The Battlefield Of The Mind

117. The Real Power Of Dreams with Tarak Uday

Tarak Uday Episode 117

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Embark on an adventure into the subconscious with me, Rick, as I sit down with dream walker and author, Tarak Uday. Together, we'll unlock the secrets of your slumbering mind, showing you how to harness the power of dreams for an extraordinary leap in self-discovery and personal transformation. Step into a world where dragons and mermaids aren't just mythical creatures, but symbols of the inner challenges we face. You'll learn to interpret these enigmatic visions, uncovering the hidden messages your psyche is desperate to tell you.

Tune in to hear how the vibrant tapestry of your dreams is more than just a nocturnal movie; it's a profound journey through your deepest levels of consciousness. Tarak shares tales of the mind's boundless potential, discussing how historical figures tapped into their dreams to unlock creativity and innovation. You'll be guided through the metaphysical mechanics behind dream creation, past lives, and how each of us might be living a narrative much grander than we ever imagined. Dreams offer a gateway to understanding our soul's purpose—if you're brave enough to walk through it.

In this conversation with Tarak, you won't just find interpretations of your nightly reveries but also practical wisdom for combating anxiety and using imagination as a tool for mental health. Discover how controlled visualization and presence can transform fear into power and anxiety into peace. And if you're looking to continue the journey, I'm excited to introduce you to a metaphysical mastery community where like-minded individuals share, grow, and make the intangible tangible. So hit play and let's awaken the wisdom hiding in your dreams.

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Speaker 1:

What's up, warriors, welcome back to the battlefield of the mind. I'm Rick, creator of the Warriors way mindset, and I'm here today with Tariq Uday, and he is a dream walker which I'm excited to be able to get into. What this means he's the author of life is but a dream and the structure of the mind. And, tariq, I'm ready to go out there today. Let's, let's do some, let's go out into the galaxy, let's do it. Lead the way. You know what. This is your, your realm, and I can't wait to see where you want to take us. So, if you're driving, where do you want to begin?

Speaker 2:

yeah, well, let's first talk about going far out there at the galaxy, like you talked about. So you know, with talking about focusing mostly on dreams, the reason I like to focus mostly on that is because dream interpretation, the way it's truly meant to be, through the universal language of the mind, is humanity's number one tool for self-awareness, and you know so. The outer space, the galaxies, outer space, represents our inner space and so our time where we're going in and exploring that inner space, you know, because we're not looking in our dreams with our physical eyes or our physical senses or anything like that. It's our astral senses. So when we go to sleep at night, we're closing off our senses to the physical body and our ability to experience our outer reality and we're going within to experience our inner reality with our inner senses, and it is a whole universe that you, that you can truly explore. You know, anyone with vivid or avid dreams or even lucid dreams, knows there's so many things you can do, like flying and things like that, creating worlds, that you can't really do in the physical reality, just because of the limitations here in this 3d dimension. But that's why I like to focus on it, mostly because, with a mastery of metaphysics, I mostly like to find ways for people not just to talk about these things and concepts but implement them in their life in some way so that they can truly transform their life.

Speaker 2:

And so, with dreams, it's the most profound way where we can glean the most insight into the mechanics and function of our mind. You know your thoughts create our reality. You know. So where do we discover and observe our thoughts? Inside of our mind. And so when we go to sleep at night, we're journeying into the subconscious mind, which its whole duty is to create. Manifest the desires of the conscious mind, so we can see what's manifesting for ourselves and what will experience and who will become through our dreams. So the more we can understand with accurate like 100% clarity and accuracy, what our inner subconscious mind is trying to tell us, then we can become so much more aware of what's going on.

Speaker 2:

You know, because our subconscious mind knows what we're aware of and conscious of, but also what we're unconscious of. You know all your dreams that happen at its nighttime. In the dream that's telling you something of things that you're unconscious of. So it allows you to get light years ahead of anything that reading something in a book will be able to help you with a video or anything that you or I can share with somebody. There's so much more rich like active now knowledge available for someone when working with their dreams, so that's why I like to focus on it a lot, and also my whole life I've had very vivid, wild, epic dreams and always just wished I knew someone who could share any kind of insight with me on what they meant. So I like to make sure I'm a resource for people like that also. I love it, man.

Speaker 1:

I love this idea too. That's here's one thing to do with the Warriors way is I look at things as though these are skills and abilities and tools or super powers. Yeah, and you describing your dreams as it is a tool or a gateway, or it's an interpretation to teach you something. This is a skill that we can practice, dreams being a powerful tool. I listen, I have dreams sometimes that are frickin bonkersville. I don't know why it's going where it's going, but it's doing stuff that like there's no, there's nobody. I know it's there's a dragon I'm trying to get a mermaid's.

Speaker 1:

You know, yeah, under the water it's nonsense is happening, yeah. So some of these things. Is it really my subconscious working through stuff, or is my creativity just all over the place? How do I use this correctly? How do I do it right?

Speaker 2:

yeah. So I mean, just think of, like the first time you saw Chinese writing. It's like how am I supposed to decipher this? This doesn't even make sense, like not even one thing looks anywhere close to a letter that I can interpret and describe, and so our mind speaks in a language, and it's a language of images, and so it may seem very bonkers when you don't understand the language, but once you understand the language, it makes plain sense. It like people will tell me a wild dream. I'm like, oh, that makes perfect sense. I don't even know you, but this makes perfect sense and I'll share it with them.

Speaker 2:

They're like oh, my god, how do you know me? It's like I don't, I just know how to interpret this language. It's like I found a letter in Chinese from a loved one and I couldn't translate it for you. I don't know what it really means for your life, but here's the message. And so like, for example, a dragon you know you might have a dream about a dragon like what was that about? You know, the dragon represents the ego, and so you can. Were you battling with the dragon? And so you were kind of like battling with your ego. Was the dragon destroying the town, and so you were having very egoic reactions sometimes I'm riding the dragon, exactly the dragon.

Speaker 2:

So yeah things yeah, and so you know, when you don't understand the language it will seem like wild and what did the world does that mean? But when you do understand it, it's so much easier to decipher and decode and know exactly what it's pointing to. In your life you know it's like oh yeah, I can see that the dragon was terrorizing the town and I can see how. You know, somebody told me I couldn't do something the other day and I reacted to it from my ego and you know, call some problems or some arguments or something you know, and so it's a really huge insight that you can glean. In the wilder, the easier it is to decipher and decode.

Speaker 1:

I found I love it. Dude, this is very cool. It's. It really is like learning a different language. I like that. Yeah, so you do. Do you actually do the interpretations for people when they have like a reoccurring dream? Is that something we're like? No, you're supposed to be learning this lesson. How often, would you say, because people probably talk to you more they're having a reoccurring dream all the time, all the time like reoccur.

Speaker 2:

Because, mainly because reoccurring dreams it's. You know you're not getting the message, and so well, let me take a step back. You know dreams are a direct reflection of how you're using your mind. You know your outer reality is is a reflection of your inner reality. So what you're experiencing in life and how you're using your mind is going to show up in your dreams. And so if you're using your mind in similar ways over and over, day after day, you're going to have similar dreams regularly. You know places like right now, that the, if you look around the room you're in for anyone listening. That's the space for you to exist. And so in your dream, where is the space where you exist, your state of mind? And so you'll often times.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes people won't really have recurring dreams per se, but they'll have dreams in the same spaces all the time. So that's another thing. As far as recurring dreams that I get a lot of as well, but that's because you're often existing in the same type of state of mind, whether it's, you know, a self-sabotaging type of state of mind, a poverty consciousness, or an abundance pop consciousness, success consciousness, you know. So we often stay in similar states of mind. So if recurring dreams are typically happening because there's not much growth occurring within you, there's not much evolution beyond the level where you're at in life and as a person, and so the it's important.

Speaker 2:

That's another reason why it's important to understand and decode the dreams, because then you can identify oh here it is, here what I'm needing to be told. You know, like nightmares kind of fall in line with the same thing, especially because a lot of nightmares are the same. They're actually a recurring dream most of the time, because most of the time it's running from something that either I can see it and it's you know I may not really be able to decipher what it is or I'm just running from something that I know is there and it's just a matter of like. Non-learning nightmares are just, you aren't learning the mess, you aren't receiving a message. So the subconscious mind is like okay, I know an emotion that you won't avoid and you won't run away from. You'll remember this dream so you can really face what you're trying to run away from, that you need to face within yourself.

Speaker 1:

Interesting, I got one for you then yeah, I read studies and I also I can. I can concur also with the ones from my experience. I have a house full of females and all my girls. Whenever they tell me dreams they had their friends or someone they know is always with them. Yeah, yeah, whenever I'm doing dreams, I do not, I do not regularly have somebody with me, especially the nightmare ones. Now my nightmares are not somebody chasing me through the house cuz, fuck that dude, I'll fuck them up yeah, that one my nightmares are an atom bomb going off or a tornado hitting or some soup like some huge force, unstoppable, that.

