The Battlefield Of The Mind
Introducing Rick Yee, author of the groundbreaking book "Everything is a Choice" - where he teaches that even the most complex decisions can be broken down into simple choices.Rick's unique approach is all about training your brain and raising your awareness. Creating the truly authentic, high-value person you were always meant to be. He's helped countless individuals make life-changing decisions and take control of their lives. Don't settle for less than you deserve, start making choices that empower you with Rick Yee's guidance! This is the way, the warrior's way!
The Battlefield Of The Mind
121. Dr. Thomas Lodi Breaking The Rules and Saving Your Families
Embark on a profound exploration of life's greatest mysteries with me, Rick, as I sit with the extraordinary Dr. Thomas Lodi. Together we weave a tapestry of thought, challenging the prevailing medical paradigms and uncovering the true essence of health and wisdom. Through enlightening discussions on the significance of 'now', the transformative power of acceptance, and the body's natural intelligence, we offer a fresh perspective on what it means to live well in an often tumultuous world.
This episode is not just a conversation; it's a journey through the philosophies of Socrates and Solomon, an examination of psychological paradigms, and a revelation of the deep connections between our words, our health, and the universe itself. Dr. Lodi's expertise shines as we delve into the biological underpinnings of disease and the holistic practices that tap into our body's inherent wisdom. From juice cleanses to the intricacies of lymphatic health, we share personal anecdotes and professional insights that illuminate the path to true healing.
As we close our discussion, we reflect on the potential for human longevity through practices like fasting and consider the significant role of nutrition in optimal health. Join us as we challenge conventional wisdom, advocate for a deeper understanding of the mind-body-spirit connection, and inspire you to embrace the present with greater clarity and purpose. It's an invitation to shift your perspective, transform your health, and step into a life of awareness and authenticity.
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All right, what's up, warriors, welcome back to the battlefield of the mind. I'm Rick, creator the Warriors way mindset, and it's my honor today to be with dr Thomas Lodi and we're getting into already good conversation. So some of you guys don't know when we're talking before it's getting awesome and so, with great minds meet, we're having a good time. So we're talking about something that people won't understand, and we got into Socrates, we started getting into the, the Solomon or biblical element of some form of Surrender, and I want to keep going with this right now because you are making good points and if you want to reiterate again and then I can jump back in, that would be really cool sure.
Speaker 2:By the way, thank you for having me on your show. It's, it's fantastic, I love it. Um, well, I would you know. As I said, we were talking about Socrates, who said what you know. He knew that he knew nothing. So he went to the Oracle of Delphi and he asked who this wisest person on earth was so that he could go study from them. And the the Oracle said it's you, so I could. He said that's impossible because I know nothing. So he spent his entire life trying to find someone who knew something so he would question, and the his method of the dialogue that occurred from that is called Socratic dialogue, and If you ever read it, you'll see that he asks the question Perfectly and therefore elicits the perfect answer.
Speaker 2:But in the end anybody he interviewed From, from academicians to all the great scholars of that era, had to admit they don't know. They get to. We all get to a point in our Explanation of whatever it is we think we know. We get to a point with that where there's assumptions We've made that we did and and that we don't know, and. And then I and I just I liken that to when Solomon said that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God, and I see that as not fear but rather acceptance of God's omniscience and not Inipotence, and that he's running the show. And once that happens, I think now you're in a position to live your life.
Speaker 2:But as long as you think you're in control, you're gonna be miserable, because you're not. You know what? When we leave our parents homes, we've basically at the age of 18. We've basically been given two instructions you must predict what's gonna happen and then you must be able to control it, neither of which are possible. You know, I had an uncle and he was kind of my mentor and He'd come to visit and I'd say how long you staying, john, he goes. You're asking me to predict the future. Yet Just not good at that. I love that he was kind of a. He definitely was a modern day.
Speaker 1:I love it there's. There's so many things. I think that what I do you'll enjoy maybe what the way I do it, what I do is a translate and I use discernments my gift, and so, like I'll translate what you're saying. And so I Love when I was going through Zacherty stuff, and one thing that actually gave me a lot of reassurance in my own Writing was I would deep dive into topics even before I would read some of these Philosophers, and then I would find that the answer I got jammed up like this is as far as I could go. And then I would later Read, two months later, socrates stopped at the same spot and I'm like I must be on to something here. That seems to be the right. This is going the right direction.
Speaker 1:But there's something to the Socratic method and especially, let me just tell you anybody who has ever tried this I don't know if you've given the Socratic method a go in Conversations, but let me just tell you how easy it is to screw that up, because if you start asking the questions the wrong way, it just makes everybody mad. So I learned that the hard way going. Well, let me ask as though I know nothing why is this and why is this? And then people look, you know, because you're an asshole and I don't want to talk to you and I'm like, well, that didn't work out.
Speaker 1:So I have to start asking questions differently, changing my cadence, changing the conversation, but the concept of you are the wisest man in the world because you have the humility to to believe you are not and To be able to say like I know nothing. How can I be the wisest? That humility makes you open to all information, which makes you now the wisest. But those who feel like I need to control what people are allowed to think about me, what they're allowed to say about me, what they need to know about me, how they're allowed to see me and what they need to have their opinion of me be based on the narrative I create for them, these people who think they control everything or they're the center of everything, seem to be the furthest behind on their own Ascent into some sort of enlightenment and so having humility of like as much as there is to know I know, like nothing, please, I am open to more, and that humility makes you the wisest. And then being able to have the control element and this is why you said those who seek will find well, if you have the humility to say I know nothing and I'm open to go, I noticed the further out somebody goes and the further in, somebody goes, they seem to find God, like your least robles and the people who are.
Speaker 1:Like I'm gonna as an atheist, I am going to disprove this God nonsense. And it seems like these people who go on the journey to go. I'm either go further out into the, the galaxies, or I'm gonna go further into biology. Either way, the further in you go or the further out you go, you end up going it. It seems like there had to be God. It seems like it had to be.
Speaker 2:You know that that's beautiful. You know there's an old expression humility knoweth itself, not Right. You know, the many know you're humble, you're not humble, but but the but, like I think what you were saying, and the way I hear it, is that if you're, if you're not Truly asking the question, you'll never hear it because you already think you know it. Like if your cup is full, you can't fill it up, and so that's really what it is. And like, for example, going into, go, going out in the cosmos.
Speaker 2:Well, you know, I looked at a little bit because I talked about, you know, energy equals life, equals health and all that sort of thing. So, and I realized that the entire universe is a game of, it's a dance of energy exchange. And you know, supernovas are producing hundreds of galaxies on, you know, one explosion and In this, in the minute, in the middle of every middle size and large galaxy, is something called the black hole, where things go and they Just they don't exist anymore, and so that's the cycle. And then we come down here through the biosphere and we that's what we're doing exchanging energy. So, whatever niche you're in, like a, like a frog, does really best in the pond. You know, the polar bear on the equator nut. I mean on the North Pole, not the equator so that niche in which you're in is a place where you can exchange energy.
Speaker 2:So whatever you eat, and really it comes out the humans or creatures, are doing two things fundamentally, that is, getting energy and becoming an energy source, and and secondly, procreate you, so it's eating and sex. You know it's bizarre, as bizarre as that sounds. So and you become an energy source. The problem with humanity, I see, is that we are how, no matter how you look at us, whether it's, you know, biblical in the in the Very conservative sense, or biblical like thinking wait, what did they mean in Genesis when they said in those days they were giants and what did?
Speaker 2:you mean when? And we created man in our image. And what did they mean by in those days, the, the sons of God, the gods, found that the daughters of men were fair and up and Born out of that was it were the men of renown. We kind of skip over those parts because we don't really All the libraries have been gone and they burned all it. We don't know our true past, you know.
Speaker 2:And the other thing about the real strict biblical Understanding or or belief, when they say seven days, god created everything in seven days. Remember, day one was and let there be light, and that was day one. Day two, you know, he separated the firmament, the waters, from above and below. Day three created the earth. Now, our definition of a day is one revolution on its axis Right. So Mars has a little bit longer day, mercury has a shorter day. So since the earth didn't exist in day one and Day two, we really don't know the length of time of any of what was meant by day. You know that. So those six days of that occurred. We have no idea of time and it's impossible to know. So no one should ever say well, no, it all started. I don't know. What do people say that are strict, strictly Think, you know, thinking in terms of our current Understanding of time with the Bible. They think it's about six the year, six thousand or something right.
Speaker 1:I've heard a few different things where they say, like they were documenting for about six thousand years. So they say, like that's when it started. And there's also like it probably goes back to the time of like, when the flood Happened, and so they started documenting from that point forward, you know, and then the beginning of it was written by Moses and so like he's got to go back through his Story, to go back and get like what it was a story for that, and how do we get all the way back to Noah and then what happened before Noah? And it's very confusing. So, like there's a lot of like gaps in the story, and you're not wrong with nafflums, and those are the stories of Hercules and these stories of great, great giants, of like angel, half angel, half man, and there's a whole lot of stuff.
Speaker 1:That's like what's going on this time and there's a lot of Maybe it could be with all this. Maybe it's angels, or maybe it's Aliens, or maybe it's something else, I don't know where. Maybe we are part of an experiment or a peak Petri dish, like it's not my job to know that, I don't know, you know. And again, socrates, when it comes to that I know nothing, I have no idea but I can see there were stories of giants and there were stories of nafflums and there were stories of these things and you know, they turned into those mythologies and those things of like great renown. And there's also very interesting things when it comes to time that I've seen played with with stories which just creates like maybe plausible no way can be proven, but plausible Right right.
Speaker 2:Every you know I have a problem with time, because In one sense, it doesn't exist, it's only a concept.
Speaker 2:You know, if, because you, I think about what? When did now begin? Right, it didn't, and it will never end. And since that's true, then there's never going to be then and there never, there, never was, it was, it's always been now and I, and it's eternal, but it's eternal. And then we and like I think I did, I should get a show for New Year's. I posted it. I was just talking about what are we doing, what are we celebrating and what's what New Year's resolution should we make? The bottom line of that is you only need to make one resolution, as far as I'm concerned, biologically, and that is go to sleep, really, and I explain why, you know. And then, but other than that, we were talking about New Year's, while the Chinese have this new year, and then you know, we're, all you know, january 1st, and then, and then Thai people have another new year. So basically, we have to understand that there is no time like, for example, where are you right now? You're near the mid of the mid around.
Speaker 1:I'm central time.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we're near Chicago Central time so your, what time is it 10 for you?
Speaker 1:It's almost noon right now.
Speaker 2:So here is almost 10. What does it mean? Right in Thailand? Is what 11am pm? So that's all clocks and counters, and the point I try to make the people is that it's only now, and here's the interesting thing about now.
Speaker 2:The only thing you can think about is what you think will happen, what you think did happen, and remember. All you have is a memory of your, a vague piece of memory of your perception of what happened at that time. Right, and the future is a guess. What's left, should be, could be, should have been, could have been, maybe an if. None of those are. So the future isn't nothing. I so what is real now? But here's the here's, the here's the trick. You can't think about now, because when you're thinking, you're thinking about a past event. The only way, the only thing you can do with now, is experience it. So the price of admission is your mind, and when you get into now, you're. That's where God lives, because God lives not in should be, is in, could be, is in, could have been and will be. But God lives, and now, and it's eternal. And when you enter that you know, as I said, the price of admission is your mind. So you're. You'll never the you that you think you are will not know that. You're there because we identify with our biology and our personalities, our psychology. So, but it that? But our mind cannot experience now. Therefore, what does that mean? That means everything that I would think about is an illusion. Right, because you can only experience now. So, if everything and this is what the Hindus refer to as Maya the great temptress right, the illusion.
Speaker 2:And so I you know, because I spent a few years in India and live on an ashram before I came back to the US. I came back not only because I had to get a job. I couldn't stay in the ashram after two years because I realized I wasn't ready and I went around the world. I didn't want to come back to America, but I said I couldn't work. That wouldn't give me a. You had that work permit. So I came back America to get a job and I got stuck for 40 years, turned out to be a doctor. I said doctor, I would never have chosen that, which is another reminder that who's running the show? Right? I never decided because I was reading Herbert M Shelton when I was 14, so I never learned the wrong way. I learned from the beginning. What is food? I learned that's what I knew. So, like today, when I go and I see people take their family to fast food restaurants and I think you wow, wow, because they really don't know. How do they not know? Anyway, I got off subject, but but but yeah, anyway.
Speaker 2:So I was, you know, living in India and then and then travel, just hitchhiking around the world. Back in those days it was a different world. If you had long hair, it was like a symbol, and so I, wherever I'd go and meet other people, I'd stay with them and I just went from country to country. I remember hitchhiking in Switzerland and this band stopped. They said where you going? I said Paris. They said we're going to Copenhagen. I said let's go. So it was great and you know and that's.
Speaker 2:But after a couple years of that I realized I got to get a job. So I came back to America, one of being a psychologist, and well it could. It conflicted so much with what I learned in India, because in psychology Western psychology there we learn to fix the mind in one way or another and in the east they're saying no, no, the mind is the problem. You got to transcend it. It's a completely different paradigm and it's very interesting. And then you know if you're a psychologist and you look at I like BF I think it was BF, skinner or Watson.
Speaker 2:One of them said I think it was Skinner the mind, if it does exist, is a byproduct of behavior. I mean, which is a bizarre thing. You have to have a mind to have asked the question, yet you can't say that that's not true, because if you act as if you're happy every day, guess what happens? You wind up being happy. Right, and when I would work with people, I would find it actually behavioral therapy work the best if you just it's called contingency management and then what happens is the mind follows it. It's very strange. So, and I'd say that 99.9% of my work is teaching people how what you and I were speaking about is ultimately, if you want to, if you want to get through this, you've got a surrender, and it doesn't mean give up, means accept, and so it's it, and that once a person does their heel, I mean actually they don't need me anymore. But my, my job is to get people to understand what I just said.
