The Battlefield Of The Mind

114. Dropping Bombs with Brad Lea

Brad Lea Episode 114

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Have you ever wondered what it takes to shift from a life centered around self to one of service and success? Brad Lee, an incredible entrepreneur with a story straight out of a movie, joins me, your host Rick, on a journey exploring this very transformation. Together, we unravel the threads of personal growth, from the pivotal moments that redefine one's path to the daily practices that cement lasting change. Brad's evolution from a high school dropout to a beacon of wisdom offers a blueprint for listeners seeking to navigate their own metamorphosis.

This episode isn't just about raw ambition; it's an odyssey through the heart of what makes us human—our relationships, our identities, and our beliefs. We peel back the layers of pretense that so often entangle us in a web of inauthenticity, revealing the strength found in vulnerability and the power of embracing our inner eagles. Brad and I dissect the symbiotic relationship between evolving self-perceptions and the external world, and how reshaping our perspectives can turn life's greatest adversities into our most profound teachers.

Prepare to challenge your assumptions about happiness, truth, and the very beliefs that shape your world. By confronting the comfortable yet deceiving confines of 'my truth,' we champion the cause for seeking out new information and applying it to stretch the bounds of what's possible. As you listen to our passionate exchange, it becomes clear that knowledge isn't just power—it's the catalyst for the kind of personal revolution that ripples out into every corner of life, including the untapped potential of social media marketing and sales. Join us for an episode that promises not just to inspire but to ignite a fire within you to chase the extraordinary.

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Speaker 1:

What's up, warriors, welcome back to the battlefield of the mind. My name is Rick, the creator of the Warriors way mindset, and I'm with Brad Lee, and if you don't know who that is, he'll be dropping bombs on you, just like his podcast itself. What do you? It's fun about both Brad and myself that if you say both of our names quickly, it sounds like one word. So that's pretty fun. Ricky Bradley, we got those names. Man, it's kind of funny.

Speaker 1:

I do so. Brad, jump on in. We normally would have to do introductions, but I don't think you need one. It's good to have you on the show. Feel free to at least say something on your mind. Let's start kicking ass together, dude.

Speaker 2:

Buddy, I'm just glad to be here. I like the brand, I like the, the, the format and I'm excited to frickin. Hopefully, maybe drop some bombs and bring some value to your listeners.

Speaker 1:

So, just so people don't know because some of my people do live in their own universe and they're not in the business world at all they don't understand necessarily certain elements of who people are give them the short, the short rundown, and then let's kind of roll from there, because I got a couple cool questions for you.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, ultimately, their short rundown is I'm an entrepreneur by the truest sense of the word. You know, that word basically means someone who takes larger than normal financial risks. You know, I dropped out of high school at 16 years old because my dad kicked me out of the house for not keeping my word and mowing the lawn. You know, I learned the hard way my entire life, up until about the age of 30. I was 100% out For me and me alone. Everything was about me and I tried to, you know, crush life Focused on me. What could I get out of it? And then, at 30 years old, I helped somebody transform their life, financially and otherwise, and it made me feel good, as soft as that sounds. And so I decided, man, I want to start helping people. So I quit my job, my career really, and I formed a company to go out and help people and Literally, looking back, that's the pivotal moment that that things started happening, when I started to, you know, stop focusing on myself and start focusing on helping others. So since then, I'm 55 years old, you know, 25 years later I've got several years of experience in my life and I've been working on it for a long time. I've had several successful companies you know, eight figure growing and I also have a social media presence.

Speaker 2:

Some people would call me an influencer, but you know I don't do it for a living. I'm not, you know, a content creator. I just I post what I do online. So I've amassed a couple million followers here and there and you know I'm asked to speak on stages now and and talk mainly about entrepreneurship, business and life. That's it. And then I have a podcast that's pretty highly rated and I just bring on people and talk about, you know, challenges and and situations, and hopefully the listeners can, you know, pick up things that will help them through their life. So ultimately, dude, listen, my mission in life Is to get the knowledge from the people who have it To the people who need it, because I believe that the reason people aren't successful is they don't have the right information or they don't have the right relationship, and that's what it boils down to. So that's my mission is to get the information to the people that need it.

Speaker 1:

I love what you're doing. You said a couple things too that are going to be very useful. Um, first, I want to get into because I think that you're very right with the relationship thing because, like that's a big issue right now, especially with humans of Right into the polarization element of things, of, like men and women should never be friends, and all this stuff. You're like, no, no, no, no, you got to make business dynamics Hold on, slow down. There are unhealthy versions and healthy versions. Now have you had to run into this in the business world where, like, people are trying to put in their fears and doubts and insecurities To try to mess up other people's businesses that you've worked with?