Speaker 1:

I can't like you just watching in an acceptance of like, well, we're done in a second. This is you see you like yeah, and in a few seconds a blast wave is about to hit us, so say a prayer yeah, like you know that's. It's almost like those where I'm in accepting a fate of like this this unstoppable force is about to hit yeah that's a very common dream also. Yeah, you know, I've had.

Speaker 2:

I've had that in numbers of times so you'll probably notice. You know, dreams are a reflection of how you've been using your mind, like I said, but it's it's mostly the last day, maybe two or three days. So you'll notice at times when you've had those dreams, especially like the world ending atomic bomb. You know a bomb is all about expansion, you know, explosion, fire, expanding throughout the space, completely transforming the area where it goes off. You know, because death represents transformation. So every three things to remember about dreams is that dreams are, they're a reflection of how you use your mind. They are all about you, the person dreaming, so your, your family, dreaming about their friends and things. None of it has anything to do with those people, it all has to do with them. Because, number three, every single person, place or thing within your dream is an aspect of your own consciousness because, like I said, we're no longer experiencing things outside of ourselves, we're now experiencing our internal world and so when you have a like death or anything like that happening in the dream, it's about inner transformation, self transformation.

Speaker 2:

So a bomb going off, the whole world is going off. It's all about, you know, like I said, expansion. So mental expansion, the expansion of consciousness that has the ability to transform your entire way of viewing the world. Everything about you is is transforming. So those kind of dreams. You're going through major changes, not just you know small changes where a couple people are dying and and being eliminated. You know unproductive parts of yourself are being eliminated away. It's like a lot of ways that you normally act and are are transforming and changing. So at the time when you had dreams like that, that was probably a huge, huge shift for you when you were having those dreams yeah, well, what's funny is I don't have high fear and so even in those dreams of catastrophe I had still full acceptance.

Speaker 1:

Like you see, like I see, I see the bomb go off and I'm close enough that my brain says, oh, we're in the radius, that's too close, there's no chance that I'm, you know, 20 miles away and you know we can get undercover. Only there is no cover where we are.

Speaker 2:

It's too close, and that's probably yeah, and that's probably reflective of how you approach the impending change and transformation within yourself. At the time, it's like I'm not afraid of what's on the other side of this. I know that these parts of myself need to change and need to eliminate them, and I know whatever I'm going into and growing into is going to be better. I accept it, I'll face it. I'm within the blast radius. There's no avoiding it. I've already taken the steps for it to happen and we'll just see what's on the other side.

Speaker 1:

I'm not even gonna hide more than that I understand what this is.

Speaker 2:

Whereas a lot of people it is fearful to change. That's what kind of keeps them from changing. So it's nice to see that you have that perspective in that approach and that's probably one thing that's led you to transform so much. It definitely was for me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can relate. There's no fear, I'm not afraid of it. Understanding loss makes it so that fear has a very low impact on me, Because I'm like this is not the hardest thing I'm going through.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

Things are going to be different. I'm like hopefully, yeah. I'm going to look forward to it. Okay, I got a couple obscure ones for you. I dream in color, but they say you're not supposed to dream in color. Fact or bullshit. What is that one for you? Yeah, that's bullshit.

Speaker 2:

I have a whole series of videos called Breaking Through the Bullshit, but here's what I always suggest for people to do One for anything, not just this question, but anything that you've heard me say. Don't believe a single word of it. Don't believe anything you've heard me say, but find ways to incorporate these concepts into your life so that you can create experiences for yourself, because that's the difference between believing something and knowing something. And so then, if you're believing it, then you're just relying on whether I'm true or not. If you create an experience for yourself, yeah, and that's vital for metaphysics Like lucid dreaming, there's no way I can prove to you that lucid dreaming is real, but there's not a single thing anyone can say or do for me that will prove that it's not real, because of the experiences and the number of experiences I've had. So experience is the separation between belief and knowing. So when you do these things and incorporate them into your life to create experiences for yourself, that's how you generate your own knowledge. And so, with color in a dream, it's going to like how you're seeing the dream, as far as like black and white or color, or very like vibrant, heavenly type white lights, is going to indicate to you which area in the subconscious mind you're in. Like, the conscious mind just has one level.

Speaker 2:

The conscious mind is the mind that the physical body uses in this 3D reality. You know the three dimensions length, width and height. You know latitude, longitude and altitude. So those are the three dimensions we can move within, but we're locked in the present moment in time. We can't go into the future or into the past. You know, we're locked within the singular vessel of space. I can only experience the space that I take this vessel to, but in the fourth dimension, that's where our subconscious mind is being used by our astral bodies, the soul. And so the fourth dimension is time. So we can move through time and things, but there's, instead of just one level within the physical level of the conscious mind, there's four levels within the subconscious mind. The very first one that you move into is the emotional level, and in the emotional level, that's why they call them feelings, because it's adjacent to our conscious mind. So we can feel the energy within this reality. You know the feelings, the emotional level, like, just like we can feel the clothes on our skin that are touching us, versus being able to feel, you know something across the room, and so in this level is where you'll experience black and white dreams. Someone who dreams a lot in black and white doesn't really go much deeper in their mind than the emotional level. So me, I hardly have dreams in black and white.

Speaker 2:

I've found that the majority of people, or at least the majority of people that I work with and talk with, dream in more like technicolor type of, you know, just like physical reality type color. That's going to be the next level, in which is the lower astral level. Even deeper than that is the upper astral level. This is like very vivid, vibrant colors, like pastel, bright colors. So a lot of times you can wake up from a dream from there and it feels like realer than real life, and so that would be the upper astral and then the mental level, the deepest level within subconscious mind. It's kind of like, yeah, like heavenly, feel like white, vibrant, bright, white lights in there, and so that you can kind of give you insight into where you're dreaming within the subconscious mind.

Speaker 2:

I go into a lot more detail in the book with this as far as also as far as like what that does for you, because you're, like I said, your thoughts create your reality. So your thoughts of the conscious mind are being implanted into the womb of the subconscious mind, within that deepest level, the mental level, until it just states, just like a baby being born, until it gains more form and density and is birthed out into your physical reality through the emotional level. So by identifying which level you're dreaming in, you can even go even deeper in understanding how far are these thoughts manifesting? So, like, like, as far as you know, having the dream of the world exploding. You know how far off is this explosion that I'm about to experience, this huge transformation that I'm about to go through? How far off is that? Is it in the upper astral and has some more time, or is it happening in black and white and I'm like in the thick of it? Tomorrow morning I'm going to wake up and things are going to continue to change.

Speaker 1:

Very colorful. I can't say I've ever gone to like the heaven realm. I haven't done that one, but definitely I'm in color, like my dreams are in color and they're vivid. I'm not. I've had only a handful of lucid dreams. So I can't say I go in there and like I have superpowers. Today I'm more experiencing nonsense and just working on whatever it is.

Speaker 1:

But no, very in color. I dream in color Also. Here's another list is maybe for your BS list, right? Yeah, I have read things in my dream and understood them. They say you're not supposed to be able to read in your dreams it's the other side of the brain. But I have read things in my dream, like I've read them, like I'm reading it and I remember, even when I woke up going, I read the thing in my dream. But I also remember hearing that people aren't supposed to be able to do that. What are your thoughts on that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I mean one. I'd be cautious. Anybody saying you're not supposed to do this or that in your dreams, because that's the one realm. You can literally do anything without any fear.

Speaker 1:

Which brain side was supposed to be active and they're like that side's not supposed to have that ability, or the creative side and or spiritual side, not in the logic or reading side. That's not on. That's why they say it yeah, please continue.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so that's. You know that's coming from a stance where, like physical science mostly talks about, like the brain, and you know metaphysics, meta means beyond the physical, so these are experiences beyond the brain, you know this is there's a difference between the mind and the brain, and so that's another thing that people might want to explore if they aren't really understanding the separation of the two. And so it's not really so much that you can't read or you shouldn't be reading, it's just that it's difficult to read in a dream. I don't know if you've ever experienced this, but if you've, have you ever tried to reread something in a dream? Because I can read things in a dream, but it's very different. If I go to reread it, I'll reread it, but it'll be different. And so then it's like confusing to try to conceive and that's one way that I can activate my lucidity Like why can't I read this? This is confusing. Oh, I'm in a dream, and then I take off like a clock.

Speaker 1:

I don't have that skill yet, so you're doing. I don't have. I just experiencing but I'm not controlling. Like, hey, let me reread that again, like that wasn't one of the thoughts. I'm like, oh, I read the thing Kind of like if you saw a stop sign you wouldn't go. Let me go back and reread that again. Hey, I'm like it's not the stop sign. I'm not reading it again. You know those kind of things where I don't tap into a lucidity at often.

Speaker 2:

Well, for me it's not necessarily like small times like that. That doesn't really trigger it for me. I'll still be just like you know, just regular dreaming and it's uh, if. If there's a, usually it's like a book and for some reason in the dream I just start reading the book and then you know how sometimes you're reading, you're like, oh wait, I want to reread that, and it'll just be like that, like wait, I want to reread that, and then I'll reread it, but it'll be something totally different. And then I'm confused, like wait, a second now.