Speaker 1:Oh, hey, doc, is it okay if I try and translate so I can see your brilliance when you start dancing. So I like it. But I got a translate a little bit because you did some very cool topics and you jump between and I'm trying to grab some of this time one. This time one is fascinating and you said some very cool things that I don't want it to be skipped. And when you talked about God's days, we we use terminology like now or soon, as though that's a time and those are just terms to represent an idea and we get caught up in those. I think it's very interesting.
Speaker 1:I remember I was watching like the chosen or something, and Peter's talking to Jesus or Yeshua or whatever translation you use, but it's talking to him and he's like, well, when's God going to do all this stuff? And he says soon. And he's like, oh good, that's that should be, you know a few days. He's like I don't think you understand the concept of soon. It's not Earth days like this, it's going to be when that happens, it's going to be when this happens, but it's not on an earth schedule, it's on a relative time schedule that we don't have access to, and so, like you know, the concept of time for God is different than the concept of time for us, and so when God created light, let's just go with. Let's say he made the big bang. Well, god created light, he big banged, right, so let's go with. Alright, that could be millions of years, like it's millions of years. We don't know what a day for God means. This is something very different and it also transcends anything that I would be able to understand. Also, I can't conceive, you know. So it's no different than you trying to explain astrophysics to termites. Like they won't get it, you know. And even if they know there is, they don't get it and that's fine. But now or soon, like, even the terms will say like today is yesterday's tomorrow, so there is no now. And even if you think of now, well, it's already passed.
Speaker 1:And so I wrote something the other day just on this topic. Well, watch people when they're working through depression and anxiety and it's a little loud, sue ish. But it's a different, where I said we spend our present minutes in past that are no longer happening and futures that will never happen, and our days are a documentary of us watching time disappear, and what we're doing is just we're living in the moment, where the moment is missed because we're thinking about things I haven't processed enough yet from the past and worrying about things that'll never happen right. So my right now is caught up in different times and this is where I train people like you are not wrong. Most of what I do falls more into the CBT element of things because it's had a longstanding.
Speaker 1:But I still add you know neuro linguistics and I still add other tricks in there to make it so I can get to now let's make it last through behavioral change and apply a new belief system that makes it so the longevity of your identity actually matches who you believe you are and not just trying to change that without getting rid of the reason there was a problem. And that's where the modern day western psychology is starting to get into validation and symptoms and just giving a pill for your symptom instead of getting to the core to remove the dysfunction of that person. And that time element mixed in with just the behavior element has been a very interesting perspective of worlds where you're caught in depression because you're stuck in the past and you're caught in anxiety because you're in the future and right now is just a documentary of you just having time, just float right by you and you're missing all of it you know, I've always thought that in my second to the last moment of my life will.
Speaker 2:What I will say is I blew it, I, what I didn't show up. God gave me and I was. I wasn't there. We're not, we're not here now, ever again.
Speaker 2:Let's meditate right, and then you know the words for meditation mindfulness, again, that's the opposite of the truth, is mindlessness. And it's interesting in the field I'm in with, which is oncology. It's tumors are the fruit on the tree, but the roots are psycho, spiritual. And you know, you call the tree doctor because everybody eats the, this poison apple tree dies. So the tree doctor comes, he cuts all the apples off. Are you done? No, next fall you're gonna have a new harvest. So it's not the apples, and so that's why I don't, even I don't recommend surgery. I'm, in fact I go. I do the opposite.
Speaker 2:I suggest people don't get surgery unless it's life-threatening, unless it, because it's a piece there's, it's gonna block a vital function, or it's excruciatingly painful, right, or that's about it. Otherwise, taking it away Not only doesn't stop the problem, it actually we now know that it stimulates growth of more. So so you, unless you get to the root, and I, just to give you an example of one is we've noticed over the years that women who have left-sided CFCs, chronically fermenting cells, aka that sign for that zodiac sign between Gemini and Leo and I, by the way, you the read, I have sure I've said this many times the reason I don't like that word cancer is because it is a zodiac sign, is or the state or associated with the crab, but it has nothing to do with the, our biological processes. And, on top of it, rockefeller and his Subsequent generations have made sure that when we hear that word, we hear that we're going to die, mm-hmm, and they just took away your future, they just made everything on your agenda irrelevant and and there's a sense there and I've seen people and I I work with these people there's a sense of Talk about a PSTD there and and that's what they want, because fear Disconnects your prefrontal lobe.
Speaker 2:So it's, it's a, it's an emotional, emotional, frontal lobotomy. You can no longer make reason, right, we're gonna cut this off and that off, okay, and then we're gonna burn you and then give you some poison, okay. So, and that's what they want, it's got, and they call it the standard of scare and they call it's a lot of care, it's the fastest way to control people also is to just add fear.
Speaker 1:Right, if you want, if you want people to relinquish any type of freedom or relinquish power, or relinquish any type of autonomy, just add a lot of fear. Exactly, people eventually start making very irrational decisions and even the indoctrination of people is generally gonna be routed in propaganda Fear. This is how, like you know, you saw what happened during the time now with co vid and those things where you saw people get extremely polarized. The same thing with Nazis. Germany was a very democratic place before he started doing the propaganda. These were like you would watch the documentary of how you could change a law abiding Police officer and then, with just a handful of years, with a you know propaganda of fear, you can turn that person into a man who's doing public executions on a pro, a pregnant woman, and Like, how did the law abiding good police officer turn into an execution of pregnant women? The protector turned into the Executioner. How did this happen? Fear, fear, fear, fear. And this is something that Was disappointing, I think, is watching how, like you said, the way the system is obviously designed for control by using a system that is Subconscious to make you afraid of everything, so you start making irrational decisions.
Speaker 1:I was watching the polarization and lost good friends To fear propaganda that I knew the language for. So I said this isn't, that's not real. This isn't, that's not really there. It's almost like if I said Thomas, the boogie man is gonna fucking get you. You're like the boogie man. What do you mean? Do you not know the fucking boogie man? Oh, you don't know.
Speaker 1:And then I have to go into boogie man conversations and you need a boogie man lock and it's boogie man insurance and I need you to boogie man stuff. I'm going, I don't think I don't. That's not a thing, man. I don't think that the boogie man is really there. And like, if you don't believe in the fucking boogie man, you're a fucking piece of shit and I hope you fucking die by the boogie man. You're like what, what is happening to you man? Like I don't think that thing's there and then later on it comes out there like, yeah, there actually wasn't a boogie man, but all of you guys, we won't talk about it. You know. It's like wait a second. We had people dying and friends were lost and marriages and and people lost their businesses from the boogie man, just to be like, yeah, our bad, that wasn't really a thing.
Speaker 2:Right? Well, no, and, and you know, in terms of linguistics, you know, I, you know, in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God, and, and God spoke the universe into existence. And so we have to understand that sound is, is the fundamental vibration of reality, and it's even strong. Its precedes or holds up electromagnetic frequencies, because light came after, but again, it was spoken into existence, and so words are very, very important. So I make sure that when I'm speaking to someone, first of all we both speak in the same language and Then that we have the same definition of the terms.
Speaker 2:If we don't, then we're really not communicating, and that's one reason why I hate idioms, because when you use an idiom, the person who learned that idiom learned it in the, whatever it means to them, if, whatever age there were, and then I say it what it means to me. So we haven't communicated, right? I'm not really so. I always, and I think it's a better mind exercise If every woman, if you're trying to say something instead of coming up with an idiom.
Speaker 2:Try to put it in your own words, you know, give, describe it as you see it, and then the person will hear it, because they don't hear idioms. But anyway, when it comes into definition of words, if you, words are basically the scaffolding of our mind and they, they Define paradigms. And so, for example, I would never use the word pandemic when there wasn't one Right, I would never use the word vaccine when it wasn't, I would never use the word, and I certainly wouldn't use some cute derivative like like jab or facts. And, by the way, I just want to remind everyone that we didn't ever use that word jab until it became mandatory. And suddenly the BBC, the CNN, everyone jab, jab, jab, jab.
Speaker 1:Because what is a?
Speaker 2:jab, I jab my friend, or I go outside and the branch jabs me, as jab is benign and once they gave us that concept. So it's called linguistic manipulation and they're very, very good at it. So, in the same thing, when it comes to chronically ferment yourself, don't use their word. If you don't use that, don't use that word. You're not playing their game. By the way, doc, can you cure this? You can only cure what diseases? But they don't exist. There is no disease, there's no third party that gets into me like diabetes got into me. Where is it in my elbow? But the point is there is no diabetes.
Speaker 2:Everything that we call a disease is our body's adaptation to. It's a homeostatic adaptation when it's biological needs are not being met. So, in other words, I'm eating too much pasta, bread, potato, rice and cake. I got a high glucose. So my body, which was designed by the, the ultimate reality of everything, which is perfection, knows that too much glucose is going to kill me. So my cells become insulin resistant. They have to. And, by the way, the body and nature is not moral. The law of the universe is the law of necessity. Things happen because they must happen. And how do I know that because they happen, and you know that which didn't happen Didn't need to happen, because it didn't happen, I mean by definition, but anyway. So our bodies adapt so they become insulin resistant. If you go to the witches and warlocks in the house of whores, they're gonna tell you you know, you have this disease called diabetes, and here's some magic potion to get rid of it. Well, there's no it it all. I do stop being the grape tassel and then that adaptation is no longer required by my body, and my body will go back to be able to do what it was designed to do and that is optimal functioning. So we, and so we've lost the respect for, for our body, for nature, and we no longer we.
Speaker 2:I mean first of all and it's you know, it has to do with the alipalic, alipathic mindset which says Health is impossible and diseases is inevitable. Then we grow up with that and so we get insurance. Why? Because we're planning to get sick. And then we, and then now pregnancy has become a disease, so you have to go to the hospital to be born, and then, when you're health, healthy, your mother will take you in for well-baby checks. Why would you go to a doctor when you're healthy and it turns out they give you things that change that. But so we were born in Hospitals. We die in hospitals all the time. We're going to hospitals.
Speaker 2:And you know, the Rockefeller's or whoever was behind, that Was soup. It's not human, because it's to be able to know that. Well, I got to do this for 12, 20 years ahead. It's start this, you know, it was this whole thing that occur that brings us to today Was so precisely planned out. It was. It was amazing, so, anyway.
Speaker 2:So my point is that we have to be careful about words. Remember Imo to the guy that would freeze, you know, water, when you said something or wrote and you would look at the crystal and and, if we recall, I remember seeing a. A documentary is beautiful. It was originally in Russian, but they had it, but it was just Narration, you know, but the original narration was out Russian, so I saw it in English and it's just. I see, if you have anybody Can find it's called water, that's it, and they. It's just a beautiful.
Speaker 2:But anyway, I remember them going to Saint but what is it in Rome during Saint Peter's? I don't know what it is in Rome, but they got. They went on Easter Sunday and they got all these big buckets of holy water because they're going to be Blessing people and they took it out of the tap and then they blessed it and it was interesting because these guys froze the tap water and then froze the blessed tap water and the crystals were, you know, chaotic and these were beautiful. And when you realize that our bodies are a minimum 70% it's not how dehydrated we are water that when you say to someone, you know you're really an asshole, you, you cursed them, even you cursed, you changed their body. And if you say You're fantastic, you're one of the most Greatest human beings that man or even just, you know you look great today or any of those things.
Speaker 2:That's this, this food was wonderful, doesn't matter. You bless people. So it's very, very. We have to understand the power of words. I hate you is so is more powerful than punching someone. You know, they say the the tongue is mightier than the sword, and it is. It is so. The main thing is is anybody who's ever sick, please don't use their words. And the last thing you ever want you got. Like people say I listen, I haven't. I haven't gotten a biopsy yet. I mean, I haven't gotten them. I haven't seen the doctor yet there's. I have an appointment with the surgeon. I said don't go. Don't go, because what is the surgeon going to tell you to do? I mean you have to.
Speaker 2:You know. And then you and you go to any oncology department in the whole world, because the whole world and we, it's been taken over they're gonna give you the same opinion. They're all toy otters, toy otters, dealers, none, none of them are gonna talk about BMWs, they're Chevy's or anything, it's gonna be a Corolla or well, whatever they are. But but that's what I mean. So If you go to them, what happens is they cast a spell free. Did you know that in the Armaic language, like the New Testament was written in our make language? All right, I think it's the same as Armenian with the word abracadabra means as I speak, so I create. And so if you think of a sorcery, black magic, they've always got a particular, a certain Garb. You know whatever that garb is a long black robe and a hat, and they've got. You know the setting is, it is perfect. They might have a upside down Pentagon or or some some sort of thing, candles or whatever they have going on is ritualistic, necessary. And then they read from a book or they know it already and they speak words that happen. So when you go into a hospital and and you've got this lump in your breast or you know, you're having a hard time peeing because you're you're getting old man and you're getting older and when you go to the hospital with so when you go in there and they've taken a biopsy, when they they've taken a biopsy and you walk in there here, he or she is sitting with their white robe behind the desk with all the degrees of the paper on the wall and they looking at the at your porch information and they glance up at you and they go. Whatever they say is a curse and if I had a problem, as much as I know, I would still never go there because I don't. If the moment you hear that it bypasses everything you think you know and like this screw where we gets into your heart and you cannot get it out. So I feel like with people it it's almost like I'm trying to perform an exorcism. You know, to get that. You know, and the only thing I can do.
Speaker 2:The bridge between fear and faith is Knowledge. Right, you know, a little kid is afraid of the dark, so you turn the lights on and you say look around everything. Okay, he goes, yeah, then you turn the lights off. I cries. You turn the lights back on, look, go check under the bed. Look in the closet. You know you do that a few hours now. You turn the life off, light off. He can't see now he knows. So once he knows he's not afraid and he'll go on. So and Let me just really quickly explain faith, because people have different definitions.
Speaker 1:Well, it missed. Dr Lowry can't pause your first second, you're, you're just, you're just dropping bombs at random here and I think people are gonna be missing so many of these bombs. I mean you threw in that lob necessity like just willy-nilly and then walked right past it. I'm like you could do a two-hour training on this day. And so I'm like hold on, doc. You're just dropping bombs here, like so I want to get into, I'll play with the words for a little bit, but I do actually do want to stick with the cancer thing in a second also.