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean if, if. First, listening to that, I would say yes, because haven't we all? But be more specific.

Speaker 1:

So if a guy is working with a woman and the say a wife, or even the other way around a woman's working with a man and the husband has whatever issue they have, they're like you shouldn't be meeting those kinds of people because maybe they're charismatic or whatever, because they're in a field that maybe they're a liaison or they're connected, but because of maybe the personality or the dynamic or a fear and security of say, um, you know a beautiful woman working with a husband and the wife is like no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You can't work with her and going, yeah, but she knows all these people that I need to know For my business. What are some of your thoughts just on today's societal push on like messing with people's business for their personal things?

Speaker 2:

Well, that's a good question and, yes, I have witnessed some of that and experienced it myself in some occasions. And, you know, when it comes to like your wife, you know you want to give her some sort of um, grace. Uh, you know, and you really want to, in my opinion, examine what you're really fighting for. Because, again, and a lot of times, you know, there may be people that that we want to work with or it might Do the business good to work with them, but it's not critical, and I would question whether or not you would want to cause that kind of, you know, break in a relationship, especially that big of a relationship in your life, just for the purpose of of financial gain. So, again, I mean, it depends on the situation.

Speaker 2:

But but personally, you know, we all have a little insecurity, unfortunately, um, and if and if your Significant other, you know, has an insecurity about you working with a particular individual, I would say that you, you should probably take that a little bit more seriously than just brushing it off as in what are you talking about, bro? You got to trust me, you got a freaking, you know. No, I would, I would stop and give that some consideration, why? Well, because, listen, a lot of people rick. They don't have business problems, they've got personal problems that they bring to the business, and that would be one of them. So I would go focus on the personal relationship If I want, if I want to help the business relationship, if that makes sense oh, it makes very much sense.

Speaker 1:

I was just curious, your opinion. And so when we're working on people's mindset and working on those areas, you see people get tripped up in their own curses. This is stuff from the past. I was cheated on, I was abused, I was neglected, I was hurt, and this makes it so now when people are going into their Business world, they're bringing their wounds into their business and trying to still manage, and this creates the limiting beliefs. This is the ones that I'm sure you've seen people run into over and over again. Whether it be doubt, I don't know if I'm good enough. I don't know if I'm whatever enough. Maybe I'm too this not enough that, whatever it could be, those are your doubt ones or fears, brad. What if this? What if that happens? What if? What if they do this? And what if they tell me no? And what if they do this? And those get into fear? You start wanting. Anxiety is just that, multiplied. You watch the wounds from, like the way they're in denial.

Speaker 1:

For what kind of persona Should I be? What kind of personality should I be, brad? How should I do that? Should I be like a character? Should I be like oh, brad, hey, should I do that and like a car salesman, like what kind of niche should I be? You're watching people bring their personal stuff and to try to figure out what they're supposed to be instead of being what they are Now. When you're watching guys do this, how often are you watching this like just train wreck and you go. Stop trying to be something you're not and try and work through what you are so you can actually be authentic in building something that's worth building.

Speaker 2:

Well, this is deep wisdom, rick. At the end of the day, man, I have a strong belief in being who you are, regardless of Other people's opinion. There's something called allodox phobia, and it's the fear of other people's opinion, and a lot of people are stricken by that and limited by that, and the fear that they feel causes them to make certain decisions or stops them from making certain decisions, and I think it's a catastrophe. You know, it could literally kill your dreams. So so, yes, I've seen people put on these images and these fronts, only to find out later that you know it causes them major issues. You know, at the end of the day, man, if you fake who you are, it's only a matter of time before the real you surfaces and everybody sees it. And then then your, your foundation isn't solid and everything cracks. And now you got to start over.

Speaker 2:

Had you just Been authentic from day one? Yes, you might not have had the same relationships, but you would have relationships nonetheless. And if you allow the universe or god to work like he does and you become authentically you, you are going to naturally filter out the people that should not be around you and and resonate to the ones that should. So, again, if, if someone follows me on social media and they don't like what they hear, we're really not aligned. What I say doesn't resonate, it offends them, I might, you know, look at that and say, hey, well, you have some work to do on yourself if what I'm saying offends you, but I don't worry about it. Listen, if you want follow me, I think you should have. Uh-huh, you know what I mean. And if you follow me, good, I think you should have. And why? Well, because I'm going to Say what I think and and be me, regardless of whether you like me or not. You know why? Because I've done the work and I like me, okay well, let's see alternative.