Speaker 2:

And that confusion is what triggers the lucidity, just like sometimes people can be triggered with lucidity, but like they're underwater and they're breathing, and then they're like they start to question it Wait, why am I, how am I breathing underwater? And that triggers the lucidity questioning the dream. Once you start questioning the dream and as you go deeper with the awareness of the dream, you know, because what you're putting your attention on grows, you'll continue to become more and more aware and that's the key to the lucidity. It's just how aware are you in the dream? That's the only difference between a regular dream, a lucid dream. You're far more aware in a lucid dream. So I'm sure, if you keep working at it, you'll definitely definitely get there. Especially if you start writing them down, you'll get someone like you.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, right, I write soon to wake up Now leading to the writing while dreaming.

Speaker 1:

I, when I first read your book, I hadn't done very much spirit side work at all, so I wasn't tapped into that. I wasn't tapped into, you know God. I wasn't tapped into the spirit. I wasn't tapped into soul. I wasn't tapped into. I understood the law of attraction or universe I understood of, but I wasn't connected to, and since then I've done deep work in those areas because I knew I found the area and started doing the work, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And once I opened up those sides I had found that most of the most profound and deep workings in the trainings I've done, even this map right here, the, the map came at like 3am or 2am in the morning and the veil between like spirit, like the sleep, and awake, the consciousness, was the thinnest point. And some of the best trainings and best writings that I've created would come from this point where the thoughts that were coming in were not thoughts I had before. And this is where I'm like this is new information. And so I'm down immediately I mean immediately writing, the middle of the night, writing. I get up and I'm filling out pages or drawn circles. Something is coming. That is new information. Now I would like to hear your point of view of like this astral projection or spirit world or God or whatever is out there.

Speaker 1:

What are the things you're connecting to, as this is your realm?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so you're connecting to your deeper, intuitive subconscious mind. You know and so, and that's the mind that your soul uses. So we're all really locked into this physical reality, in this conscious mind, because this is mostly what we know. But our soul has lived lifetimes and so we have the understandings that we've built through all of those lifetimes stored within us. So we have access to that through our intuition. We have access to information and knowledge that we haven't built but is out in the universe through, like the Akashic records of things that we can tap into as well, and that's the source of our intuitive sense.

Speaker 2:

However, the conscious mind is very aggressive. So you know the thoughts of your conscious mind, they're coming in, whether you want them to or not, and so that's where, like the power of, like a still mind, meditation comes in, because you can, on command, learn to build the skill to, on command, create space within the conscious mind so that you can receive the deeper thoughts. Now, one thing that I often suggest people is like stream of consciousness writing, where they just write and write and write and write until about whatever problem or issue they're going on, have going on in their life, until they, like literally, can't move their pen anymore and do it right before you go to sleep, and what that's going to do is empty out the conscious mind to create space so that you can receive even more from your dreams and more direction. Like Mendelyev, the guy who created the elemental chart, he got all of that from a dream, but the reason is because he had been working on these things it's not like he was, you know, a potter and just one day woke up and this came into his mind. No, he was working on how to organize all of the elements. There has to be some way to organize and he had been expanding every thought he could possibly think to create the solution. Once he exhausted all of these conscious thoughts, it came to him in a dream and he woke up and wrote down the entire periodic chart, and he only needs to make one change out of all of it. Now, it's not quite the elements that we have today, but it was the base of the very origin.

Speaker 2:

The guy who created the lock stitch needle same exact thing. He invented that. He went to sleep one night and had a dream where he was in this tribe and they called him and put him in this pot of boiling water over top of this fire and they're, all you know, walking or dancing around him with these spears. And then he woke up and the spears was the needle that he used for the lock stitch needle. I mean, there's lots, lots of other stories that you can find about like people who invented different things or had these different creations that came from their dream, but it's essentially that's the metaphysical mechanics of it is that you've created space within your mind to receive from this deeper, intuitive sense that has so much more knowledge and information available to you than you do just from what your own conscious mind has formulated within this lifetime.

Speaker 1:

I'm loving it and I found the same thing I really have. I would I would have probably when I first met you. I met you in person when I met you and I was like what the fuck is this?

Speaker 1:

It didn't make any sense. And so anybody who hasn't really gone into the surrender element of the spirit side or soul side of things you know I'm not religious, I mean spirit like you're yeah, you have a soul Until you've gone into the surrender of you have a soul, you do have a purpose as a reason. You exist and we're all connected in some way. I Couldn't connect to any of the shit you wrote.

Speaker 1:

I was like this so now that I've actually tapped in, I really am starting to see, like you're right. In the middle of the night, the veil is the next and I will have thoughts that come in from a different source. They will come in from a source that is not my own. It's not something I've read, it's not something I researched in. Something else is coming in to add in information that I'm like hey, you know no different than somebody re listening to this show right now. No information comes in that you and I have experienced and you have researched, or I have researched that has come in, that they haven't researched yet, mm-hmm. And then new information has come in. Well, that happens in the middle of the night. I would not have believed you before, but now it's happened many times to deny exactly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you've experienced it. You've created experience for yourself, so now it's no longer a belief for you. You know it to be true.

Speaker 1:

And people like you, and I've had spirit side warriors on the show and, truthfully, most the most impactful people for me have been the spirit side warriors. Because I'm mind and body side, that's my strong, yeah, and so tapping into spirit and hard side the those are more complicated for me. It's the harder language to grab on to for me, mm-hmm. And so when I meet spirit side warriors like you who are like, yeah, you can astral project and you can make it lose it, and there's a translation here. When I've talked to the Kai Jordans and the Maria Callis and the Daniel Jackson's and the people who are like we play in this realm, what is going on?

Speaker 1:

You know, it's crazy to me, but you all say the same things. One thing that people who have really experienced spirit side and they're not anti God Say that multiple lives is a real thing. Mm-hmm, please share your experience on that, because I keep seeing too much congruency in this area for it to be totally dismissed as Nonsense.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what's your?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Well, my main experience is that, as far as what you're talking about is a, so many people spend so much time thinking on what is going to happen to them after they die and Hardly anyone ever even begins to question Well, what was going on before I was born, you know? I mean, if you think about what is gonna happen through the eternity after you die, well, I mean, they're still Recorded history of thousands of years. Where were you during that time? You know, and as you do, go into more because, like I said, in the fourth dimension you're not limited by time anymore, so you can have pre-cognitive dreams and perceive different lines of probability within the future. You can also create experience or recreate and re-experience the past life experiences that you've had, the past life experiences of the history of the world, so that you can discover what is Actually, what actually did happen in history, what actually did happen in my history, and then you can, and with enough experiences, and then you can know what's true and what's what's.

Speaker 2:

Maybe just a dream, but there's like a different quality, a different feel, just like lucid dreams have a different feel to it Visitation dreams when a past loved one who's passed away comes and visits you. You know, most people who don't even know anything about any type of spiritual stuff will start to question things because they'll wake up from a Dream like that and just feel that dream felt different. You know, my grandfather came and saw me, you know, two weeks after passing and it felt different than a regular dream. There has to be something there and it is because these type of dreams have a different quality to it so you can re-experience a past life and be like this was different. This was not a regular dream, you know, and so and you can actively do this a lot of people just kind of have it happen naturally. I had one friend when I first moved here to Kentucky. He starts off every single night re-experiencing the exact same it's experienced within a lifetime, every single night. It's like battle, roman battle that he went through and I've talked to him a lot, worked with him, through a lot of that. But you can, you can go through and have it naturally happen like that. Or you can go into the Akashic records, which is within the, the center of the subconscious mind, in between the upper and lower astral's, and you can actively search and research throughout all of your past lives.

Speaker 2:

And so the the main thing that I would want to convey to people with that, because what purpose does it have? You know it doesn't really have much more purpose than your own past in this lifetime. You know, it's like if you dwell on the past of this lifetime, that's not really going to do much for you. So if you dwell on your past lives and what you were doing there and oh my god, I'm so fascinated with what I was doing in a past life You're gonna miss out on this present moment, what you're doing in this life. But our past in the in this life is very vital for us to learn from, to see what we built and what we can continue to learn. And so that's where I, that's how I use my past life experiences and understandings to identify what did I learn within that lifetime, what, what understandings that I build in that lifetime that I can pull forth within my storehouse of wisdom deep within me to utilize today. You know, like if I'm yeah, that's fascinating.

Speaker 1:

I actually have a guy. Daniel Jackson gave me a purpose for it. He said there was a purpose for past lives. Now he says there is a God. He's like there are angels. They don't look like what you think. They're not these beautiful dudes with big wings. They look very different. He's like. I've talked to him, I know what they're like and at first I thought the guy was fucking bananas, but then, as he started revealing shit, I'm like Plausible, hold on. Like he started doing stuff. He started naming things he should. He could never have known about me. You can't look it up, you can't go. Yeah, you can't find it. Stuff before social media. He's like well, who's that and what's this thing? And I'm like what the fuck are you tapped into, dude? Like.