Speaker 1:It's interesting the way you talk about the abracadabra, the way words work. I also really enjoyed the Alan Watt stuff about how the words are all Defined by words, that we created words to tell you what words mean for words sake. And you're like these are a very confusing System to try to explain emotions and feelings, like they just don't do justice for what it is. But we're using a dictionary that you have to learn words what they mean, to explain what other words mean, meaning. We get to make up what the meaning of words are when everything around you is simply matter, and so we're just creating like this means pen, we are on camera this is microphone when it's really just matter and we start creating values and things. And I really am with you that that water Documentary was amazing to watch and you are you're.
Speaker 1:I do encourage people to watch it too. The it was more than just the blessings of water from you know, just the church or whoever it would be. They would play different music or they would even write write us, write something and put that on the water. So it'd be like I hate you so much and just write it and put it on the water and leave it, and then another one I love you more than anything and put that on water. Just even the writing would change the, the way that the water formed, and and it was really interesting to watch all the different formations of chaos versus order and Just the way the energy was shared to it. And it was. They did it in a ton of different ways and had very amazing results and different things, and I Would tell people to check that out, because that does happen. So what I'm gonna do is give a piece to apply it to reality.
Speaker 1:Right now, we have three teenage girls here and let's just say anybody has three teenage girls. Pray for them because they don't listen to shit and Doesn't matter how good you are, what you do, they don't listen to shit. And so you know, the youngest one you know, bless her little heart. She's in the 13 range and let's just say 13 is mean. They're just fucking mean to be mean. They're just mean and there's nothing's happened. They're just mean.
Speaker 1:And I would have such an issue with the way she would treat people little snippy comments and just being not kind. Now, I don't like bully behavior and so I would also be okay Watch your fucking mouth with the way you're talking to your sisters and how you're treating people. If you want me to match your energy, I will. You're being a mean little brat right now. You're being not good to these other people and I would start creating your bad kid You're this, you're that and I would start making that noise Towards her, which would create that like dynamic between us, would have that energy, that crystals would change by the way that I would call or something.
Speaker 1:But then I had to step back out of my own protector element because I had my own pack, actively good, their maniacs, and I'm like wait a second. I have to remember 13 is hard. I have to remember. 13 is really difficult. The hormones are spiked through the roof. Everything is changing dramatically. Everything that made sense is gone. Now, my friends, like boys when it used to be toys and things make no sense at all anymore. Everything is chaos. I don't understand me. There are now periods I'm having I didn't have before. There's nothing's, everything's different, everything is changing and nothing makes sense. I don't look like a woman but I'm not a girl. Everything's hard and I'm like I gotta remember. 13 is hard and once I stopped doing the judgment element of you're being a little bitch and turn it into 13 is hard. They must be going through a lot right now and then I showed compassion instead of judgment.
Speaker 1:The dynamics started to change very quickly and Hopefully the lesson in that is something with like could be your wife or your husband, could be your kids, could be your damn dog. Whatever it is, the energy of what you call it seems to change the DNA of the dynamic and that's a really cool lesson for people to go. I can apply that now by your husband's not being an asshole. Your husband's hurt. Your wife's not being a bitch. She has an unmet need and it's hard, like if you just call it something different. We now change the crystals between us, we change the, the formation of the way we interact.
Speaker 1:I think it's really powerful lesson that you're saying now you apply that to the medical industry of making it more of a Ritual with the robe and the documentation and the, the plaques on the wall or whatever it would be for my credential to curse thee and how that can affect to saying you have cancer, you have PTSD, you have depression, you have or you are this thing you are ADHD, you are anxiety, you are and you are bipolar disorder. You are, which the huge spectrum of where you can fall on, and so people just start looking it up, self-diagnosed and then act accordingly. You have an attachment disorder and then they start acting accordingly. These are curses. I call them curses all the time. You can see, my name is Curse breaker and this is because I also see the same thing. You see is that people have cursed people with words and it creates Beliefs that people will live their lives in identity to make sure they are true and I have seen the curses happen.
Speaker 1:And the words, the power of words is amazing. I don't want people to skip that lesson you just did.
Speaker 2:No, you know when and what. You just you basically just hit, you nailed it, and that is when you get diagnosed. You know the word diagnosis, it knows this. Gno at SIS means to know, you know and and and then and then die, separate and know. So how do you separate and know? So, for example, a two-year-old looking at a desk that has, you know, you know pens, and and a computer and a Bottle of water, and all this doesn't see that. You know why? Because they don't have the word, they haven't learned the word yet. And this and I, and there's there's a story about I think it was there was some Native Americans in South America who were standing on a high cliff and I think Cortez's ship, big ship, came in. They didn't see it. They didn't see it until they got off and they started rowing in on little boats. They saw that they had that concept, because the word is a concept you know and remember.
Speaker 2:Here's the interesting thing about a word and it reminds me of meditation and mantra and all that. The word is the vehicle to get you to a place, to a called the meaning. But once you get the meaning, you leave the word because you have to get. It's just a vehicle, like, for example, when I, when you meditation, when you're doing mantra, you do mantra just to focus your mind, just to focus your mind, but to get to the place where the mantra has to take you, you have to get rid of it. Now, buddhists, you most Buddhism. They use the mantra of breath, they listen to their breath and so, anyway, you know it's the meaning, not the word. But the words are important because that's the vehicle. So when someone looks across the desk and says you have, what they're really saying is you are now this. So, and what brought this to mind is when people say always are you, listen for it and you'll, you'll hear it. Before I was diagnosed, once I was diagnosed. After I was diagnosed, what, what do you mean? What does that mean? What happened? That means they named you're no longer Shelly Pierce or Tom Lodi, you are this.
Speaker 2:Now, let me tell you is my mother was in the movie industry. She, she made movies. She was a script supervisor, so she worked with the director every second, you know, changing the script and all that. And and they gave her notes to the editors when they did dailies to know what to cut and what not to cut, and so she had to know everybody's line, everything. So, um, um, what was my point about that? Um, oh, so in movies, when they're making movies, that they, while they're making a movie, they always take pictures, photographs, and they call them stills and at the end they'll use that for promotion. You know, you see Tom Cruise up there to doing this and you know these are called stills. They're, they're. There are snapshots of the movie. Now, if I showed you one still from a movie, could you tell me what the movie's about? No, that's what they do. They now take your entire life and they and it's not you are this I'm a cancer patient.
Speaker 2:No, I'm a cancer survivor. No, none of that. So that's what I mean, if you can't take their words. So I spend all of my time when I'm with patients, I go over labs, of course, and in the end I tell them I only do the labs for your sake, so that you, because you grew up in the world, and doctors, think that all this is important. It is, but we really don't know what it means. In fact, we know nothing. And the more I've studied the body, body and, believe me, I study every day I mean, I can't, I'm like, obsessed with learning, so I learn every day so much more that, and now I've concluded that I know absolutely nothing. Just think about it 36 septillion chemical reactions, that's 21 zeros every second in your body, and they're all interrelated. Because there's too much of this that goes into this cycle. I mean, you cannot. It's an incomprehensible complexity that not even AI, any AI, could see it. It's only the divine consciousness which is the fabric of existence. So it's just but anyway so I'm not, I realize.
Speaker 2:And 37 million new cells per second. So then I realize I'll never get this. And, for example, you know the concept of balance, homeostasis and all that, and that's to remain the same. Maintain functional integrity in the face of any adverse situation, and we have different levels of it. You know we have biomechanical. Someone pushes me, my left leg goes out to keep me upright. That's the biomechanical homeostatic response.
Speaker 2:I'm eating greasy, cheesy pizzas and kebabs and everything, so my arteries get plugged up. The wisdom of my body is that is, I've got to keep maintain blood flow to all the organs. So how do you maintain blood flow with clogged up pipes? You increase the pressure right, and so there is a physiological adaptation and then a biochemical adaptation. Is all the diabetes, all the things we call diabetes, but they're just adaptive processes. And so what's happening to a person? You have to understand that if I take do your labs right now and this goes up and this goes down, which I think is not good, not what we want, I don't realize it was necessary. I mean, I forgot that it's necessary. So what I have no longer do is try to think that I've lost. Oh, I never really had it, but they tried to get me to believe that I had the power to change nature and I don't.
Speaker 2:And instead of trying to block the river, ride it, use the power of the river, and that's what I call nature. And so what we don't understand, like I'll give you an example tumor markers. When they go up, things are bad. Right, maybe. And remember, there's no good or bad, it's not a moral universe, because, think about it a wolf eating a rabbit. Is that good or bad? Neither. It's necessary, right. And by the way, why did God make Satan? Because God made everything. Why did he make Satan? Well, as Alan Watts would say, you can't have a front without a back, and up doesn't exist without down, so that the phenomenal universe exists in polarities and without the polarities it exists. But here's an interesting thing if up doesn't exist without down and down doesn't exist without up, do they exist? Anyway, that's the dual. I didn't mean to get in so deep philosophy.
Speaker 1:We're talking too esoteric for people. So I wanna stick with some of the things just for a second, but I do wanna get into the medical elements of things too, because it is relevant to almost every listener, especially today. Your message needs to be heard clearly. So I want that, but you're not wrong, I wanna stick with words for a second and just stick with that just for a moment before I go to the next thing. You're right with the words and people.
Speaker 1:We are very limited, though, and the language itself is limited, and try to explain an emotion to somebody. You can see how difficult that is. Our bodies don't give us credit for how big we are inside, with the way that we feel and love and hate and hurt and think and all of the feelings and stuff that we have, the emotions. The words don't quantify it, and they try and make clever tools and stuff to try and say pick your pain, which feeling is your feeling today? And they'll make feeling wheels and they'll make tools to try to articulate, as best we can with this very limited tool, the vastness of all of our feelings or the vastness of the multiplications of ourselves, and so we're limited. I say these things with like try to explain a coward as to a blind man? Tell me what red is. If you've never seen anything, I mean good luck. You're limited. The words won't be able to articulate the experience you know, and like even the vastness of how much knowledge there is to know. You can never write or never use words enough to explain. It can only be experienced. How much water is in the ocean? We can try to explain, but you can't understand. You know how many stars are there? There's billions upon billions of galaxies. Well, how many stars in galaxies? Billions? You're like well, fuck, I can't even quantify what it means. It's just sound at this point. That means nothing you know, and so it's interesting that we use these words to try to diagnose, and diagnose becomes beliefs. You're not wrong, and I think the what you're getting at is a concept I speak of often, which is challenge everything. You need to challenge it.
Speaker 1:Just because somebody said words to you doesn't mean you have to be the words. Somebody said some noise, but you do not have to become the noise, and this is where people are trying to curse others. But you are stupid, you are dumb, you are sick, you are broken, you are defective, you are diseased, you are, and the curses that get put on people last for generations because now it's hereditary, because now you're using the same words to curse your family. Well, my father was an alcoholic, so it must be in the family. Well, that's a learned behavior that he was doing to control coping, because he wasn't good at grieving and he just didn't understand how to get through denial. So he went to distraction and that's the way he got through things and you're like well, we can train denial, bargaining, anger, sadness, to get to acceptance, so you don't have to go into distraction to get away from the war with what is. Now that you're trained, I don't need addiction and it keeps working because we keep beating alcoholism and we beat very difficult addictions over and over again by getting into the training of rewiring your beliefs around grief, training you to grieve and use different words to explain your identity based on the belief systems that you live through. You are right, the cognitive behavioral element is correct and it's not being taught that way because it's much easier to just go here you go, take a whole bunch of these. Like here you go, take a bunch of this and don't worry about going through grieving, don't worry about learning, don't worry about knowing thyself. Don't worry about understanding and more information. Don't worry about even going into some sort of exposure too to make it so the dark now becomes okay. We're not doing any of that. Just take these pills and then you won't feel Okay. Well, that sounds real and I'd love to numb it. Give me something to numb this. That would be wonderful.
Speaker 1:With this being said, the diagnosis becoming the symptoms are why I give you medication. I'm gonna be open. My stepfather has. He's had myeloma and so he has bone cancer and we changed his diet, we changed his lifestyle and he beat it. He went into full. It all regressed down. He was cancer free for a long time. But they know, this one comes back and it just reared his ugly head this month. Now it came back. Now, of course, they're saying the numbers go up and what do they say? First thing, we need to poison you right away. We need to start chemotherapy immediately.
Speaker 1:I do want your opinion of, since we just got this diagnosis. I know certain foods and certain things need to be removed because they really stimulate that need in the body. You said that part where you talked about the adaptation of unmet needs, that there's no disease, there's something the body is trying to adapt to, and I said I know one for sure is processed sugar. That need. You need to stop that one right away. He's like, so eating like three slices of pie, that's not good, unless you want bigger cancer. Don't give it more fuel. And so I know those are there. What advice do you have? To say, well, I wouldn't go the direction of chemotherapy, but I would go the direction of, and what would your advice be for that? Excellent, okay.