Speaker 2:

I don't need someone else's validation.

Speaker 1:

Well, what's the alternative? If you listen to them, brad, what happens if you go like oh, you don't like me, I should be like you said. Well, what's that alternative?

Speaker 2:

look like Well, it looks like hell.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, and this is the game for today.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, ultimately, you start acting like something else and you and you attract all these Other people and you think you're succeeding because it may be, you know, on the surface successful, but then when the real you, when your real opinions emerge and they eventually, will you ever see those old people that don't care anymore? It's because they reached a level to where they don't care anymore, like, I don't care, if you don't like my pants up to here, I don't care anymore, I'm too old to care. Well, that's when you start to actually, you know, realize that it doesn't matter, man, and if you adopt that earlier, you are going to build a much more solid foundation. And and that's what I think is success is when is when it lasts. I don't think success for 10 years and then it all crumbles is more successful than someone who spent, you know, 10 years building a solid foundation, even though it may not have had been that successful it's, it's going to continue to be and remain, and to me, that's more success if you're, if you're measuring.

Speaker 1:

I like it. This is something I agreed with you on when I was watching how people do this. One of the worst things I've ever seen happen when people create a niche and they make a character Is that it works. It's the worst thing I've ever seen. That happens works Well, what happens? Well, now you have to be pigeonholed into that thing and you have to stay whatever that character is, and you have to be whatever that is. If it's not authentic and you have to keep playing a role or putting a mask on, eventually it starts to crack and eventually doesn't work out, and that means your entire infrastructure will fall. Apart from a lack of authenticity, if you are living in denial, at some point it exposes who you really are. That's imposter syndrome at its core, and so it's funny when you say, because you're offended, I should change myself. This is why knowing thyself is so important, and I agree with you on this one. If you don't know thyself, you'll fall for just about anything that somebody tries to judge you on and they sure try, don't they?

Speaker 2:

Brother, that is a fact. Everyone has an opinion, mm-hmm, you know. And that's why Allodoxophobia is so crippling, because if you have fear of other people's opinion, their judgment, well then I would just highly suggest that you go and figure out thyself, as you put it. Go figure out who you are and pretty soon, if you're a but if you, if you realize that you're not a very good person you know you're technically, you know, as they thought you were, a piece of shit the good news is is you can forgive yourself and correct that. And you don't, and you're not defined by your past. I don't believe that your past defines you. I believe your, your present defines you. And if you can Correct your, your previous behavior, belief system, etc. Well then you can turn into something else. You can change.

Speaker 2:

People say a leopard doesn't change its spots. Well, number one, we're not leopards. Number two people do change. I've changed. You know, I used to be the guy that would say what I needed to say to get what I wanted to get.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm, and I don't really care what damage it did. I don't care that if you discovered after you wrote me a check that it wasn't really like I claimed. Now I'm exactly the opposite. I will not take your money unless I can deliver everything and a little bit more than I said I would. I've had people literally want to write me checks for something that I knew I couldn't deliver and I turned down their money and they couldn't believe that I was that quote, unquote honest. Well, again, I wasn't always that way, man. So I changed and people can change, and the crazy part is you need to change. If you do not change, nothing changes. So, even though people are afraid to change, that's what's required and, quite frankly, you're gonna change one way or the other. So, at the end of the day, you might as well change for the better.

Speaker 1:

You want to hear a fun word play, sure. Whenever use the word change, people seem to have a defense around it, some sort of like coveting or some sort of hold on to or like a Resistance. Have you noticed when you're like you need to change, like I know, I know, but but? But you start seeing, like the butt, the butt workouts come out, the one t-butt's, not the two t-butts. Yeah, I know that, but and you don't know the way I was raised and but my family always has, and you know what I've always done and he hears my old mentor said you start seeing the butts come out and when it comes to the, the word change itself, it's difficult because it's associated to loss and I don't know if people catch that right off is, if you change, what you used to do is no longer, even if you change for the better, your old routine is gone and the way things were before are no longer there, and people have a hard time with loss in general. It's one of the hardest things people to work through is loss, and so when you go even though I would say I worked at one place for ten years and I drove out of my place and I turn left to get there and I have the coffee shop I go to and they say hey to Brad and I say hey to you know, maria, and I say hey to everybody on the way in. I did that for ten years. But then I get an upgrade. I changed to a new location, new job, better hours, better pay, better everything. But now I turn right when I leave from my house. My entire routine is now different. Everything that used to do for a decade is now gone. Even if it's better, it's still associated to a loss, and so change is difficult for people. For that reason you want to hear a fun word play that changed that.