Speaker 1:

I was crying on that show. We got you know. So this wasn't mentalist shit, because I know I could, I know that shit. I'm like, yeah, yeah, go ahead. This wasn't mentalist, this was something else. And he explained there is God and the reason why what Jesus says and the forgiveness, and how God can be that way and how there's systems in place for what it is he's like, because the purpose of your past lives is that your soul has to learn a thing and you'll get as many tries as you need to until your soul. I took it as like the Christmas story thing was like the though you get your wings, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's his wings things. There's a thing your soul is supposed to figure out and he said to me. He said, rick, I can feel you from here and your soul has had 28 tries. You have 28 past lives that you've come back multiple times and those do have some form of influence. I do feel a high kinship to worry your culture. Yeah, there's something in there, no surprise Samurai stuff in there. There's Viking stuff in there. There's some sort of like the. The role or the lives that I've had in my past were in some way in heavy conflict and thrived in heavy conflict. And so when your buddy is having his Roman warrior battle, you know, I've lots shields in your failings, you know.

Speaker 1:

But he said that's the purpose is your past lives and why God can forgive you for all of your shit is Because you get another try. If you didn't get it, if you didn't figure it out, told me he's like you did your soul's purpose already. He's like you could just easy street the rest of your life because you already fulfilled the soul's need that it had to figure out. You figured out, you cracked it. You broke the curses, you got it. You figured it out. He said you can easy street it. He's like I'm also reading that you.

Speaker 1:

That Exactly Accelerating through the next lifetime, and that's what it is he's like, but there is gonna be. There is a heaven. He didn't mean he's like there's not a hell. It doesn't work like that. He's like we just go and reset the soul. We're all connected to God and we're all of our souls are a piece of God and we're all doing our purpose to fulfill that element of completion. You know there's a thing you're supposed to go and each of us has a different purpose or meaning, which means every person who has a soul is not a fucking accident. And that was pretty cool. You're made in an image of God that is meant to figure out something and you're gonna get a few tries. So if you end up Hitler this round, yeah, you fuck that round up.

Speaker 2:

So you're gonna go back again.

Speaker 1:

You're gonna figure out the thing you're supposed to learn, because exactly, wiping out people is a fucking poor choice, not the way to go. Let's, let's go the other way, and then maybe next round You're the Dalai Lama. They're like there we go. You're figuring it out.

Speaker 2:

Got it. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

And so there's a degree of how can God forgive these ridiculous things that have happened in history. You know, how can God forgive is like well, because that soul was supposed to learn something, and sometimes People fucked that shit up this is also if I just have to be like my like monkey brain on this one, it would also make sense why the devil would be trying to gather souls, because it's like getting parts of God. Mm-hmm, maybe I listen. That's just me making shit up there's no this is just make well.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it makes sense of the currency is we're trying to unlock an element of you know Purpose within our soul, that maybe that's why he's trying to get them?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, yeah Well, the difference between the two is more of an and are you progressing or are you regressing? You know, like the, the mark of the beast is 666, right mark of the devil. So draw 6666. It's just a downward spiral, you know so are you? Are you on a downward spiral or are you actually elevating and ascending and growing higher and like a lot of what you're talking about with the past lives? That's a very macro, cosmic look at things, but you can see the same interplay play out within a very micro of just your life.

Speaker 2:

You know, you have, you have a destiny, a purpose for your life and you can continue to either, you know, avoid these lessons in life. You like, you know I have a have a boss that I don't like. I don't get along with him. I'm not. You know, there's some some sort of lesson here as far as like authority and humbling myself before authority Because I've placed myself in that position. But I don't want to learn that I'm just going to leave and go get this job over here and so, and then this job has a great boss, but then that boss is so great he gets a promotion four months later and now you get a new boss. It's the exact same as the other. So then I'm going to quit that job and I'm going to go, you know, become my own Employee over, create my own business. Well, one person who I have to Do business with is kind of treating me the same way.

Speaker 2:

No matter how much I avoid this lesson, I'm going to continue to create a new opportunity to get a chance to learn it again. You know, I'm in a relationship with someone that's very toxic, so I'm just I'm leaving this relationship. You know, I'm not going to learn the lesson of self-love, I'm just going to avoid it and leave it. I'm talking to my friends about this new relationship three months later and, oh, everything's wonderful, this person is great. It was totally different from before. Well, two months after that is the exact same scenario. Totally different person to the exact same scenario.

Speaker 2:

So it's like, are you moving in circles, just running around in circles, represending yourself with the same opportunity to learn a lesson and actually learning it?

Speaker 2:

Or you know, we all have free will as well, so I can use my free will to not learn it and that just means that later on it's going to come back around again Until I finally do learn it and then I'm elevating.

Speaker 2:

So if I leave that toxic relationship because, instead of avoiding it, because I understand more about self-love and needing to take care of myself and put myself first, then I've elevated to where, when I come back around, that lesson of self-love in the next relationship, it's not the relationship forcing me to face a lesson on self-love because they're berating me, pushing me down, it's because this new person is so much better that they're elevating and lifting me up. They're an example of self-love and pulling me to become greater and love myself more. So I'm coming around to the same lesson, but it's on a whole different level. So you can see this macro that you were describing as far as a soul and the lifetimes within an individual lifetime, you can see is still interplaying as well, because that is what the soul's here to learn is. Is these understandings that we have the opportunity to build From the life. Lessons we we have the opportunity to experience, you know, because that's the only thing we can take with us Are are the experiences and the understandings that we've learned from them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love it, dude this is cool. What? What I call that is when people are trying to To get away from the purpose that's put in front of you, the opportunities I get laid in front of you. We're like I'm supposed to be learning something, but screw that, I'm running away. I'm supposed to be learning.

Speaker 1:

But screw that. I run away. I do a lesson about avoidance and I call it a void dance. Let's base it out. A void dance, that means there's something in here I don't like, there's some incomplete element of myself. Something is a hole here and I don't want you near it. I don't want you getting close. So, whatever comes up, I'm going to move away, I'm going to off you skate, I'm going to deflect Changing the subject. I don't. We're going to get away from this. I'm not dealing with it. And this level of denial becomes part of the personality traits that you have, because you can't deal with what is, and that's what denial is. It's the war with what is, that's warrior talk.

Speaker 1:

It's the war with with it is, and so this avoidance is a void dance. You're trying to keep everything away from the hole that you should be trying to fulfill.

Speaker 2:

Figure it out. Yeah, I have the courage to have the courage to face it. That's right, fear is courage.

Speaker 1:

So I like, I like that you say face your lesson now, being able to have those things. Odds are and this goes into where your field would be Odds are if you have this level of stress or anxiety or fear, it's going to manifest when you're going through your dreams. Fair or not fair? Oh yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely All right.

Speaker 1:

So how do you help people with that one? Because it seems like it's almost like they need you to help interpret. Like don't you see the lesson? Because I do this on the psychology side, but I do understand the spirit side is like no, a translator Makes this possible. Yeah, give me an example of like pay attention so you know Whether you need this interpreter here or that one there. Please give an example of your side of interpretation. Or someone goes that's the. That's the guy I need. I need that.

Speaker 2:

Well, so for one, um, Like the anxiety that you mentioned. That brings me back to one dream that you mentioned earlier, when you were talking about the atomic bomb. That way, I didn't we didn't get to touch on but tornado dreams. I used to have tornado dreams all the time. I used to also have extreme anxiety bad and I haven't experienced any anxiety for over a decade now.

Speaker 2:

And so, uh, in the universal language of the mind, it's a language of form and function. What is the form and what is its function of tornado, or tornado is just wind circling around and around. Well, what does wind represent? Wind represents your thoughts. It's easy to perceive, but it's hard to really see them. You can feel them and perceive them like the wind. They're blowing, your thoughts are blowing through like the wind. Well, a tornado is the wind just circling around and around and creating more turmoil in the environment. So it's like the same thoughts in your mind just circling, swirling around and around, creating this inner turmoil, and that happens.

Speaker 2:

That's a big dream, with a lot of people who do have anxiety. And so what I always suggest? Because then once you, once you realize, oh, I have this tornado dream, and you then can decode it and understand what that's really meaning. Like this means that this is representing that this is going on within your mind. So then that gives you a greater insight into what to do about it. So it's like I experience anxiety but I don't know what to do about it, you know, but oh, okay, it's like a tornado in my mind. I need to calm that, wind down. So how do I do that? Well, anxiety, the, the thought calls of anxiety, is scattered attention. My attention is here, to here, to here. Essentially, you're playing like the what if? Game in the future, the wrong way. But what if this happens? What if this happens? What if this happens? What if it goes like this? You know, and so what you the key to that is Is bringing yourself back to the present moment, and how we experience the present moment is through our physical senses.

Speaker 2:

So really give more and more attention to what you're seeing right now. You know, keep your eyes fixed where they're at, but use your peripheral to see the rest of the room, the rest of the space. You know, what are you really hearing right now, other than the words that you're hearing over this podcast? What are you really hearing out greater? The birds and the air, the wind, the dryer in the other room. You know, what are you smelling right now?