Speaker 2:Well, first of all, understand there's no such thing as multimyloma or lymphomas or alukimias or breast cancers. There's no such thing as it. It's not a thing. Every what they call diagnosis, like they nailed you, this is what you are and the rest of your life. You do this, but those are names that put on it and usually, like in solid tumors, they take a piece of the tissue. They got to do a biopsy. You want to screw the doctor's head, refuse a biopsy, because then he doesn't have a word for you and he can't put you in his algorithm and he'll go and then like they can't deal with it. So they get this and guess what they do? They look, the pathologist, looks under the microscope and he describes what he sees and it's oh, it's in the duct or it went through the duct, and it's carcinoma, which just means it means what they call a neoplasm of organs that arose out of one part of the embryo. You know, embryo has three parts an outer, inner and middle, like everything. And so the outer part, ectoderms, so all of those are called carcinomas. The middle part, mesoderm, all of those are called sarcomas. I mean, it's just so. In other words, he described what he saw and that's a diagnosis. Well, wait a minute, if that's a diagnosis, it hasn't told me the most, two most important things I need to know how did I get it and how do I get rid of it? And if it doesn't tell you that, what use is it? Of none. You could have called it an apple, because it doesn't matter what you called it. And there's no it Okay. So, anyway, like my kids used to come home and they'd be crying about, somebody called them a name, and so I said what if they called you a banana, would you have gotten angry, would you have felt bad? And they said and they really and I go into what was their relationship with that word, you know. And then, anyway, so with regard to multiple myeloma or any condition, okay, so remember, what we call cancer is chronically fermenting cells, and the reason they're fermenting is that they've lost the ability to use oxygen with glucose to make energy, which is extremely efficient. One glucose, six molecules of oxygen go into the mitochondria. You get 38 energy packages ATP. One glucose to 38, pretty good. Now, when you lose enough mitochondria, and now the cell has to survive because, remember, if a cell doesn't have energy, it can't even maintain its sodium, potassium pumps to give it existence. So the first thing it does is it gets energy some way. So when you mess with its energy, that's all it does. So it quickly it goes into the only other choice it has and that is fermentation. But the fermentation of glucose only gives you two energy packages called ATP. Okay, so out of glucose you got either 38 or you get two. Wow, so that means that this new. So now, in order to survive with that because that's a big difference it needs 19 times more fuel. The two times 19 is 38, right, 38 ATP. So you need 19 times more to maintain your energy needs.
Speaker 2:So what happens is it sends a signal to the nucleus to turn down this gene. Turn up this gene. So your expression. Because, remember, every cell of your body could clone your whole body. But what your liver cells are doing is they've silenced everything but liver stuff. Your kidney cells have silenced everything but kidney stuff, you understand? So that's called differentiation. Okay.
Speaker 2:So when the cell has to change operating systems, I gotta go from using they call it oxfoss, oxazethophoss for relation. Now I got fermentation. It's different. It's like having a Mac and a Windows. It's a different operating system.
Speaker 2:So what it does retrograde, goes back and you turn this gene on. They're not mutations. What they call uncle genes are genes that are turned on that will maintain efficient survival under this new operating system. That's what it's done. So that's what it is. So what it is, it's an adaptive process to maintain functional integrity. Now, it's nothing more than that and that's what anyway. So I don't care where it starts elbow blood, whatever, it's still the same process in order to give it the word cancer, anyway. So if you do chemotherapy and I've studied this there thoroughly and I think I have one presentation on it, but if you study chemotherapy, what? In the oncology journals, because who else is gonna study it and Big Pharma supported it they tell you that, yes, this stuff, if you give a high enough dose, we'll get rid of all of the mature cells, but it has no effect on the stem cells, the cancer stem cells, the chronology ferment, the CFC stem cells.
Speaker 1:And what is it that can metastasize? Only stem cells.
Speaker 2:Metastasized only stem cells. So, and what does the chemotherapy do? It enhances each of the six steps necessary for metastasis, so does radiation. So it only get what it does is it gets rid of the primary. They say this in the journals. This blows me away. It gets rid of the primary, but it ensures metastasis, which is why I'm in revision a year and a half later, five years later. Oh, okay, so because they never got to the root.
Speaker 2:So, anyway, when I look at any with someone who has blood, a blood like he would say, motomyeloma, motomyeloma is what you would call a. It's a chronically fermenting plasma cell, and whereas leukemia, you know, might have a chronically fermenting lymphocyte, whereas a breast will have a chronically fermenting duct Right, and but it's still the same biology. The only difference between all of them is the cell type and what it normally does. So liver cells do different than things in kidney cells, but the fundamental biology is the same. So therefore, I always say, okay, we're missing something. There is. Whatever it brought this about in the first place has not been eliminated, right. And what is it? Well, we live in the 21st century, so you know. A better question is what is it? What wasn't it Right, so anyway. So basically it's toxins. When enough toxins get in there, they start to kill off the mitochondria and that's the beginning of it.
Speaker 2:So the first thing you got to do is start with the head and then you get rid of any potential cause. That's the mouth. You got to go in the mouth. The importance of the mouth I cannot overstate. In fact you know that in the research, which is not really that well done, 80 to 90% of all systemic. I hate using words, but what they use, I call it adaptive physiology, not pathology. It's adaptive physiology, right.
Speaker 2:So what the body's doing is not wrong. Pathology means it's wrong. It's not wrong, it's doing the right thing. In fact it's not doing the right thing, it's doing the only thing it could. It's remember the law of the universe is necessity. It's doing what's necessary. So I have to go in there. So I look at the mouth, I send them to a biological dentist and we've got to do. You know what a biological dentist does? They look at your cranial bones. They could feel if they're in place, because if you're cranial, you come through your mother's cervix. You got your head, you have seven bones. You come out like a cone head. Then they eventually settle and then they fuse, and they don't always fuse right. They're maybe a little bit millimeter. That changes your job, your bite. Your bite is the top of your cervical spine, which is the beginning of your whole spine. It's C1. I mean, it's axis on top of Atlas that affects the entire spinal cord, which is your entire nervous system, including your autonomic nervous system.
Speaker 2:So, how important is that? Wow, and that's so. They look at the cranium, they look at your breathing, they look at your airway, your tongue position, and then capitations, root canals, all that stuff. So you've got to make sure your mouth has been thoroughly evaluated. And what they do is they do. They call this this 3D convene CT and it's a z, it's done, and it's not a lot of radiate. It's not like a full CT, it's just here, so it's fine. But then they look at it and they can tell if you have a cavitation. That means above your tooth. So if you went to the dentist and he pulled the tooth like for some reason everybody gets to wisdom teeth pull, it's crazy. It's our third molar, we actually could use it, not, since we're supposed to grind.
Speaker 2:So when they pull a tooth, what they don't do in regular dentistry is they don't take out the ligament. Bones are connected to bones by ligaments. Muscles are connected to bones by tendons. Okay, so there's a periodontal ligament between the tooth and the jaw. So when they pull the tooth, they don't touch that, they leave it there. Then they squirt it out with water to give you gauze and you go home.
Speaker 2:So what happens? The gum starts to. It takes maybe two, three weeks to heal. Within the first second after they were done doing it, a trillion microorganisms went in there. So by the time they close it, there's an innumerable amount of microorganisms in there and then it closes off and what happens? You left the periodontal ligament, which is a bridge. So those little guys I mean their microscopic go right through that ligament right into the bone up there and they develop a cave where they grow and they mutate and they're relatively immune from the immune system or they're protected from getting attacked by the immune system, and they produce excretions with your biotoxins and they infect the entire meridian. And if you don't understand meridians, think of your house where you have the bedroom light, the bathroom light and the kitchen light go out, so you find the fuse box. That's a meridian right.
Speaker 1:It's a circuit.
Speaker 2:So we have all these circuits in our body, but they all have to come through our teeth, because our teeth, remember, is the top of our spinal cord, which so it's a very, very important thing. So, for example I'll give a personal example About three years ago, two and a half years ago, I developed atrial fibrillation out of the blue. I didn't have any risk factors, and that's just what irregular heart rate. So I was in America at that time. I mean a few months later I went to America and I went to study or be taught training for how to use acupuncture meridian by Dr Simon Hughes, a master. He's like playing a violin, anyway. So I said listen, by the way, can you tell me what's wrong with my heart? And he goes, he checks me all out on my hands and he says it's number 16 and 17, which is the upper wisdom tooth on this side, and the lower. These are still intact, these are full, I said, but they were extracted 25 years ago. I don't have any pain or swelling, that's it. So I went to a biological dentist. What did they do? He said I can't really find it, but if Dr Hughes says so, they all know him. So the dentist went in through the gums. He had numbed me up, of course. He found fragments of bone, periodontal ligament and pus. He cleaned them out with ozonated water. Then he took ozone gas and really hard put it in there because that'll go into the bones, into the trabeculae, because these guys are little. He had already taken my blood, he spun it and the top layer is your platelets and your fibrin. So he took that to seal it. So he immediately sealed it both sides. Within five days the atrial fib was gone. It's been gone for two years Now.
Speaker 2:If I went to a heart doctor, would he have said we better check your teeth? No, but guess what is on the wisdom tooth meridian, the heart and the small intestine? I mean, that's how real this stuff is. I mean, if I didn't think it was true before, I now know experience. But I've had women with breast CFCs on the left side. They have a root canal in the breast.
Speaker 2:So I would say if we don't take that out, whatever else we do won't matter because it's still plugged in. So with weather, if it's multimiloma, whatever it is, we've got to start with that part. And I view biologically, I view the body as a tube Starts with the lips ends with the anus, and if you keep that healthy, you'll live long and prosper, and if you don't, it's over quickly. Now remember we shouldn't really put anything in this tube until what we put into it before, previously, is out, because if you keep putting in and it's not going out, you've got problems. And that's what we do. That's why we have all these, that's why our body needs to adapt. You understand, these adaptations can be called heart disease, stroke, arthritis. It's only one thing, it's a cumulative toxicity Period. I'm going to give you a really good example.
Speaker 2:I had a guy who was actually a nurse by profession, rn, and his wife had ovarian CFCs and she came to our center. I remember him pushing her around on the wheelchair. Anyway, he stopped me one day and it was about six weeks, and he said you know what, when we first came here, I had angina, that's pain, and heart pain. So I had to take nitroglycerin under my tongue three, four times a day. I had high blood pressure. I was on high blood pressure medication. I've been diabetic so long that I'm on insulin, but I was trying to support my wife Iris, so I did the juice cleanse with her and I even did some colonics and I've been eating the food. He says guess what? I don't have chest pain, my blood pressure is normal and I don't have diabetes.
Speaker 2:So if those were separate and distinct entities called diseases, that would imply that you needed separate, because that would imply they had separate the word is etiology in medicine the separate causes. And if they had separate causes, they therefore would have separate cures. So why is it? By cleaning up, all of them went away. Why? Because there's only one condition, and it's toxemia, and that accounts for aging as well, and I can explain that another time. So, anyway, we start with that, with the mouth. The mouth has got to be cleaned. So I have people do that and I find a dentist for them, or they come and they do it with one of our local guys that we work with and we use that three weeks to do your juice cleanse, teach you this school of life, teach you what your body's all about. They forgot to tell us that in high school and we do all this stuff. So we don't do IVs or anything. So for your who was it? Your uncle, you said.
Speaker 1:It's my stepdad.
Speaker 2:Oh, your stepdad. That's right. So that has to happen and if it hasn't, it has to. And I think on my website I have a list of dentists but there are good ones, because just because they say they're biological dentists doesn't mean they are. And really, and this is for everybody, look under your website, look under services.
Speaker 2:If they do root canals, they're not. If they save root canals, they're not. If they put any metal, including titanium implants, they're not. And they also must use ozone, because ozone is 300,000 times more bactericidal than chlorine, which is why they use it in the Olympics and it's extremely, extremely cleansing and the gas can get into it. So make sure they do that. And also make sure, finally, that if they do a cavitation repair and all that, whatever they do, they seal it with your fibrin and platelets so that nothing else recolonizes right away and you close it off. You sterilize it and close it off, which is really important, but anything else is fine, they can do. The other thing they do is they do biocompatibility testing with your blood, because there are over 2,000 dental products, so everybody in the world may be able to use this one, but I can't because I have a problem with it. If I have a problem with it, then I'll get inflammation and inflammation.
Speaker 2:So after that, you then got to go after parasites. You got to do multiple parasite cleanses and we all have parasites. We have to understand that parasites are microscopic, unless we have an adult worm, and that's rare. But there are two kinds there's worms and there's protozoa, which are single cell organisms. They're everywhere. You cannot not have them. However, you can't find them on all the tests. So again, so you can't believe these guys.
Speaker 2:I really am trying to open centers so there can be places where people can go for real answers, because the real answer is only one You're toxic. And Bob Dylan said you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. So why didn't you test them for heavy metals? Well, I've never found anybody that doesn't have a problem with heavy metals. In other words, and why should I test you in your toxic condition? If I were going to test you, it would be after six months of cleansing. Let me see who you really are there. The toxic you is the toxic you. I wasn't going to help us to know that. Are we going to change the fact that we have to get rid of those toxins? No, so there's no utility. So anyway, so that would be the second thing. So I would say first thing is biological test.
Speaker 2:You can start the juice cleanse during that time. Why do you do a juice cleanse? You do nothing but drink fresh juices, maybe three quarts, four quarts, as much as you can a day, and don't eat. You got to drink and, by the way, the first three days are the hardest. You got to drink three, so much that you're so full that you can never misinterpret what's going on, what we call hunger, but it's really appetite. It takes three or four days until that goes away and you realize I'm not hungry. So as long as you, if you can do six weeks, eight weeks, 12 weeks, why? Because all you're doing is removing the fiber but you're still getting the nutrients. So it's a highly nutritious cleanse.
Speaker 2:But I don't want to lose any weight. So you're changing the water in the aquarium, so you do it for three, four, six, eight weeks and you're peeing out of both ends and all that. You've changed your interstitial fluid, that is, the fluid in which the cells have their existence. Our cells are the fish in the aquarium and the interstitial fluid is the water. And if you don't change the water in the aquarium. It doesn't matter how much medicine you give those fish, they're going to be sick. So you got to change the water and that's the way you do it.
Speaker 2:And remember I don't call it a juice fast, because it's not. Water is a fast. You got to put the word eat and the first letter of the word eat is E, so you turn fast. It's a feast, it's a juice feast. You're getting more nutrients in one day, in one leap. Yeah, one day. Let's say you drink two liters. You realize that one liter is this many vegetables. Two liters is about this. You couldn't eat that many vegetables, but you've taken away the fiber, that which is undigestible, not that we don't need it but I'm just saying we don't assimilate and turn it into flesh, blood and energy.
Speaker 2:So you're getting all the nutrients, so you're getting more than the average person. So you're fine. You'll lose weight. Great, you did an oil change. I mean, what if you didn't change your oil in your car for two years? Would you expect high performance? No, but anyway, after doing that, and you can either start the parasite cleanse during that or after the juice feast, there's a sense of the person's stomach is. And you have to do several because, remember, these guys lay up to 2,000 eggs a day. They're in the wall of your organ and you can't find them, and each egg can become 2,000 worms. I mean, it's beyond crazy.
