the truth and which ones aren't. And it's what you do from the time that you wake up and go until you don't go, and that's what's important on the headstone, your life, go out and don't let the headstone be the marker. You be the marker and let everybody know who you are and what you can do in this life and how much power you can control. You actually have it over yourself, instead of everybody saying they have it over you. They don't have it over you, they have it over you, as long as you allow them to tell you that they have it over you. Stop listening and start listening to that inner self yourself and get in touch with that. But, um, but yeah, there's just people. Just they can handle the truth, but just we've been taught to not all the untruths so much it's hard for them to understand it and it's hard for them to grasp it.
Speaker 2:But here's one truth that everybody needs to understand At some point you're going to die. You just are. Stop walking around telling everybody I can't believe they died. How did they die? He was so healthy. There's two rules in this world. As long as you comprehend the rules and you follow these rules, you'll trust everything in life and you'll love everybody in your life and you'll love your own life. And rule number one is people die every day. And rule number two is you can't change rule number one when it's your time to go, it just is, but don't sit around and do nothing with that. Go out and do something, and do something that's going to help you or help someone else or help something else in this world, because that's what he put us here to do.
Speaker 1:I love it. Can't beat that. Can't beat it in that way. That's a good way to close it out. Dan Jackson, honor to hang out with you, man. Thank you so much for coming on again. I really appreciate you.
Speaker 2:I couldn't wait to get back on here again, couldn't.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's good man. You were one of the people impacts.
Speaker 2:I like that one yeah, well, you're one of the people that I want to get back on right away, because you're one of those people for me as well I love it, man.
Speaker 1:Honor, man, I'm honored. Thank you so much. Uh, stick around for a second after this so I can talk to you more off camera. But, uh, that we're going to air this episode soon and, uh, this one we're going to put out there, even though you're like, oh, bam, bam, bam, we're going to put it out there and let everybody watch this one. So I'm very excited for this one. The other one, daniel, goes so hard. You got to join the Patreon to get it because he was smashing everybody, so I love it. In which case, thank you so much for being on. Check out his stuff Like subscribe, join on his channel, check out his show and get the book Daniel Jackson Spirit Medium. I appreciate you, man.
Speaker 2:Thank you, brother.