Speaker 2:

Some people are like, well, I don't smell anything. Yeah, that's because you have a regular practice of not giving attention to the sense. So start to practice it. What are you smelling, what are you tasting? What are you feeling right now? Feel the temperature on your skin, feel the clothes on your skin. How do you? What do you feel inside? Feel your muscles, feel your bones, feel your brain, feel your heart. See if you can feel your heart beating in your chest.

Speaker 2:

Just give your attention to it. You know, where do you feel the energy in your body? Where is it swirling at, where is it concentrated? Where is it flowing to, where is it flowing from? And now you've given more and more attention to all of the senses, so you've become more present. So, automatically, your attention is no longer on. Well, what if this happens? What if I get fired? What if my car breaks down? What if you know this goes on? What if I get this phone call? It's no longer in this thing, these things that are driving your anxiety. You become more present.

Speaker 2:

So then, after you do it once, then try to do all senses together at the same time, and for a lot of people it's gonna be very difficult, you know, but with regular practice it'll be easier and easier to do.

Speaker 2:

And so that's one thing that you can do to uproot the weed of anxiety out of the plant, the garden of your mind, but one thing that you can do to kind of just eliminate the energy of it.

Speaker 2:

It won't necessarily uproot it and remove it permanently from your experience, but like if you go out and pull a weed and you just take the weed away, you don't see it anymore, you don't experience it for a few weeks or so until it grows back.

Speaker 2:

So here's a little trick that you can do, a little thing that you can do to at least eliminate the charge in the present moment. It's called the long breath, and so it's essentially you're taking longer and longer, slower and slower and deeper and deeper breaths. Scientifically, no negative emotion can remain as long as you're doing the long breath. So as, depending on how intense the emotion is, how intense the anxiety is, you might have to do the long breath for five, six, maybe 10 minutes. But you can do this exercise and it will dissipate and go away, and that's all you do is just sit there and take longer and longer, slower and slower and deeper and deeper breaths. So it'll eliminate the present moment experience, but you may continue to experience anxiety without going deeper into uprooting the habit of your mind of like the same kind of thoughts swirling around and around.

Speaker 1:

So what I like about this I've been doing this for years now, and whenever I build out a part of a program especially when we built out the cure for anxiety what I enjoy is when I see other warrior types come from a different direction and we meet at the same city, and so I did this with Danny Morale, who's heart side, and I've done this. What you just described is very similar, but I come from mind side, you come from spirit side, and it's cool to see that there are no like. This side is better than others.

Speaker 1:

They all end up, if you do the deep work, end up in the same city and they all end up finding the similar results. And the same thing with mind side was presence in the present. Slow down, look around and be present in the present. All of the what ifs and all of the future travels. So people are traveling into the future, they're bringing their feelings with them and they're having emotions around things that aren't happening, and so they do this with depression also. It's the same thing where they're just going into the past Exactly.

Speaker 1:

And I wrote a thing recently that I've had a few people. I have some pretty smart people in my world. Let's see if I can't pull it up. So one of the guys is a doctorate in theology I was talking with this weekend. I hung out with him this weekend, which was lovely, and he showed like I wrote down that thing you wrote where I said we spend our present minutes wasting them in pasts that are no longer happening, in futures that will never happen, and our lives are a documentary of us watching time disappear. You know that's what we're doing. We're wasting our minutes right now in the past that's done and futures that won't happen, and we're panicking about it, we're freaking out about it. But if you take a minute with your presence in the present and go well, you're in the blip of time right now. That if you're present now, you'll realize you're surrounded with blessings, you realize that you're in good times.

Speaker 1:

You'll realize things are okay, you have opportunity and hope. It's all around you. You have love and we miss the things. And so I love when you say look, I found it through the spirit side that you can find the answer through. Follow your spirit, listen to your dream, have presence in that. Present One of the answers. The definition I have for anxiety I'm especially people a majority do not have chemical anxiety, like they weren't born with it.

Speaker 1:

Like it's not a chemical imbalance. They're told it is, but it's not because I can test people out by saying think of a memory that gave you anxiety before it happened. I have to give a big speech in front of everybody or I'm gonna ask that girl out or I'm gonna ask for a raise and I'm freaking out and my boss is gonna say no, I know it's gonna be a conflict. I'm gonna confront a bully, whatever it is.

Speaker 1:

Well, think about that. Do you still have anxiety when you think about that moment? And most people are like well, no, let me go and ask a different. The only difference is you didn't know what was gonna happen then, but now you know. Like you get the raise, or she says yes, or I nail that speech, or my bully and I are now best friends.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, or the worst thing happened did happen, but you're okay now I was like I bombed that speech and it was funny.

Speaker 1:

I still joke about it. Or that girl I see her face, but she's fucking crazy.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, god, for unanswered prayers, you know, like stuff like that, where I know what happens and so I don't have anxiety. So I said, the definition for anxiety seems to be I don't know the answer yet. Yeah, I take stacks of books and break it down to one sentence. All of it just seems like I don't know yet. But then once you know how come you don't have anxiety, once you know Well, now I know Well it just seems like the difference is is you didn't know yet, or you did know yet.

Speaker 1:

Now incorporate presence in the present, and I'm gonna give you some mind tools to supplement with your spirit side this. I have a list of tools. This is the like okay, give me the step by step to make sure that once I know what is, how do I apply the spirit element of what you just presented to the logical element of my conscious mind to practice it every single day? So let's see, I wanna test your tools. I wanna see how many of my tools you've got. Okay, all right, first off, what I'm gonna do is just go through the list and then at the end, I have a very difficult math equation for you. So have your brain ready.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right, all right. First off, when we know what's happening like it's not about the what ifs, it's now the thing has presented itself. The thing I was anxious about is in front of me, that I didn't get the job, or the person rejected me, or I lost money and ideal that went south or whatever something. You now know what it is. Let's look and see how prepared you are. Number one do you have problem-solving skills? Have you ever solved a problem before? Do you have problem-solving?

Speaker 2:

skills oh yes, yes. Yeah, you can solve problems.

Speaker 1:

I'm pretty good at it actually. Right, I'll solve problems all day.

Speaker 1:

All right, you got the first one. Do you have creativity? Yes, you ever think outside the box and figure out a way. That's maybe not conventional, but I figured out a cool way to do it. Mm-hmm, yeah, all right, we got two for two.

Speaker 1:

How about this resourcefulness? I don't have it, but I'll figure out a way to get it. Oh, I'll do something, I'll find a way. I'll order it on Amazon. I'll find a way. Right, absolutely. What about a support system? People that you can just call to me. They can't get some advice, or hey, can you have some backup? You have any people who are in your corner? Absolutely, yeah, okay, healthy outlets mind, heart, body, soul. I have outlets. I either do workouts or meditation, or I write or I cry it out or something. I've got some outlets that I can let the steam off. Yeah, yeah, good, absolutely. Are you the center of all things or are we in? Is there a higher power of some source that you believe in? Probably a combination of both, okay, but you're connected to a greater existence, so the things that you would be afraid of.

Speaker 1:

It's not just you as the center of the universe. Yeah, absolutely Okay. And then do you have more experience now to be able to handle difficult situations than when you were much younger and went through some of the hardest times? Absolutely, all right. So let's do a little inventory check and see how good you've been so far at this. The math question is out of everything that you've ever gone through every heartbreak, every rejection, every abuse, every abandonment, everything that was ever shitty that ever happened in your life, what is the percentage of your survival rate so far? 100%. You have a 100% view. You ain't never died. You are here still you are still.

Speaker 1:

Nothing has taken you out of the game yet. You are fucking hard to kill. You're tough. You're tough. In which case, when people are going through anxiety with the spirit side, I want them to follow your path and go hey, this'll still get to the same location, and be present in the present. Check your peripherals, let the noise like, catch the noise and open your spirit to surrender to the presence. But then, if you're a mind side, you're the engineer type, you're the I have to make sure the list is there. Well, now you know the problem. We got problem solving skills, creativity, resourcefulness, support system outlets, faith in our higher power, more experience than before, and you're fucking tough to kill because you overcome everything so far. Shouldn't we, instead of being worried about all the what ifs, be a little bit more curious about the what is Cause I've got all these tools to use, for when it shows up, I'm probably gonna fucking figure it out?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, exactly, that's beautiful, that's beautiful. Yeah, it's a beautiful exercise for, like the universal law of perspective, helping someone shift their perspective to see things differently and then experience something different Because of it.

Speaker 1:

Here's something where I think I can meet you in the middle. Whenever I work with anybody, I've had a lot of people who are no longer on anxiety medication. I take a lot of people off of depression, PTSD, anxiety. They're not on medication, Not that I take them off, but no, I know what you mean.

Speaker 2:

I know what you mean Same experience.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, whenever we do this, whenever I do the practice, I remind people that if you're able to look into multiple futures and bring your heart with you, you're not broken, you're not fucked up, you have a superpower. You have it trained Exactly. You're not broken, you're brilliant, you're going into the futures you have a very high creativity and imagination system to go and visit possible futures and have experiences that impact you in a future that doesn't exist. Yeah, that's fucking a superpower, dude.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I said. You know you're playing the what if game the wrong way. You know you're because.