Speaker 2:And then protozoa, by the way when they take out the pus from your mouth. When they do it they find the cavitation or they find the root canal and they send it to DNA. There's a lab called DNA Connections and they do the DNA to find out what was in you. It's like 38 bacteria and two protozoa parasites. I can't tell you. I think maybe one or two people didn't have a parasite in their gum, in their bone above, and they didn't have any symptoms from it. So I got to say they're ubiquitous, it's hard to kill them. So you have to three on one off, three on one off at least 12 cycles. After that, the only way you can test it is with an acupuncture meridian, because there's no other instrument, there's no other blood test, there's no other way to determine it. And what meridian assessments do they just look at? Is there a power shortage here? If there's still a power shortage on this particular meridian, then something's causing it, right, and so that's how you know when you're done. And it picks up to 10% to 15% that no physical or biochemical testing can, and so that's why it detects by energy. So I love it for that bet.
Speaker 2:So you've done all that and then during the cleanse you're going to get colonics because you've got to clean your cecum, which is right over here, I think, on the way out of Eden. The cecum is the part Just where your small intestines enter your large intestines. It's a little sac that hangs off and then at the bottom is appendix, but it stores stuff for decades, decades and I've seen it. So when that old expression of death begins in the colon was the cecum. So I think as we walked out of Eden, god slapped the cecum on us and said now you're going to die. Okay, so you've got to clean that. And I mean I had to check out this.
Speaker 2:I had a woman who was I can't remember if it was 38 or 48 years old. She had breast CFCs and I was talking about her history and found out when she was 12 years old she almost died from eating corn. It was. She had an anaphylactic reaction, so she couldn't eat corn after that. Well, she was at our center and we always give to colonics a week at the beginning.
Speaker 2:On her 18th colonic, a piece of corn came out. I mean, yeah, I mean you know what are you going to say. So you got to clean that. I don't care how I go regularly. Oh well, and the only way you can't get it with enemies enemies clean out the rectal vault and the descending colon a little bit, but you've got to go all the way around to here to you.
Speaker 2:So after you're like third fill, if you have a good cone there, you'll fill a bulge right here in the lower right part of your abdomen where you seek them is. And when you get that ball and when that cleans out, I can't even tell you how good it feels it's. You know how good you feel after a shower outside, well, imagine 10 times more, but on the inside it's like wow. So I mean, I almost consider my life BC and AC, before colonics and after colonics. I can't tell you what it is, but now I would say do two a week for at least 18 times, and then one a week for about, let's say, two months, and then you can do one a month. I never would. I would like to. I do them at least once a week, but when I can. But you have them done to you. It's got to be a person, because it requires somebody else to do it, but they got to be good. And again, just like in doctors or anything lawyers you got to find people that really know what they're doing, but anyway. So you've cleaned that out and you've cleaned that and you've got a certified lymphatic therapist making later so my housekeeper I'm in a hotel, I hope she comes back, they don't sometimes.
Speaker 2:So, after you've cleaned out everything, colonics and you have a lymphatic therapist who moves your lymph, because you know, for example, have any woman's ever had breast CFCs or something like that? And they take out 21 lymph nodes, which they should be arrested for that. They take out 21 lymph nodes. So now the question is and then they say don't do any lymphatic massage. I want you to understand how insane this is.
Speaker 2:If you're walking next to a river and you get thirsty, you'll drink. Half hour down the path it turns into a pond. Are you going to drink at the pond? No, so flow is life, cleanliness, flow, energy. As soon as it stops, it gets stagnant. You've got to keep that stuff moving.
Speaker 2:So a lymphatic therapist who's certified in not only manual lymphatic therapy but electro-lymphatic therapy, which is these glass wands that have noble gases like argon and krypton, and what they do? They put one on your neck to ground out and there's no grounding. It's not grounding the way you think, and then they run the other one just lightly above your skin and it moves. I bet women with tumors this big on their breasts after one good lymphatic it's half the size wide because most of it was congested gunk. So you need to get that kind of person Now. If you can't find one, you can't find a real one. What do you do? Well, you can get a little rebounder. If you get a rebounder, it's like a little trampoline and you go up, not jump, you just go up to almost leaving. So basically you're going up and down and that up and down, the gravity moves your lymphatics up and down.
Speaker 2:Another really good thing you can do is any kind of movement, exercise and all that that's going to get your lymphatics going. But a big one is this All the lymphatics from the bottom and your left side go into one vessel that empties into the blood. The right side is just the right arm and that goes into the right side, but most of it is there. But that top part, that top part of that vessel before it goes into the blood, is called the cisterna chylem. So you have a diaphragm and when you're breathing correctly, healthy, you're using it's diaphragmatic, because when the diaphragm which is at rest, like this when you inhale, what you're doing is you go like this, so you increase the volume of your chest and the air rushes in. So then you breathe out and breathe in. When you do that, it puts pressure on the cistern and the chylem. It goes in there, so it's a lymphatic movement.
Speaker 2:You know what else does it? A belly laugh, a real laugh, not a chuckle, but a belly laugh because your diaphragm is almost in spasming. It's cleaning out your limbs. It's beautiful. That's why laughter is really good medicine, and in other ways too, because of the psychology of it. But anyway. So that's what I would do with this fellow and anybody Make sure they've cleaned out every system.
Speaker 2:And then the final one, which is Trump's all of them and I'm glad we can use that word again Trump's, all of them is the mind. The mind, because if you have any negative emotion fear, sadness, regret, anger, any of that that puts your foot on the brakes of the immune system directly. And if you have the opposite, like you just got the greatest news in the world I took a blood test right away. I'd see, your natural killer cells are high, your T cells are high and all that.
Speaker 2:Here's the problem we can't control our mind because it's not a voluntary process, and so you don't really know what the content's going to be. And we know that 80% of human thought is negative because we grow up with three commands no, stop, don't, no, stop, don't, no, stop, don't. I'd say so it's negative. So therefore, if you're, only 10% is conscious, 90 is subconscious you don't know what you're telling yourself. So, even though I'm picturing a lake with a rainbow, 80% is going underneath there. That is suppressing my immune system. So what I've learned is as long as you're thinking, you've got your foot on the brakes of the immune system. So you've got to not think. You've got to learn to not think. So these are studies.
Speaker 1:Everything.
Speaker 2:I say is. I've got papers on peer-reviewed journals. They had catheters in people who were good meditators and the minute they went into, remember meditation for everybody, whatever religion you are. It's not violating your religion, because meditation is if you pray, you're talking to God and if you meditate, you're giving him the courtesy of listening. That's all we're talking about. Listen. If you say your prayers, sit back for two minutes and listen for the answer. And where do you find God, your breath? When the holy breath of God leaves your body, it turns back, not to Germany, not to Moscow, not to LA, it turns back to earth. Okay, so I tell people just five times a day, for only two minutes. You can commit two minutes. Just listen to your breath. You won't last more than three seconds, you'll be all and then remember to come back, but by doing it five times a day just for two minutes, then you can commit to two minutes.
Speaker 2:If I told you to do 20 minutes, it's ridiculous. You can't do three seconds, so that doesn't make sense. But at least the two minute goal is anybody's saying okay, anyway, you do that. After about three or four months and you're consistent, you might get up to five to 10 seconds, maybe 15, of not thinking and the tests show that the minute your foot is off the break, he's got your foot off. The breaks of the immune system, the natural killer cells, the T cells, get activated, the endometriotic cells get activated. I mean this is called psychoneuroimmunology. It's a real field. So if the word meditation offends someone, it's just another word for psychoneuroimmunology. But if you don't do that, you can't heal.
Speaker 1:It amplifies a lot. That's like Wim Hof does a lot of stuff. He did the same thing.
Speaker 1:I want to say they directly injected them. I forget if it was Seminella, but it was something that would have killed them and he's like put it in, I'll show you, I can meditate and I can do breath work and I can boost my T cells and kill it. And within less than six hours I couldn't find a trace of it. And that was one of those things where they directly injected it right into them. They're like you're probably going to fucking die. They were like give me two other people in like three weeks, I'll teach them how to do it. You can inject all of us and we'll kill it within like a few hours. And they had all the stuff hooked up to them to do it. So, all right, let me try and do my paraphrasing. I want to see if I can, if I've got like directions here. Train your brain and believe that you can have at least the positivity element before you go in, that this is beatable and you can use breath work and meditation on a daily basis to be able to keep yourself in. The train your brain element of it. And also, it's good to hang around with positive, how happy people, because the laughter will also encourage healing in lower cortisol. Make it so you're less stressed, all of those things right. So lower the stress, believe you've got this, have the positivity behind it right Now. What's happening, you said, is we need more ATP. The ATP is going on where the fermentation, the chronic fermentation of the cells. So what we have to do is not get caught up in diagnosis and catch that there was a problem that happened and we need to get rid of it. So all your cells are doing is fermenting to adapt for survival. But if you do chemotherapy, it doesn't get rid of the root, it's going to just get the mature ones and not the stem, which means it's going to come back. So we have to probably not go to the chemo and not poison just the big ones and get and miss the core ones. We got to get to the core. Start with your mouth. Go to a bio dentist, get checked out, because 80 to 90% of what you need starts there. Our mouth seems to be a big cause for all of it, not only the words we say, the food we eat and the sicknesses we believe. It's all starting with mouth and so, since the mouth is connected to the spine, checked the fuse boxes. Go to the fuse box and see what's all turning on and off here, then you see you have an accumulative toxicity. Everything is connected with the toxin. So doing the juice cleanse or the juice feast, and then after that or even during that, start killing parasites because we all got parasites and I can attest, I've done parasite cleanses it's wild and so like I'm with you there. So let's get rid of all the stuff in there. Let's get rid of the toxic stuff, the heavy metals you got them. Let's get rid of some of those. Let's get rid of the parasites. Let's get rid of the toxins. Let's get rid of all the stuff in the teeth and all the things that are poisoning your spine. Let's get rid of all the shit.
Speaker 1:We got to clean the water, so you had to go to. The intercistal fluid has to be oil changed. We got 12 cycles of parasite detoxes. We've got to do deep colonic cleanses. You got to clean the sectum. You've got to get in there.
Speaker 1:You got before colonics, after colonics, you'll know the difference and so you got two a week, 18 times at least, and then you got one a week for months, and then you got at least every month.
Speaker 1:Get at least one in, keep the bottom cleaned out. Then go to a lymphatic therapist who does lymph massage, because the flow is life. I have a rebounder, so I was jumping on it yesterday. The sugars are great and they keep the lymph going, so you got to keep that going too and just maintain a lot of these, like just clean out the whole thing and if you clean everything out, you stop putting garbage in not just in your mind from your mouth. Stop doing the sugars and the sweets and the garbage and the junk. Do the clean juice, clean out the parasites, clean out the metals, clean out your butthole, and then you should be able to start going like now check and see if you still have these fermented cells that should clean everything out, because your body knows what to do. You just got to stop doing stuff to your body to stop it from doing what it needs.
Speaker 2:Is that a fair breakdown? That was perfect. And what you just said summarized. That can be summarized as if you eliminate all of the things that were hampering your cells from doing what they were designed to do, which is optimally function. Once you remove all that, they no longer need to adapt Remember, the ferment of dance was an adaptive dance so they no longer need to and they won't, because that's not what they were designed to. They were designed to function optimally. They go back. So it's like so simple that we can't believe it. And yet the truth is always simple. And what I love about the truth is that when you hear it, you know it, and that's because we are fundamental beings truth. So when we hear it, it resonates with us and it's always simple. So if someone's got a lot of words in your scratch, in your head, it's bullshit. So the truth is simple. Now, I'm not saying it's not complex because when I look at the biochemistry, it's beyond any human being.
Speaker 2:I'll tell you why Anything that's good for a CFC is good for your regular cell. So, because it's the CFC is just like one of your cells that went to Gold's Gym. You're not going to pick a fight with a guy that walked out of Gold's Gym. You're going to. If you're going to have to fight, you're going to fight the guy that was sitting playing on his computer all day, not the guy. But these CFCs just walked out of Gold's Gym, right, so they're ready. So I mean you give them the biggest chemo in the world, the strongest. Then three doses, they go. That was great. Give me some more. Meanwhile, you've lost your hair, your lunch, everything's coming out. So we're not. Don't go head to head. Don't go head to head.
Speaker 2:What you do, you change the environment so they don't have a place to exist anymore. And then you overwhelm them with different metabolic therapies. Metabolic therapies are therapies that require them to use an enzyme that they don't have, that healthy cells do have Everybody in the C does that and B17. So all these metabolic therapies, so if you're doing this three times a week, this four times a week, this two times a week, in other words, it gets exhausted and now it has no place to live because you've cleaned out and then you wake up the immune system, there's not a problem. So remember, there's no it cancer. What people call cancer is CFCs are not an alien. It's your body that's adapting to the substance. See, our body's smarter than us, so way smarter our body's, god. So I'm eating food that doesn't meet my biological requirements. So my body adapts, makes my cells insulin resistant or whatever it is, so I can live. Because I don't know how to do it and I'll tell you.
Speaker 2:This is a very important thing that people can understand. I don't know if everyone can, but the bio under the biosphere, when we talk about life, all biological life is orchestrated by something called instinct, and instinct is the divine web by which all creatures are connected to the wisdom of God, and God is the essence of everything. So, therefore, a baby spider spins his first web, perfectly. He didn't go to engineering school. That new baby bird that gets into the flock didn't go to aviation academy. Perfect formation. Okay, that's what nature is. Instinct, now, instinct is just being connected to God.
Speaker 2:Right, and what do I say about nature? Well, I got to tell you, it's the opposite of eternal. It's called perpetual, it's in perpetual change, but again, with no beginning and no end. Perpetual change, it's the aspect of perpetuality, and it's the same thing, just changing. And the thing about that part of the universe, that part of reality, is that it has a beginning and middle and end. Beginning and middle and end, and that's what it is. So there's the perpetual universe and then there's the eternal universe, which is never changing. Eternal, and there you go. There's the duality that gives existence, but anyway, what I wanted to say about the, I forgot to last my point when I was talking about perpetual.
Speaker 2:What did I say? Well, okay, I wanted to say instinct, okay, so this is it. When we were born, before we can speak, within a couple weeks of coming over from the hospital, our parents are no longer. It's not like the first day, and then we hear three words from them and that is no, stop, don't, no, stop, don't, no, stop, don't. Whatever language, and what they're saying to you? Your pre-verbal, you don't have any concepts. What they're saying to you is, if I want to put some words to it, you're not good enough, we're going to fix you. In other words, your instincts are unacceptable Because, remember, a baby and a child is 100% innocent.
Speaker 2:They're just acting out of instinct and they would discover what they need to do and what they don't need to do if they were loud. But they're not. So they're inculturated. So you become a good American, a good German, a good African, a good Chinese, whatever. So now all of your responses to life are no longer instinctual, but rather cultural. And what is the center? The centerpiece of every culture is its cuisine, and it's around the cuisine that we have our deepest and most cherished moments romantic dinners, dinner with the family, holidays, business lunches. I mean food is a central, central thing, and so you're like in my family, italian right, diabetes, stroke, heart attacks runs in my family.
Speaker 2:No, no, no, no, no, no. Pizza, meatballs, sausages run in my family. If I don't eat them, I can't get them. So I mean but that so. So anyway. So we no longer have access to instinct, which means we have to go to seminars on what to eat. You know, dogs don't have these seminars, rats don't, rabbits don't. And guess what? You cannot get a dog to eat horse food and you cannot get a horse to eat dog food they won't. Now we not only eat the food of all the species, but we do it in one meal and we eat anything a cockroach would eat, including the cockroach. I mean, in Cambodia they eat spiders, and in China they're eating live monkey brain. In Tennessee they're eating bull testicles.
Speaker 2:So you can't ever knock someone's food, because it's just what you had up until the age of five or six, and that establishes your emotional relationship with food. And then it just gets embellished, and so that's the big thing. I'm writing a book called why it has to Taste Good. Because if it doesn't taste good, it's not good for you, actually, because you'll feel deprived. That will suppress your immune system, so you'll actually lose. So what you've got to do with an adult who's already there is. You've got to say look, right now you're in a burning building. You're standing at the window, you've got these flames all around you and there's a building across the way. Are you going to jump 90% of the way? No, you're going to jump 120%. Now, once you get there, you can walk on the edges. So what I'm saying is just for now, let's get out of the burning building, and then we can do 80, 20. So if a person knows psychologically that they don't have to do this forever, they can do it right.
Speaker 2:So the other thing is this when you're eating we don't care what it is within 20, 30 minutes you'll be full. And if you think about, you want your favorite meal, whatever it is steak, pizza, whatever and you sit down to eat it and you haven't eaten all day and you're just so excited. So now you take a bite, and probably that first bite is the moment you were looking for. It reminds me of a junkie the first shot or the cocaine addict is chasing that first. Okay, now you might enjoy it for 10 seconds, 20 seconds, till you swallow it. The second bite you start, but then you're talking and then so you miss it. Maybe on the fourth bite you'll get a moment of pleasure. So in the whole 20 minutes you got five minutes of pleasure. Now you're going to trade that for your well-being. That's what you've decided. It's worth it.
Speaker 2:Because remember after you're done eating. Your body's got to figure out wait, is this food? And I find food Is that which can be converted into flesh, blood or energy, and I need to find poison Is that which cannot and must be eliminated, to make it very simple. So now your body's got all this stuff in it, sitting in the stomach, and it's got to do something with it. And, by the way, everything you eat I wish people could see this. If you could vomit on command, I'd love that.
Speaker 2:But what will happen is you'll see that once you've chewed it, swallowed it, it becomes what we call chym C-H-Y-M-E and then it changes as it goes through. If you can see, three minutes after you ate something, what it looks like and what it is, you would never eat it. It's amazing, but anyway. But your body now has to deal with it and it does. It's unbelievable. When I see that everybody, I see people that eat nothing but fast food, which is not only not nutritious, it's a negative nutrition, it costs much more. That's when I realize that we don't need to eat because they're not eating.
Speaker 2:They're just poisoning and they're alive. And I'm like whoa, so I realize we don't eat, but anyway, your body's got to deal with it and what it happens is your ability to deal with waste disposal and stuff like that decreases over time and you begin to accumulate these toxins and as these toxins build up in every organ, that organ will start to become dysfunctional to some degree. Well, when those toxins it takes about 50 years around Start affecting the organs in your body, the glands in your body that produce hormones, your hormone production goes down and then the phenomenon of aging can be seen. All right, now I'm not saying you won't age, but guess what the Genesis diet before the flood. The average age was 912. And then God said Noah listen, I'm paraphrasing, of course. God said you're going to act like hyenas. You might as well eat like hyenas. So they did, and within the first five generations after Noah, the length of years was 120. Today, if we make it to 90, we've got divers and tubes coming out of our noses.
Speaker 2:So what is the human potential? I would say probably mid-1900s, but we're astounded if someone makes it to 100. When I was down in Vilcambam in Ecuador, it's called the Valley of the Long Live Ones. To have a seat at the elders table, you had to be 100. If you're 99, you're just too young son. So imagine that. Imagine cultures. But they had a reverence for age, they had respect. We're oriented to being young, thin and rich, a beautiful thin and rich, or something like that, and that's where we go. So, no matter what age you are, that's where you want to go. But they're the opposite. They want to get old and you get more respect the older you get. And these guys at 130 are doing things that we can't do at 40. So that's why I say the toxicities. So we have an extremely successful premature aging and death program in the West Because our ability to push away the waste decreases, we accumulate toxins and we get sick.
Speaker 2:And just one last thing on that. There was a I can't remember his name, I always forget his name. Anyway, he got the Nobel Prize in 1915. I think it was 15 around there, but he for proving that the blood pumps the heart. It's not the heart that pumps the blood and the reason it is think about it the heart is a circular muscle.
Speaker 2:So what happens Then? Blood fills up the ventricle right and it expands like this the wider it expands, the greater the contraction Right. So the less blood that fills it, the less it can. It'll contract. And when? No, have you ever heard of an embolus? You've ever been in the hospital and they're afraid of air getting in the line? Well, those little bubbles aren't going to hurt you. You'd have to inject like 15 to 20 cc's of air and when the air got into your heart it would go into fibrillation and you'd die. Okay, the heart's not pumping, the blood expands it, so it will naturally do that, just like the bird's not flying, the air is flying the bird, the bird's just going this the fish is not swimming, the water's swimming the fish. You know we have to. It's kind of. Anyway, this guy was interested in hearts and stuff like that. He had chicken hearts.
Speaker 1:I had that as William Harvey.
Speaker 2:William Harvey. Okay, Chicken hearts, put them in a, a Petri dish or some sort of medium. And he wanted to see what would happen if I didn't let toxins accumulate. So it started. It was in 1915 around there, I think it was in the early 60s. Someone forgot to clean it or they stopped doing it for some reason and they died. Now chickens don't live that long.
Speaker 1:They just don't live that long.
Speaker 2:So, what that showed was if you keep it clean. Who knows? And remember, every, every tissue in our body, like liver or this tissue or organ or something, has one entrance in. That's the artery and then the arterial. So you got one entrance in but you have two elimination veins and lymphatics. So, anatomically, god's telling us that it's more important to eliminate than to eat, and I've learned that you can eat a little bit of junk once a day and that's going to be better than eating a lot of good food all day long, believe it or not.
Speaker 1:Why is that? Why could we eat some junk and it's better than just eating good all the time?
Speaker 2:No, what it means is that if you eat a little bit of junk, well, you won't live as long as you would, but if you eat a little bit of junk, that means 23.5 hours a day you're not eating, and when you're not eating, the body is cleaning, rejuvenating, regenerating, and so that's what happens.
Speaker 2:So that's why you have to stop eating. If you're 30 or younger, you stop eating three hours before you go to bed 44 hours, 50 or above five hours, some people six hours before going to bed. Why? Because when you go to sleep, you want to make sure you're not still absorbing, because if you're not absorbing, you'll immediately go into autophagy and start cleaning, but if you're still absorbing, you won't get that benefit. And the thing is we have 90 minute sleep cycles and there's a biological set point around anywhere from 12.30 am to 2.33 am where your new day starts, your biological new day. So before that time, about 80% of that 90-minute sleep cycle is regenerative sleep, restorative sleep, and only 20% is dreams. When you hit that, by the time you get up here, it's the opposite 80% is dreams, 20% is restorative.
Speaker 2:All right so that's why I say, if you go to bed at 11 pm and you sleep to 7, you got eight hours, you had plenty of dreams. So you don't hate everybody that you see, but you didn't restore your body, you didn't have enough restorative cycles. And if you go to bed at eight which, by the way, we're diurnal, not urinal and if you want to know the answer of what to do, imagine it 7,000 years ago. What would you do? And that would help you. And imagine you're naked in the jungle. It's just something that you can eat. You got to do that if you want to get the answer, but anyway. So we're nocturnal and diurnal and it turns out that by going to sleep about an hour after sunset, if you lived in the equatorial zones, which is our biological niche, 12 hour days, 12 hour nights you would get probably four cycles of mostly restorative before you hit that buzz off, that biological new day. And you're a different person, you've cleaned out. I mean, I tell you, there's a guy in Bangkok. He eats regular Thai food, which is not good and not healthy, but since he was 40, he took one month out of the year and he did a water fast Every year. He's 88 and he looks 40. It's shocking because what did he do? He eliminated that waste. When you do a water fast, there's different parts to it and you say, well, can I do four? One weeks you could, but it's not the same, because it's not until day nine that your brain stops using glucose. Day two all of your organs are using the fat, the ketones, but your brain, which takes 25% of the glucose, doesn't agree to this until about day nine. So day 10 begins. What happens is gluconeogenesis, that is, making new glucose from your protein stops. I mean, it's very low. And now your body goes on a scavenger to find any non-essential tissue and to recycle it for fuel. That means cysts, plaques in your artery, tumors, anything. It's going to eat them up because it needs it for fuel. Okay, it's just unbelievable. And so the real benefit of the fast begins on day 10.
Speaker 2:When I've had people with advanced stage four told they had six months to live one of the witches or warlocks. And I remember a woman from the UK. She comes in and she had breast CFCs all over the place and she said let's do it water. So I said well, she said how long? I said until it's, you know, it's gone. That was 41 days Now, I don't know why, because it's interesting, I'm blown away because Moses fasted for 40 to 80 days.
Speaker 2:He fasted for 40, he came down and got pissed off, went back up and did another 40. Jesus fasted for 40. So I feel wise. I don't understand it for you, but every time I've worked with someone on a prolonged fast it turns out to be 41. But anyway, and believe you can't do that alone unless you're experienced, because it's the refeeding part.
Speaker 2:You can get up there maybe, but the hardest thing is, after two weeks of a fast, water gets awfully boring and so you don't drink enough and you start to get dehydrated. So if you were, if I was taking care of you, you were on a fasting retreat and I would do. If I do your blood. It's called orthostatics. We just find out if your volume depleted, we just give you some normal saline, just keep you hydrated because you're not drinking it, and then you're still fine, but anyway. So she did this for 41 days and we read refeed her. It took us about almost four weeks to get her feet eating again. And, by the way, the most digestible food for an adult human is melons. So if you're breaking. I say, for every five days of no water, I've only water. Only one day of melons. So you just figure that.
Speaker 1:Break your fast with melons. What about if you're doing like the daily fasts, like if you're doing like a intermittent fasting? Starting with melons is still a good idea.
Speaker 2:No, no, we have to define fast. A fast is 24 hours of staying from any food, any nutrients Okay. So if you're eating once a day or twice a day, that's just healthy eating, okay. So what that's doing is remember if you stopped eating let's say you're 40 years old you stopped eating four hours before sleep. You're going to go to bed by nine. That means five o'clock. You stopped eating. You put your fork down. Okay. Now, if you do the math, that's 11am. You can have your first meal. That's not hard. That's not hard.
Speaker 1:No, no, no, no, it's not that tough. I intermittent fast often, so like it's not that difficult to do. There's just a lot of information going on, like stuff to keep up with, like when to do what and what our food is doing and the blood pumping heart and you know what our instincts are and the pieces that are built in and what to go with with that, and the beginning, the middle, the end, all of the stuff. It's tough to keep up with all of these things and like even still, even before I have a diagnosis, I could probably go through and do some of the stuff and just do a cleanse anyways and not even have to worry about it later.
Speaker 2:Exactly.
Speaker 1:What about like alkaline? Like alkalining our bodies? Is that useful? Drinking alkaline water? Is that doing anything? Or is that a waste of time?
Speaker 2:That's a really good question. Oh, okay, remember I had mentioned that we have 36 septillion chemical reactions every second. Well, each one of those is media performed by an enzyme. An enzyme is a protein, and a protein has a primary structure, which is the sequence of amino acids, the secondary structure, which is how it folds because of these hydrogen bonds and some other sulfur bonds, and the tertiary structure is its three-dimensional shape. And it's the tertiary structure that gives us a function. So here's my hand, right. Wait, where are we? So four fingers and one thumb. But if I had my thumb up here it wouldn't work. So form and function are two sides of the same coin, right? So with an enzyme, which is a protein, its three-dimensional shape is maintained by two physical aspects of the environment, that is, ph and temperature. So all of the enzymes in our body function optimally at 37 degrees Celsius or 98.6 Fahrenheit.
Speaker 2:Okay, and remember, temperature is just a way of measuring energy, right? So, if I have, if the molecules of water are moving very slowly, it's ice. If they're going faster, it's water. If we're going faster, it's steam, it's still water. It's just how quickly it's moving. Right? So they function best at that. Now, the optimal pH depends on the tissue. For example, your stomach's got to have a pH of 1.5. You put your finger in there, your skin's coming off. Your colon is 6.8. You know it's different. They're all different ones, so the pH varies, but the temperature is the same.