Speaker 1:

When you train, have you ever trained people to be able to go into the futures on purpose, until you get to the point where it's the future, which means there's obviously unknown variables. I don't know if a new person will be introduced, I don't know what true conversations will be had At some point. You know there's not, there's information I don't know. I don't know yet and I can't continue and at that point close down the tab, because people leave all the tabs open and then they go. I haven't solved any of these.

Speaker 1:

I must be a piece of shit who sucks at solving things and you're like no, it's the future, there's variables, you just haven't gotten the information for yet. But if you do, you got your whole list of shit. You know you can handle it, so calm down and shut that tab down. You went as far as you can go. Well, now you're going into possible futures and you're learning life lessons and then shutting it down. So now you've lived through 50 different possibilities, learned a bunch of life lessons, and now you're prepared for whatever could go on. I argue that this isn't a disability. It's a possibility for clairvoyance. You are now traveling into the future, living lives that you don't have to really live in just a few minutes. And now you have more wisdom by just practicing the future.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I mean, within every holy scripture there's a truth your thoughts create your reality and so when you really examine your thoughts and what your thoughts are, you can see that your thoughts are images. So, like I said, the universal language of the mind, the sub-conscious mind, is communicating images. Like right now, if I ask you to think of a balloon, you can tell me what color the balloon was because you saw an image in your mind. So sometimes people are like well, I just saw the word balloon. Okay, you saw an image of the word balloon. What color were the letters? So you still see an image, so we create an images.

Speaker 2:

So when we're playing the what if? Game the wrong way, what if this happens? What if this happens? What if I get this call You're feeding energy into a thought form of what you, maybe consciously or unconsciously, are wanting to manifest.

Speaker 2:

So you're bringing that closer to you, you're making it more real the more energy you feed into it. And so, as you get better at identifying well, what is wait a second that's not actually existing right now Let me get better and control my mind and, instead of just allowing my imagination to run wild and what images are created, let me harness this and become a master of my imagination through my visualization, my ability to control what I see, and there's plenty of science around visualization. Ask Kobe Bryant or Michael Jordan what they do for visualization and see what the results have been. I saw a video, actually the other day that was funny that Michael Jordan talked about how he's made more three pointers in his mind than he ever did in real life, and even more than just sports.

Speaker 2:

Tons of people practice visualization all the time, but that's your ability to control and tell your mind. These are the images I want you to create, essentially, and so, if a thought is an image, these are the thoughts that I want you to entertain, that I want to position and move my life towards. So that's you know you're playing the what if? Game the wrong way if you're completely tied into this. You know energy of you, know what if this happens? What if this goes wrong? And you're looking into the future at what you don't want, versus looking into the future at what you do want.

Speaker 1:

I think it's such a good point. I love the way you speak in images Like it's a very clever thing, the balloon thing, very clever. And I love the approach that you're doing here because it does come from the other side, and I love. This is one thing I think you mentioned earlier. Challenge your gurus is the way that I heard it. I'm gonna say things, but don't just take what I say. Don't take what I say for like that's just the end. Challenge it to see if what I say matches up for you. And I enjoy when I've noticed people who have done the deep work seem aligned in the concept that I even have in my creed of challenge everything that like you should challenge you. You're like, ah, you can't do that. You're like you know what? I'll show you how you do it yourself and then see if I'm wrong, go ahead. And then I'm like then show me a better way. I'm opening here. I wanna learn.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, exactly, you know what I'm the same way.

Speaker 1:

I'm like who gives a fuck about what I got a whole case of credentials I haven't in storage. Still nobody gives a shit. Challenge competency, not credentials. I wanna see can we really do it or just read about it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what do my credentials do for you? You know what does information do for you. You can have all the information in the world and not apply a single bit of it. And someone who has only a little information and applies it deeply and immensely in their life, they will ascend so much further than the other.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's the game today, and this is why I think people like what you're saying.

Speaker 1:

This is why I would like to lean people towards finding you more is. I challenge people to say are you information or are you transformation? That's deep, yeah, and a lot of people are just watch my videos and not let's go into how it work. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. And you'll go into the dreams, you'll go into the nightmares, you'll go in and you'll go here. Let's check out what kind of dragon it is, instead of just going like, oh well, it says here, if it is a green dragon, that means hot red dragon, be careful, those are nasty.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what does?

Speaker 2:

that do for you.

Speaker 1:

And I'm like which kind of dragon? Cause I've killed a lot of dragons. You know what I'm like it's a brown dragon. I'm like those aren't real.

Speaker 2:

Just touch it, you'll go, your hand will go right through it. Like it doesn't matter what kind of dragon it is. It can be any color, any amount of heads. It can fly, not fly. I'm jumping on its back and I'm taming it and making sure it does what I tell it to do.

Speaker 1:

I'll show you how the dragon works. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, it's cool to hear the way you speak, and, speaking in terms of images as a language, I think it's a very clever thing too. I really enjoy hearing how that works.

Speaker 1:

So, like, and even still, you could probably play a lot, because it's interpreting almost as a rosette, a stone of like hey, this is what that means. And so if you're like, think of a balloon, I'm like I did, and you're like you had a color on a balloon, I was like I did. It wasn't a blank balloon, it was a color balloon.

Speaker 1:

Which color may also be a psychology thing, where this is where I come mind side to you, coming in spirit side to where, like, that color means something. It could be a stage in your life, it could be a significant of the weak side of what you're working on. It could be finances, it could be love. It could be acceptance, it could be grief. There's a piece there, right there. It's right there, but I didn't know how to read it, and so I just thought it was a balloon, exactly.

Speaker 2:

Oh man.

Speaker 1:

I think this is at least that's what I'm picking up, if that's what you're putting out.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, absolutely, absolutely, and it truly is like a rosette of stone, because it's more than just dreams, you know. It's more than just because also visions or any kind of you know messages from within that you're receiving. You know visual images. But it's way more than just that. It's also every holy scripture. You can decode every whole, like the structure of the mind. Here, you know, on the back I have a whole, entire diagram to help people to understand, a two dimensional diagram to help them understand a multi-dimensional function of their mind. But this isn't like, this isn't anything that I came up with. This is all ancient knowledge, like if you take the universal language of the mind and you apply it to the first 10 verses of the Bible, what you will get is this exact same diagram, the creation of the mind and the self beyond just this physical body, and so you can apply it through to the whole the book of revelations. Then, you see, it's not about any type of end times, but about spiritual evolution, and it lays it out piece by piece. You can see that the seven churches are the seven levels of mind, the seven candlesticks are the seven chakras that correlate with those seven levels, and the seven seals are the doorways into those levels. You know the horned blasts. Anyone who's ever actually astral projected they know what I'm talking about. As far as this sound that you hear, you cannot describe in any kind of way. Some people describe it as a bell. For me it's kind of like the best way I can describe it is like in transformers when they're transforming that kind of mechanical but computerized kind of sound, what it kind of sounds like. In the Bible they call them horns, the horned blasts. That happens when the seal is broken and you've moved into that other dimension. But what it is is your frequency is shifting so fast into a higher level of frequency. But I mean you can do it with all those holy scriptures, you can do it with movies.

Speaker 2:

In my dream interpretation masterclass we then you know I talk about dreams and what that means, the structure of the mind, what that means interpret the first 10 verses so that they can see this is in holy scriptures. But then the next week we break down the entire movie at Astra by Brad Pitt and then you can vary plainly and easily see. And that lesson I have for free on YouTube if anybody wants to check it out at Astra decoded and it's. The video is longer than the movie itself, but you can see that Brad Pitt is going through. He'll talk to you about the mind state of an initiate, of someone who's wanting to go deeper into themselves. And you know, like I said at the very beginning, the outer space in a dream is representing your inner space and so the whole entire journey he's going through to like, I think, pluto or something to reach his father, which represents your super conscious mind, which is the deepest part of anyways, I'm not gonna get too far into it, but essentially the whole entire movie. It breaks down how to go deeper, how to ask for projects, how to go deeper within yourself, the different levels, the seven levels that you will come across, the elemental qualities of those levels. I mean it goes deep into really breaking it down.

Speaker 2:

Now I think it got like a two thumbs down or 30% on rotten tomatoes, but those are the type of movies that get that because it's like the way you tell the story doesn't make sense to a regular person because it's told in the universal language of the mind.

Speaker 2:

You know, like there's a character that represents his ego and like people criticize the movie like what. This character just came in and left out of the in and out of the story for no reason. It didn't benefit the story or anything, it just kind of distracted. But there was a very purpose for that character entering in that portion of the story because it represented transcending the ego, you know, and so that I mean you can do, you can use this. It literally is a Rosetta Stone to so many, so many things, and it's clearly not just something I know of or teach about, because you know people aren't just like a movie like that clearly was not like randomly happened to be so encoded, like these other people definitely know this language as well. It's ancient knowledge, you know. It's out there for anyone to see who have eyes to see and ears to hear. It's pretty awesome.