Speaker 2:Now, by the way, I just want to mention that our cells, the optimal temperature for our cell or our cellular work, is at 98.6 Fahrenheit, except our immune system, Our immune system, optimally function at 103.5. And the reason we? That's why we get a fever. So a fever is not an indication of a Tylenol deficiency, okay, a fever is how you activate your immune system. It's how you go from surveillance to attack. All right, and that's what is. You don't take something. If you get a fever, say thank you, god. You understand. You know what a lizard has to do. Or a snake they have to crawl onto a hot rock and bake in the sun because they can't get a fever. But they know enough to do that. So that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:So it's temperature, so the pH varies. So we're just talking about alkaline water, et cetera. The pH of our cells and the interstitial fluid, and therefore the blood, must be between 7.35 and 7.45. Now, 7.0 is neutral. Anything below 7 is called acid. Anything above 7 is called alkaline. So clearly we need to be in an alkaline state. But just so you understand, there's no good and bad here, remember. So you're tightly held between 3.5 and 4.5. If you go above or below it's a problem. So being too alkaline is just as dangerous as being too acidic.
Speaker 1:Okay you have to understand that.
Speaker 2:Remember when you use Drano, that has a pH of 11. No, I mean, it's going to so same thing. So understand that. That pH, we're just talking about a narrow range and our body does everything it can to keep us there. Now we're talking about the interstitial fluid and the tissues and the blood vessels, but we're not talking about the organ systems. Now, therefore, yes, we need the blood circulatory system needs to have a pH of 7.4. So let's say, the average 7.4 is perfect. It needs to be 7.4 so that it can deliver to the cells everything at pH of 7.4. And they have to keep it that way. And as long as that's going on, we're fine. That's alkaline, all right. We don't want to be 7.5, we'll be in trouble. We want to be 7.4.
Speaker 2:Now I have to have a stomach pH of 1.5. So I drink alkaline water. What's going to happen? That alkaline is going to go into my stomach and it's going to be used right away. It's not going to wait. Chemistry happens now. So now what I wound up doing was increasing my stomach pH from 1.5 to maybe 2.5. That doesn't change my body's alkalinity. In fact, it's dangerous, as it turns out.
Speaker 2:The reason we need a 1.5 pH, which meansa high, a lot of acid. The reason we need that is not only to eliminate any parasites or bacteria or things that we eat, but also the acid actually modifies the foods so that we could absorb it. An example spinach, you know, spinach, papaya, you know, and it was strong. It has iron in it. That iron comes in the form it's called ferric, it's called Fv3+. So you eat it, it gets into your stomach. Now we can only absorb Fv2+, but it's the acid in the stomach that turns it to the Fv2. And then it can be absorbed. So I remember doing rounds when I was a medical student and the professor says this person has anemia of old age. I was thinking, wow, what's that? It wasn't until after medical school. Years later I realized. You know what? By the age of 40, we start producing less and less gastric acid. It's called hypocalorhidria and if you don't have enough acid, you're not going to process the foods.
Speaker 1:So the reason she was anemic is though she was eating she wasn't getting the iron.
Speaker 2:She couldn't absorb it because of the high, you know. And then the older you get, the less acid you produce, and so that's the problem. So you need that and you also need it. The acid is also going to digest proteins and do certain things. In together with the mechanical actions of the stomach, it prepares the food for the next stage. So drinking alkaline water. But this is the way to get alkaline. We have to get whatever we want to get alkaline our cells and our blood. So what do we do? We eat anything that has a positive charge, and those are all minerals. Positive charge it's weird science, but it means it's lacking an electron, which means it'll grab one. So you have to have these positive charges there to grab the mineral. So it's not the pH of the substance, it's the pH. It's what it does in your body.
Speaker 2:So if I eat a lemon, if you check a lemon, it's acidic, citric acid but it's an alkaline producing food. And what produces the alkalinity are the cations like magnesium, calcium, all the positively charged cations. That's what makes food. It makes their body alkaline. So I drink a big glass of green juice I just made. I drink it and all the minerals go into my blood and they send them everywhere and it alkalinizes my body where it should be alkalinized. I don't want to alkalinize my stomach. That's got to be it.
Speaker 2:You know, most doctors are now, I mean regular doctors are putting people on proton pump inhibitors and other antacids and stuff like that, when the truth is, when you're getting indigestion, it's because you don't have enough acid. That's why the old say they say drink apple cider vinegar or just do some things to make more acid and you'll see, it's not that you need an antacid, you need an acid, it's the opposite. Of course, everything that they talk about is the opposite of the truth. So you need more acid. So, elderly, and if you're getting indigestion, it's just the same thing, what they call indigestion. So you take Tums and you feel better and all that, but it's really you need acid. So that's the idea with the alkaline water. And that was a big confusion and I'm still trying to figure out how it became so big, because it's really contrary to physiology and I just wonder what happened.
Speaker 1:It's the same with all of it. It's the same thing we talked about before. It's all marketing, it's all the words, and so I remember seeing when it came out, there was even multi-level marketing companies and other advertisements and people advertising that alkaline water boosts all the white blood cells and everything. Alkaline is good and cancer can't live in alkaline environments, and these things may be true, but we'll just sell water and the water can be alkaline and that'll make it so that that makes you able to fight cancer with the water that you drink, and so it's a.
Speaker 1:The thing I noticed with almost all of the tough things, especially for the propaganda for today, is the best lies are 95% true, and so there's going to be a high element of truth to it. But just a little twist to make it so like yes, alkaline kills cancer. Yes, a high acid environment will create cancer throughout your body. Yes, but if you drink alkaline water that doesn't do that well, we'll leave that out, because I want to sell more of the alkaline filters or I want to sell more of these $5,000 machines or whatever it would be, and so it's easy to be able to market partial falses with majority truth, and that's what a lot of the things are, you know, or even like the possibility of the truth, and people really struggle today with truth.
Speaker 1:Truth is probably the hardest fight for almost everybody. It's the toughest game right now. It's even the one that you have to fight where, if you're like, no, this is actually true, I can show you there's even got to be that element of there's. No way. You know, I don't believe it. Why? Well, because I don't want to challenge it, or because you know, sometimes you'll speak in terms that are confusing, and so, since I'm confused and it ends with the Socratic answers of I don't fucking know, fuck you.
Speaker 1:The answer is fuck you, because I don't know what you're saying, you know, and so then it's like I'm going to go to somebody who just you do the thinking. I don't want to do it, and so then they'll just go well, you need this, you need these filters, or you need this drugs, or you need this thing, and now you're better. But it's really not. It's just masking until you just get sicker and sicker, and there's a lot of things that you're saying that have. These may be absolute truths, but it's also more work.
Speaker 1:Fasting is a lot of work. It's uncomfortable and I don't like it. And I like the Italian food. It's delicious, you know, in the cuisine and my culture and my family and everyone's around, and we're all getting together for graduations and for birthdays and for celebrations, and I'm here just pound in water with my angry face smelling bacon and pies, and I'm like this makes me salty, I'm angry, and so this gets into rhetorical doubts and it gets into things that make us feel like we're not good enough or this is stupid. And by rhetorical doubts I mean like well, what's the fucking point? What's the fucking point of this? Well, no, no, answer the question. Don't leave it rhetorical answer it. The point is is you want to get rid of cancer? Or the point is is you don't want to die? Or the point is there's a point to the answer, the damn question. But if you leave it as, what the point?
Speaker 1:I'm just going to eat something, and so it's a lot to take in and, like, I've taken six pages of notes from what you've said already and that's why I try to paraphrase it, because you're you're dropping a lot of wisdom and you also throw in very complex wisdoms between your wisdom points. So when you jump points, you'll throw in something that's very advanced that just kind of gets moved past very quickly. It's like well, I've seen entire documentaries on just that one sentence you threw past there. So there's very advanced things you're saying and I really would say, if somebody listened to this a few times, it's tough too, because you do a thing that most elders do as you speak in stories, or you'll throw a parable in, or you'll say something that's like well, here's an example or here's a story, to say this, and people will miss the concept or purpose because of the story, even though the story is the bridge to the concept and the purpose.
Speaker 1:And this is also where, today, people want instant gratification, and I don't want explanation, I want answers, not solutions. I just want to work, just do it, and you're like well, but there's a reason it doesn't. And so I really hope that people listen multiple times because to a person who doesn't understand what you're doing. It seems like babbling, but if you understand what you're doing, you're just dropping thousands of years of wisdom very quickly and it's very hard to catch. Most people will not get it. My audience enjoys this kind of stuff, so my people will be like I'm gonna listen to this guy again and take good notes. Like I said, I'm at six pages now and it's very easy to see how you can just fill books just talking to you, and that's what I'm.
Speaker 2:I've started a couple books If I didn't have. If I could, I need a month where I don't have to do anything. I could finish these books. I need it.
Speaker 1:But you know I'm with you. I'm with you. I had to schedule the next couple of days. I got this book the map out of hell that I'm working on right now to help people with the behavior change that gets people out of their stuff and it takes so much time.
Speaker 2:And you can't get interrupted. You've got to like stay on it to do it. But you know, for everybody to understand something that health, health. Lets define health as the optimal functioning of the organism Right, because you know a lot of people say it's the absence of disease, which is insane. That's like saying light is the absence of darkness, right. How much darkness would you have to take out of the room to find the light? It's an absurd question. So it's the opposite.
Speaker 2:What is called disease is the absence of health. So health is our birthright. It's the consequence of living within your biological constraints, your biological laws. When they're all satisfied, the result is optimal functioning and as we'll call health. So any deviation from that supply, your biological needs, will be the deviation from health. So you're not even get something, it's just that you somehow.
Speaker 2:I would like to simplify it. So, therefore, if someone comes in with a consequence of many years of not satisfying their biological needs, like a lump, whatever it is, if you have a little lump here and it's just, you can just feel it. That took eight years. So we don't have to have to do anything next Tuesday, slow down. So if it took eight years now, what are we doing. We have the allopathic mindset which is I'm going to get rid of this now.
Speaker 2:No-transcript. You can't, and I'll tell you why. Well, I don't believe me. Do it? Cut it out. Tell me, if you're done, talk coming a year later. It doesn't work that way. You have to. As long as it took what it took to get there, you have to go back and get back to that. So there's no such thing as it. So you know where, you see, you go to the doctor, gives you pill. It gets rid of a symptom. Now, a symptom, remember, is our body talking to us, right? So when I have pain, what's my body saying? Stop, whatever it is, stop, all right. We have to understand that. That's the message. So, anyway, all I'm saying is it may, it's, it is hard to fast.
Speaker 2:But here's the thing, this is what you've got to do. You've got to say okay, you remember Solomon in, I Think was Ecclesiastes. He says to every Talk, every two, every season, every time there is a season, there's a time to be born in, the time to die, the time to laugh and a time to cry. Well, there's a time to fast and there's a time not to fast. So, if you're gonna fast, you take it seriously, and I want to tell you that a fast is actually a spiritual experience. Now, the other thing that understand real quickly is that there we don't have a mind, a body and a spirit. We have a mind, body, spirit, complex. Where does the mind end of the body begin? You know what is the body? The body's atoms. Which is what was at the center of the atom? Oh, nagasaki, oh, so, energy. So, in other words, you can't, you can't. It's one being and there's all aspects of it and you have to deal with all aspects of it, right? So, so, as I'm said that it might seem daunting, but here's the final take-home message there's only one way to get healthy, there's only one way to obtain health, and that's by living healthy. Okay, you can't command it, negotiate it, buy it. You can only earn it. It's like respect Okay, so if you want health, you got to earn it. And and turn it means you've got to revert, go back. Oh, you got to go back to eating. You know, I always tell people they go how long do I have to eat this way? It's like I say, well, how long do I have to put smoking Right? Well, as long as I want to breathe. But why am I eating this way? But because it's called earth food. What do you mean? Earth food? Well, I'm a. The earth actually produced everything we need. Hard as it is to believe, god made tomatoes, not tomatoes, us, I know it's. He screwed up a lot, but unfortunately he made tomatoes. He didn't make tomatoes off, and I guess, and by it, by the way, if you chemically took it to a chemist, the tomato and the tomato sauce, you find out they're not chemically the same anymore. Okay, so anything that God makes is natural and nature is perfect. It's perpetual Change, but it's, it's perfect. And there's no waste Nature, there's no garbage in nature. Every bow movement is food for another organism or an excretion. It's just. It's beyond understanding, but that's nature.
Speaker 2:Now, when we get a hold of something and we make it. It's called artificial. That's why when archaeologists go and digs, they look for artifact, something unnatural. Here the humans were here. So we take stuff and what do we produce? We a lot of garbage. We make garbage, right, okay. So that's why I was saying, I was thinking that you know, got what God produces, it's nature and it's perfect. I was called. I would call that intelligence. I guess it's time to go. I guess that's it.
Speaker 2:I gotta go anyway, I'd like to finish that sentence but I can't um, thank you.
Speaker 1:That was God, those God getting here. He's like hold on, hold on, hold on, let him get it, let him get it.
Speaker 2:It's like, let me just finish that sentence. What was it Um?
Speaker 1:You're talking about nature. You're talking about how like God is in the nature. There's a read they.
Speaker 2:So God's intelligence produces something called nature which is perfect perfect, our, our nature, our mind, our intelligence and produces that which is artificial. That's artificial intelligence. That's AI. Now, our progeny, the AI we made, is a second clone. It's like it's a clone of the clone, but guess what? It only got One aspect, for example, of AI. If the machines are running and AI's Instructions are to eliminate you, there's no negotiating. You know, I mean it's you take that human element out of it.
Speaker 2:Anyway so all I'm saying is I think we are artificial intelligence and that's why you have to understand. Anything we do, I don't call the cook cook, I call them a chemist. They're doing endothermic chemical reactions. Now can I do that? No, just like you pointed out, it's exactly right. I grew up every Sunday morning I smelled the sauce me, you know, I mean, and I ate all day. I was grabbing meatballs. My mother was slap me, I mean to me. Now that you know and I can't, today, I can't go in the tiny restaurant and smell it and and be okay.