Speaker 1:

I didn't want to watch that because I haven't seen the Ad Astra or Ad Astra. I haven't seen it yet, but it's now. It's on my list. I'm putting it on because I'm like okay, I got to see where you go. Yeah, it's one of my favorite movies. I'm plugging in. I got to check out and watch your breakdown. I'm going to watch it first and see what I can see and then I'll watch your YouTube breakdown on it. Beautiful, I'm like, okay, now that I gave it a shot, let me see what I missed, you know so I'm going to give it a shot first.

Speaker 2:

Awesome, that's cool man.

Speaker 1:

I definitely am putting that on my list. Yeah, yeah, and you're not wrong when I say it. Like you see, like it's a universal, you know, collective of information, like I remember I talked to Maria Cowis, who also is able to astral project. Again, I can't astral project. I haven't done this yet, have you?

Speaker 2:

ever dreamed. Yes, you've astral projected. It's just your level of awareness. I didn't have high level of awareness.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I can like go, like oh, I mean my dream, let's go. Yeah, I know what you're mean, so I've never gone into the further.

Speaker 2:

So I don't know what we're talking about as far as some of those things. So I've never been in like insidious.

Speaker 1:

I've never done it and so you know, when it comes to that kind of stuff, it's not my strong side and I definitely find myself in my strongest element at the very veil between spirit and consciousness, and that's where I've done some of my best work. And so that's as far as I go. And if you're looking at that, I don't know how deep that level is, because this is not my strength, but I know that there's a thing there. So I can't go like Tarek, you're fucking crazy dude, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm like, no, there's a.

Speaker 1:

I've now, within the last like it's been coming up on four years. I've tapped into this where I'm like there's a thing. Yeah, yeah, I can't be as articulate as you. Just work, they don't interpret the images the same way. I don't know the language, but there's a thing. And when I talked to Maria Callas, she explained she astral, projected, with an angel that took her to the like ocean of information, and she's like it's so much it can only be experienced, but it can never be written. You can't share it. It can only be experienced Exactly, like how much water is there in the ocean? Like we can try, but like to say whenever I gave you like it's 25 Piscillion gallons.

Speaker 1:

You're like, okay, that's a number I'm like, but to experience, it is like how do you? How do you describe it? You can't even see it all Exactly.

Speaker 2:

You know.

Speaker 1:

so it's like that, and so she even tried to write when she came back and she described she couldn't do it.

Speaker 2:

She's like I started writing and started just getting jumbled it was like couldn't you do it?

Speaker 1:

You can't, it's all goofed up. But she explained our purpose for our souls and you're, I'm with you where our bodies don't give us credit for how big we really are inside. You know, like you said, the space that I take up and how much I can experience is all subjective, based on the location of this vessel. I'm tracking you, man, I'm with you. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But she said think of the vessel or the purpose that we have for the size of our like our soul or what our purpose is Like. Our purpose would be like we each have a bucket and our bucket is just how big our bucket is, and some could be big buckets or small buckets, but it can only handle so much. And we each get our scoop of that water from the ocean of information and that's your information, that's what you got and that's your thing to share with the world. That's your piece, where you have a skill and an ability that's different from mine, because you have different information in your bucket than I do. It doesn't mean better or worse, it's just you got a different piece of the ocean that you share and I got a piece that I share, which means we're all valuable again Because as long as you're not dumping your bucket out and just going, we're out of here.

Speaker 1:

You're gonna go watch stupid stuff on TikTok or whatever Going. Hey, I actually am gonna gather and fill my bucket and I can't wait to work through my own bucket and share what I have as my piece to contribute Exactly and I think that that was a really neat way she explained that to go like the stuff like I have for my map, or the stuff that you found through, like your journeys and the way that you can interpret. I don't have that. I didn't get that. That's not my bucket, that was your bucket. And you're like look at what I've got in my bucket and I'm like show me your bucket. That's amazing, I don't have that in my bucket. I'm looking at my bucket, I don't have those. That's cool, man.

Speaker 1:

And so I get excited to go like it's not that mine is better, I just have a different part of the ocean than you. But I can only handle so much. I can't handle all of yours and mine, because we have different purposes and I think that's part of the past lives and all the different things. There's another thing Daniel Jackson said to me the fuck with me too. He's like you think it's your brain that makes all these memories. You think it's your brain.

Speaker 1:

And I was like I don't know. Yeah, I mean, maybe he's like well, spirits don't have brains, because that's an organ, and yet they have memories and can communicate. Do you really think that it's your memories are all stored in your brain.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

Good point. The memories may be your soul. That's an interesting thing, because spirits don't have brains, it's an organ.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I was saying earlier. There's a difference between the brain and the mind. The mind is vast Now the brain is programmed by the conscious mind and the more you can get at separating, understanding the separation of the two, then you can really it'll be easier for you to move beyond the limitations of the brain and tap into more of the mind. Absolutely, absolutely, I love it.

Speaker 1:

I think that's where people would goof up, because even when he, if you said the brain and the mind, I'd be like you mean like thoughts in Oregon and you're like, yeah, well, kind of, but we said that your soul is the recorder and it's not your brain.

Speaker 2:

I was like, yeah, because the brain is just the hardware, Like a computer is absolutely useless without any type of programs. But what is programming the brain?

Speaker 1:

Well, it's also like the concept and this is I understand, if you really get the type guys are gonna be like motherfuckers server you can go like if you don't want to drive. Just a simple analogy versus what's in the cloud. You know example even though the cloud is technically another server, it's like well, the information you have is not just limited to this one space, it can transcend that space.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, but like a phone, an iPhone, without the iOS, the initial system that it's on, it's just a blank. You know it's a blank screen, so it has to be filled with something and then program with something. So the brain operates off of the programs that are given from the mind. But there is a separation of the two and you can't necessarily change the programming of your brain until you change the programming of the mind, and that's what will influence the brain. To then remove neurons and pathways, you know, but it's through the mind first. To that then programs the brain, and so yeah, that's what Rewiring beliefs.

Speaker 1:

Exactly exactly exactly, and so when you understand a belief.

Speaker 2:

It's just a thought. You continue to think. So what thoughts do you give the most attention and energy to? You know that will then transform your beliefs. Who?

Speaker 1:

said, yeah, the energy that you give to it. You know and this is cool, I like hearing we find the same place. We're at the same location.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

You just came from this way, I came from this way, but I met you at the same spot. It's good to see people doing the work.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

All right, let's go ahead and like what's your like? All right, here's the shit people just don't understand. Here's how far I've gotten. And here's where people's minds get blown. What is your thing where you're like okay, rick, I got some shit for you? Here's the thing. What's your thing where you're like this is where I lose people.

Speaker 2:

I wanna see like, how far do you go?

Speaker 1:

I wanna see like where are you at.

Speaker 2:

Where I lose people the most is pretty much with the universal laws, and mostly the universal law of infinity. You know people, I hear people. I'm sure you've heard people and maybe you've said it. I've said it like three times on the show your thoughts create your reality. You are able to create your reality.

Speaker 2:

Now, when you look into the universal law of infinity, that is where I start to lose people. Anything is possible. The only limitations that you experience are the limitations that you create within your mind. And now, when you look at a very microcosmic scale of that, you know I can see how, like I have my own personal limitations that I'm working through. Like maybe I need more money, you know is a limitation that I place on myself, even though money is abundant. There's trillions of dollars zipping about past us right now during having this conversation, but for me there's a limitation on how much it's going to flow into my reality because of the limitation within my mind.

Speaker 2:

But when you go into a larger portion and still go into the universal law of infinity, you know death is just a habit, a mental habit that people have. You know. Nope, if you really look at it, the science of it, no part of your body is older than seven years, and that's the bones, you know, the organs and tissue and everything regenerate much faster than that. It's cellular regeneration. We're all the same as Wolverine, but Wolverine just does it a lot faster. That's the only difference, you know. And so we, our bodies, continue to to change. The reason we age is because we continue to go into the mirror and, oh, my god, my dad lost his hair. When am I going to lose my hair? Is that a wrinkle? Am I getting older? When am I going to not be able to continue to play ball like I am? I'm going to move to the older league. How long can I keep this up? So your body, you're telling yourselves how you want them to regenerate. All you want us to regenerate with wrinkles. Okay, I mean, we can do that if that's what you want. And so immortality is already alive and well within all of us. It's very hard to die, but immortality is alive and well with all of us.

Speaker 2:

But it's our belief. We have such a strong belief, not just individually but collectively, which then influences an individual's belief to move beyond the collective limitation of it, and so things like that, yes, are very real and possible, and there are immortals on this planet, you know, not saying there's, like you know, thousands of them, but it is very real and possible for anyone to do. It's not very easy, even though it may be simple. It's not very easy, but that's like talking about things like that is when I start to lose people. What you mean.

Speaker 2:

We can fly, absolutely we can fly, but you have such a strong limitation in your mind, you know, like the four minute mile. Once the four until the four minute mile happened, once the first person ran it, then hundreds of people started accomplishing it. Once you saw it be a real possibility for someone and the collective consciousness broke beyond that limitation, then it became real for tons of people flying. I mean, yeah, we fly already, you know, but in planes, but not until one person actually the Wright brothers did it. Then lots of people there's not just the Wright brothers, airlines, you know, hundreds of people have created machines that can then allow us to elevate into the space of the air. And so you know, yes, we have very strong beliefs that limit us from being able to do these things, but yes, we are capable of. Anything is possible. You just have to have a strong enough will and belief in it to make it a reality for yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, people try to create limiting beliefs around that attract for exactly what you're going on. That yeah, yeah, it's the same thing is like how much potential do you have as much as you believe you have? And people want to read the brochure without believing it. Limited potential. I'm like why are you so limited? Yeah, yeah, it's like you created limits. There's something that you said I can't or I'm not able. But instead of looking for how do I break through the limits, like saying, well, can people fly? You know?

Speaker 2:

like yeah, we can.

Speaker 1:

probably we can create an airplane and then we can fly and they're like no, I'm gonna fly like Superman and you're like, well, probably not going to work that way. That breaks laws of physics. But we can also work with laws of physics and then create an airplane or a rocket ship and we can break through certain limitations that are there. In some way it can be done. But when people create a limiting amount of options, it makes it so that the possible becomes impossible, because I made sure it's impossible and I'll enforce by sabotaging possibility and potential, by creating a limit that makes it impossible. This is why I don't enjoy certain diagnosis.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

PTSD, people will use my, my, my, trim, my trauma is impossible to. I have trauma, yeah yeah, and they'll create an identity that is impossible to be beaten. Well, I work with multiple people in this field where PTSD they don't even call PTSD, they just call PTSD. That he's not disorder is very beatable.

Speaker 1:

And I work with soldiers and veterans and first responders like it's fucking beatable. I had to beat it. It's beatable. It's not a disorder, it's just you have post traumatic stress and we can manage stress and work through. Whether you go through neural linguistics or you go through spirit side or you go through a psychology side. You work through my program, so the steps it takes to beat it. There's multiple ways that if you combine all these pieces, it's no longer required and you're like I don't have a trigger for that anymore, it's not connected to something that I need to panic about. Yeah, it's beatable, and so if somebody goes, well, no, I have PTSD or bipolar disorder which we've beaten extreme anxiety, which is beaten depression.

Speaker 1:

We just did. I did a lesson last night on depression to help guys make sure that they beat it yeah like it keeps, it's beatable, absolutely. People will use the terminology or they'll take some of your, your meme therapy and then go I saw a post that someone put up that I agreed with, and they'll use the meme therapy as part of their identity to say I have an anxious attachment disorder, you know, or some sort of a disorder that they just looked up, and then people start to act according to what they believe.

Speaker 2:

Their disorder, that they even self diagnosed, is yeah yeah, and make it an absolute and then attach their identity to it. I have, I'm someone, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

I am abused, I am traumatized, I am anxious. Attachment disorder I am. And once you create the identity, you have solidified yourself into a limiting belief. And then, from that point, on without willingness is the number one thing. I need to be able to work with somebody Like do you believe it can be done and are you willing to do what it takes to do it? If they're like no, it's impossible, I don't want to do the work. Well, like I can't work with someone like that, yeah exactly.

Speaker 1:

This is one of the Henry Ford quote if you believe you can or you believe you can't. Either way you're right. And so there are certain. There's are certain curses. I call them. There are certain curses that, if you believe it's impossible to break, you will create a self fulfilling prophecy. To make sure you're right Exactly, and even given the exact cure you will take it incorrectly, to make sure it's sabotaged, can't be wrong. I can't go against it.

Speaker 2:

So if you were, or you could possibly eliminate it from your experience, but you still continue to operate the same way. That's like the weed in the garden you can you can remove the green parts that you see, but the roots are still under the surface and it will come back Correct. And that's where people treat the symptoms and not exactly Exactly.

Speaker 1:

That's why people are on medication and they're not doing the deep transformation Exactly, exactly. And that's why I think it's cool to hear you speak in transformation and decoding people's thoughts to use it, instead of just going like that's just a symptom of green.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly, because I mean, you know, it's fun and fascinating to talk about dreams and interpretations and what they may mean, but it's useless if you don't apply it into your life.

Speaker 2:

You know, like if you're in a, if you're in a building downtown and somebody runs in the building's on fire, the building's on fire, okay, thank you, and we continue our having our interaction and don't do anything about it. We're going to burn up. The message was useless. The guy might have well ran past our door, you know, because we didn't heed the message and apply it, you know, and so and that's a lot of what you're talking about, like the willingness you have to have a willingness, you know. That's why one of the first courses that I created was the key success course teaching people how to strengthen not only concentration in their ability to control their attention, but willpower, because your willpower is going to determine not only how much you can do, but how quickly you can do it, and not just, you know, with anything spiritual, but just anything in life in general. I mean, like the Super Bowl just played a few weeks ago, that was a game of willpower, whose willpower over a course of 60 minutes is going to overcome the other.

Speaker 1:

I feel like my willpower overcame because I didn't even watch the game.

Speaker 1:

I just stayed with my girl, my family. I just stayed with my girl I love. Neither of those were my team, so I was like yeah, yeah, no, but yeah, that's that's. That's a really good point. I got one for you People who believe that there is no spirit and there is no. There's no soul, there is no energy, there is no law of attraction or what you focus on you will manifest, and there's no God. What are some of the thoughts that you have around people who, like I, absolutely believe that everything you say is bullshit. What is your? What's the retort you have for people who just haven't experienced it?

Speaker 2:

Mine is. My usual response is a short thing, buddy, with a thumbs up. You know, carry on. You know, in a lot of ways I wouldn't want to. You know I'm not here to prove anything to anyone. I don't want you to change how you're doing things because who knows what, even your perspective, even though I, from what I know through what I've experienced, may be very limiting that's okay. You can be within this smaller box and still continue to grow and build and do things great for yourself and and feed understandings into your soul.

Speaker 2:

Whether you know it's happening or not, you know your the truth is not relying on anyone's belief. So you know, if someone is actively engaging me on it and like challenging me with it, I'll entertain it for a little while. But if there's, if it's obvious that like they're not open to anything new, then it's like okay, yeah, sure, go on your way. I'm, I'm here for other people. That's more purposeful of my time. I'm not here to convince the world of anything, you know. I'm just for those who are trying to elevate. I'm trying to provide you with ways to accelerate the evolution. I love it.

Speaker 1:

I agree with you very much, and I've noticed people with very nihilistic points of view seem to be very close-minded and they have no reservation to say with new or with useful information. I reserve the right to change my mind, which is something I bring up often. It's, in more cases, a provoke than a yeah, yeah, I'm like well, please change my mind. Like, give me better information. If you see better information, if you speak in terms of blame, shame and judgment, I most likely will find it dismissing because I'm like well, you're trying to manipulate instead of educate. Yeah, yeah, you know, and so I dismiss that information. I'm like well, please come with, come correct with. Like, I have thought it out and here's why I believe what I believe, without just saying if you don't believe what I believe, you're a fucking idiot.

Speaker 1:

It's just a judgment.

Speaker 2:

You haven't given an explanation. You just judge people. We have nothing to build together.

Speaker 1:

You know it's discrediting your stance versus solidifying your truth.

Speaker 2:

And that's why you said, truths are not.

Speaker 1:

They don't really require to be truth in a belief. People have beliefs that do not have truths, and so once you've experienced something that is true and people go like, well, I don't believe what you believe, that's okay. My beliefs do not require you to believe what I believe, and I think this is where, when people start speaking in judgments, it reveals that they haven't done the work that you're talking about. Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

And then it's like, well, there's no purpose here. What are we really doing?

Speaker 1:

with our time. We are at a mute point because you aren't interested in learning. You're just trying to be converting without understanding. You have revealed you to yourself, but I doubt that we really know Exactly. Exactly, man, it's a pleasure to hang with you. Man, do you have anything that you want to do? If people are like man? I love this guy. This guy makes a lot of sense to me. I resonate with what he's saying. I like his interpretations. I want my dreams to be worked through or I'm stuck in my spirit side and I want to be able to plug into an interpreter who knows what they're fucking doing. How can I get people to plug in with you and how can our people go that direction? Where would you like them to go?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I created a metaphysical mastery community. I used to just have like a mentor program, but I've made it a free community. All of the resources that I provide the dream symbol glossary and everything, tons of things in there, a letter on lucidity and things are free for people. There's a space within it where you can share your dreams and then myself and other senior mentees can provide you with interpretations and things you can find that in. You can go to my website, awakenwithinus awakenwithinus and the very first link on there will take you there, or any of the links on any of my social medias will guide you right there, because that's the main thing, it's free. There's other people also trying to actively transform themselves and accelerate their own self-awareness, and then lots of tools and resources there to help you with that also.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I hear that you're doing this through a need, not greed. You're giving it to people to use so you can help people help themselves, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

It's a noble cause man yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I see you spirit side warrior. I honor you as a warrior. Yeah, I appreciate it, it's a pleasure to have you on the show.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you, thank you.