Speaker 1:So you can't fast. You can't fast, yeah, sitting in the mass.
Speaker 2:So so what I do is you're gonna fast, you take it solemnly serious, mm-hmm, and you go somewhere where you're not gonna be disturbed and you read books on fasting. You read why it's going to be, why that it's not something, it's you're not being to. It's not that you're not eating, but you are fasting. It's a different thing, because if you see yourself as not eating is to deprivation, but if you're, and when you and you're reading these fasting books and you're realizing, wow and guess what? God hardwired it in the nature. No animal eats every day.
Speaker 2:They might eat for two days and not find food for three days, so they're always so, by the way, an intermittent fasting, by definition would therefore be if you fasted every Sunday, or you fast every Tuesday and Thursday, but if you just eat healthy, you know, in one, one day you can't call it because I could say well, look, I fast until breakfast, and then I fast until lunch, and then I fast till dinner, so I'm intermittently fasting. In other words, that's the hard ones that define it.
Speaker 1:If it's him in one day, so well it's also confusing with the word breakfast, because breakfast is just breaking fast, yeah. So when are you gonna do that? Right, when you yeah, that's not eating again from along. Whatever I stopped from dinner To breaking my fast, that's what they go.
Speaker 2:Exactly, that's your breakfast, right, and so it could be, and you know anyway. So. But the reason is we can't, we shouldn't eat all the time and everything has to be sickly, but we do because of our modern world, we're eating every day, three meals a day, and we the toxicity gathers quicker, we don't have time to get rid of it because, remember, you have X amount of energy.
Speaker 2:So if you're eating, your system is busy assimilating and it's doing less cleaning and it's only when you stop eating that it has a chance to clean it's. You know? It's really simple. So usually Most people who eat late late at night they go to bed. They don't get enough sleep, but they're still absorbing until maybe the last three hours. So they only get three hours of benefit of that sleep, and I think one of the reasons that God gave sleep to us is so we finally stopped eating.
Speaker 1:That might be. That may be a part of it. I think there's a lot, a lot to it. Stop eating.
Speaker 2:Because, remember, it's not, it's not only what you eat and when. It's the important thing about eat diet is the times you don't eat and we do eat, and also like mono diets. He ate just bananas and he was cured. He ate just okay. But remember, when you're doing a mono diet, it's not necessarily what you're eating, it's what you're not eating.
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm.
Speaker 2:So all the other junk he's not eating. That that's. That's a big deal.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and this will probably get in the weeds. It's very interesting with some of the things I see, with people who do stay out of eating the bad. I actually just one of my guys who runs, you know, the spirit side element in the Warriors way. He's a doctorate in theology and he saw a guy I want to say it was in India when he believed that the nutrients you get from the Sun may be all you need and so he Didn't eat any food for over a year it's like it was like four hundred something days and he would just absorb the energy from the Sun and he was healthy, like the Sun was giving nutrients that he needed for his body to survive, and he didn't eat any food at all and he was not like skin and bones. He was a very healthy guy and it was a very interesting thing to see the amount of discipline but then also the results.
Speaker 1:There's a lot more. It's a more complicated than we give our credit for and this is where, like you know the elements of this, where we do speak about, like in the Warriors way, when I train this, what you're, what you're teaching Allines very much, because I learned that it's not just how you work out and I learned it's not just what you read. And I learned it's not just I see your housekeeping. Oh, grab them.
Speaker 2:Because that was real. Okay, I apologize.
Speaker 1:Well, you don't have to apologize for fire.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, but I mean. You know, anyway, you know, maybe we should do a part two someday.
Speaker 1:So let's do it. Let's do it. I love talking to you. I would love that. Yeah, I'm just gonna finish out with just seeing. I see that you've incorporated mind, heart, body and soul All together and the yin and yang of what it is. You talk about the, the tactics in the action, and then the behavior and the Connection go ahead.
Speaker 1:Yeah so anyway, we tell this lady you're on a podcast right now. It's very important show. Let's get him on the show. Listen, this guy's a hero. Let's put him on the show. This is the part where I hope you're on YouTube and you're watching. All right, dr Loady, we're so live it hurts it's an honor to be able to hang with you. Yeah, we get to watch these guys save lives, very cool.
Speaker 2:Yeah, look, they're letting me say that's great. So so you're right. You're right bringing it, bringing it all together. You know why we have to bring it all together? Because it is all together. We don't have systems in our body, you know, we don't have a cardiac cardiovascular system, because the right heart pumps to the boot, to the lungs, and then it comes back to the left heart, so it's really the cardiopulinary, cardiopulinary system. But if they don't have the kidneys, it. You know just that there's only one system, it's the body. And guess what? There's not only one of us here. If I don't have a heart, I'm dead. I don't have a liver, I'm dead. If I don't have microorganisms in my body, I'm dead. So are they them or are they us Right? So we have to understand the answer.
Speaker 1:Isn't the answer yes?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:The answers are yes on all of them. I also I enjoy the element of memories and the the parts of us where we want to think that it's our brain. I actually talked to a guy who is a spirit medium but he's also be very much believed in God and he's like no, no, that's all there. They're really there. There's a real thing. Angels don't look like you think they do. They're not these beautiful big wing, they're very different, like they're different. And he said you ever notice how there's a spirit world? He's like well, your brains? In Oregon, they don't have brains, yet they have intelligence. He's like well, do you think that your memories are stored in your brain? He's like they're stored in your spirit, they're stored in your soul and that's why there's past lives and things like this.
Speaker 1:It's very fascinating to watch the ideas of.
Speaker 1:We are interconnected in very complex ways and, if I like the way that you said, to sum it up and I think it's in all four areas you have to work on your mind, your beliefs and you're even take care of the breath, work to keep your things working Functionally, but take care of the body, and the body is the part where you're saying this is more of if you want to get healthy, live healthy.
Speaker 1:But this also goes the same way within the world I work in, where it's also an emotional thing too, and our guys are very, very much Suppressing emotion to try to get through, and that's that stores. The suppression leads to expression at some point and then you have to get into the spirit side and understand that there's a Connection beyond what we understand. It doesn't mean you are right, wrong or anything. At some point you're not supposed to know, and Socrates, being the wisest man in the world, understood that the wisdom comes from I don't know, and that makes me wise and then makes me able to listen instead of get upset and run into today's societal weapons, which are blame, shame and judgment, to try to tell you how you're bad for making me realize I don't know exactly exact and you know, then that's what they very cleverly and purposefully decided.
Speaker 2:Think of the human being in the year, in the year 1900, a Self-reliant person who read they probably made their family and they made most of what they did. They took care of them. You know, they were a self-reliant. Now they they had to, and if you told them you got to do this, they'd say wait a minute, can let me ask about that? And they wouldn't do that. So they realized they had to turn us into consumers. Right, and the only way you can turn someone to consumers is to appeal to their vanity. So they made us vain because I got to get the latest teacher for nation and whatever it is and we can be in vain.
Speaker 1:Convenience and belonging yeah.
Speaker 2:Exactly right and and belonging. So they got us. So, before they started the great hoax of 2020, they were prepared. It couldn't fail and you saw, it did not listen.
Speaker 1:It was extremely successful.
Speaker 2:They took down the planet in two months. Jesus, I mean you tell me that wasn't well I it was.
Speaker 1:if you look back at it, it was executed amazingly and and in the psychology results. If you just watch how few people even had, they showed no critical thinking skills. It was more than half of the population challenged nothing, even, yeah, doctors who should have known. Jumping right in and any doctors that knew were considered misinformation.
Speaker 2:Oh, and look the Richard. He's that bush out with us. Yeah, he's dead oh.
Speaker 1:Yeah yeah, the ones who jumped right in it. That's showing that that was a mistake. But it also showed how quickly, if you don't pay attention to the propagandas of fear, if you don't pay attention to challenging the belief systems including both of us, I think people who call both of us you should be challenging for my competency and how I break curses and belief systems, and you should challenge Dr Load. You did in his competence and his, his ability to help you Actually live healthy. You should challenge your gurus and as soon as I have to put on my robe, hide behind my paperwork and start putting curses on you. Maybe you should be challenging your gurus Exactly.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think it's very powerful what you put down here today. I would encourage anybody, if really, get a notebook today and take notes on what you've put. You have put. I've, just from my own research, just as thousands of years of information Collected and gathered and even transposed in the way that you speak. It's much wiser than I think most will understand and you know it's a blessing to be able to have the time with you today.
Speaker 2:I'm telling you, you know, I I've interviewed myself many people but I I don't think anyone who get really has the depth that is able to I'm able to be, feel like a peer. You know it's it's hard to find peers, you know, when you thought it because you know, I mean, I grew up read, I've read. I don't read people's opinions about stuff, I read the original documents. Right, I don't want to hear with someone's opinion about the Bible is I'm gonna read it 10 times, you know.
Speaker 1:I've got some friends for you that you'll very much enjoy. I've got a couple of my guys who I run it. I have a very high level guys in the Warriors way. Tonight, actually, just if you have time we train mind-heart, body, soul in the Warriors way and I am, I'm in my inside, mind and mind and body is mostly my strong side. So I go into the deep work, the psychology, the philosophies. That's my side and so I built the entire program. But I also lean in on the masters of their own side. So tonight is spirit side. I call it Jedi training or they call it the transformers group and that's where they focus more spirit side. And the two guys that run that Both, you know, have church hurt, if you will.
Speaker 1:So they don't go church is the answer. But one is a doctorate in theology and he knows his shit, and the other guy was a pastor of the Dead Sea Scrolls, also knows his shit, and so these guys both are like it's the gathering that we create that creates church. So we are the church and we don't need a building to do that and we don't need somebody to tell you otherwise, and we really get into those deep conversations of surrender to find God, and I think you would find these guys very, very fun to talk to.
Speaker 2:What do you say tonight?
Speaker 1:What time is?
Speaker 2:that.
Speaker 1:Let's see you. It's. It's a central time I want to say it's 8 pm Central time. I'll send you I can just send you a link, so I'll make sure you have it's. We put they put a zoom link up and the guys all get together and so it's all over the world. So guys get together everywhere. But you'll enjoy that. That's just this.
Speaker 1:Last night, for example, is body side. So I have two guys who are physical experts and they get into the mindset of the physical parts. But one guy is one of the strongest men in the world. He professionally competes in strongman and he's like number 26 right now in the world. And then the other guy is a cage fighter, ufc cage fighter. Well, so those are my two health experts. For, like you want to get tougher, here's which way do you want to go bigger, stronger, faster, more agile, which one you want? And so it's neat to be able to have these gatherings of experts in different fields. And so I think you really enjoy Some of the things that we do in the Warriors way, because we take guys like you and we go. You should shut the fuck up and listen to this guy, because he's really saying stuff that would take you ten thousand books to get.
Speaker 2:You know. You know, with the work you're doing, actually, in the work I'm doing is exactly the same, but they're just a Different context. But like, for example, I have a kinesiologist that as part of the team, I've got a Master of yoga and meditation, I've got, you know, and I got chefs and I've got teachers and I, but so in terms of kinesiology, so what you know, one of the things that we all get eventually is sarcopenia, that's where your muscles start to atrophy and it really happens. And so it turns out that and this, this was surprised me. I had to read the research to believe it. I would think an Indication of longevity would be your cardiopulmonary health. You know what it is grip strength. Grip strength correlates with prognosis of any condition and long life, and it goes into the science and it proves it. Now, how do I improve my grip strength? By squeezing a tennis ball. No Walking stairs, you get it. Your core body gets stronger, your grip strength gets stronger.
Speaker 2:So one of the things when patients come to, when we they join our program, we call them students, not patients but our students come, we do a grip strength on the day one and we're shocked 81 year old Ladies that are have a grip strength. It's just amazing, but that's what we work on. So did you know that 70 seconds of stair climbing Increases your natural killer cell function six times 70 seconds? So what we tell people is imagine it was 7,000 years or anywhere. What would you do all day? You'd be bending, moving, twisting, walking, carrying, lifting and stuff like that and you'd be moving. And when I went to Vanuatu, 12. I mean I knew what was coming. I mean. So I was out in Vanuatu, like About 20 years ago, looking for some land. Anyway, the natives were taking us on hikes through the jungle.
Speaker 2:Now these guys that were wearing just these Cloths on the bottom and nothing else. Right, and they didn't chatter amongst each other, they were just. They talked when they needed to. Their bodies would. When you looked at their bodies, you would think these guys go to the gym for sure. But they don't. It was living.
Speaker 2:The word exercise only became Relevant if you were sedentary, right, you know. And guess what? Freaking out for two hours in the gym, it's just as unnatural as Sitting at the desk for eight hours. They're equally unnatural.
Speaker 2:So so what we do is we teach. We call a movement snacks, but he teaches people based on what they're doing, like, for example, if you, if you're just sitting in a chair, then you do this five times a day. You're sitting in a chair and you just get up to the count of three and then you go down to the count of five, do that five times and do that like three times a day. That will. It's an immune enhancing. But the other thing it does is Because you have to balance and study. It maintains cognition, so that your cognitive function, with your movement, I mean so every. I'm just saying everything you're doing, we do, and in more.
Speaker 2:It's pretty amazing, but it's from a different perspective, and that's why I don't want to call the people that come to me anything but students, and we're all students of life, and that's what Socrates was saying. I need a teacher, so yeah. So there's no, there's no, you're not a patient, you're not whatever they told you you are. Get rid of that, okay. Okay, you need, and that's what we offer we have. It's called the school of life, which is similar to what you're doing, or maybe the same, but just from a different angle.
Speaker 1:You want to hear something that's also very reassuring. I've met a few people. I've been very blessed in this that this kind of platform which this is ironic that this is a hobby no different than you right now, this is us just having a podcast. We're not podcasters, we really do real work and so this is kind of a neat thing to a show. It's just a couple more times. This is one of the most ironic shows I've done.
Speaker 2:Seriously, I guess I gotta go, all right. So maybe there is a fire, I don't know. Listen.
Speaker 1:We'll do.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much.
Speaker 1:And we'll be in touch. Let's do another one. I'll talk to you later, bye, bye.