Speaker 1:

I did a survey For people. I'm like do people change? And it was very mixed answers. I Asked people do you evolve the change your stripes thing or change your spots? That's one thing. But I said you believe that you can evolve out of your old behavior into the work person that you're meant to be, and for some reason you send the word evolve, pulled people right out of their own loss. It made it flick. Yeah, you know what I'm actually happy to Evolve into the next version of me, the next chapter, and just one small tweak of language Turn somebody from losing to empowered. It's very silly how these words work with us. I like that and it's a cool thing for you to just goes. I see how, how you speak and I I personally, because I've done enough of my own work. I Like how you speak because I've done enough journey to go. I know exactly what he means. But somebody who hasn't gone far enough on the road may be stuck in loss and grief. And what about what I used to do and how I used to do things and my old system? I'm like are you ready to evolve out of what you used to be into the man or you know woman You're meant to be and that feels empowering instead of like I'm losing? I like that. It's just fun stuff like this.

Speaker 1:

Another thing for the authenticity element of it If you're being authentic from the very beginning, it allows you to change or evolve During your entire business's process. I watched something that you talked about that I teach also. I do it stoic philosophy around. But you said make adjustments, make adjustments. Well, with my own company and my own people. The adjustments is I go off of Marcus is a Raleigh's, the king of Rome, marcus Aurelius, and at the height of Rome he was like if you give me new information, better information, I reserve the right to change my mind.

Speaker 1:

Most powerful man on earth, I Reserve the right to change my mind with new information. And if you're being authentic and you go like, yeah, I had to pivot and change the direction of how I was doing this, or we added this new piece of it, that one new piece makes it so when people are watching your show, or they're watching your content, or they're watching your company, or they're watching your evolution, it was authentic the entire time because you're watching my journey, you're not watching my Character, you're not watching my one niche that I'm stuck into. I I reserve the right to change my mind if there's a better way, and that make adjustments is something with an adaptability that I connected with you, like we teach the same thing. My business has evolved dramatically From what it was when I started, because I reserve the right to change my mind if there's a better way. I'm listening and a good idea can come from anywhere, so I've had new guys come up with a new thing that makes our whole program stronger. Thank you for the idea, but appreciate it.

Speaker 2:

And so I love, go ahead. You know I just make observations along the way To me if you're not willing to make adjustments, you end up stuck or cornered. You know, just like if you're heading somewhere and you experience a traffic jam, you know you don't just say screw it, I'm not going, and head back home. You figure out another way around, you figure out an alternative path. So, at the end of the day, making adjustments is Crucial, and even in an airplane like when you take off in an airplane, people think you just fly straight to where you're going that pilot is literally making adjustments the whole entire way based on the instruments in the readings. So you have to be willing to make adjustments. I say that there's five factors of Success. Number one you got to take a chance or work for someone who did. Too many people are afraid to take a chance because they're afraid to fail and look foolish. Well, again, that's because they don't have a strong enough self-worth. You know, if you want to raise your net worth, raise your self-worth, but you have to take a chance. Step two you got to be good at solving problems. What do most people do? They avoid problems, they run from problems, they Push them away, when in reality, to get good at something you just need practice and repetition. So if you have to get good at solving problems, then you do that by solving problems and Getting good at it, because there's problems coming, brother, no matter what. If you're starting your own business, especially there's problems coming. So you got to get good at solving problems. Step three make adjustments. Okay, pay attention to what's going on and don't be afraid to make some adjustments.

Speaker 2:

Step four Constantly grow and develop. You know constantly self-improve. It should be a daily Effort to improve, to grow, to develop. And what's the best way to grow and develop and learn? A lot of times, challenges, failures, you know. So don't be afraid of those. It's part of the formula. And then five out do yesterday, just out, do the day before. If you literally just out, do the day before nine times out of ten over a period of time, you're gonna frickin crush it. So what did I just say? Five factors Number one take a chance or work for someone who did. Number two get good at solving problems. Number three make adjustments. Number four Continuously improve yourself, grow and develop. And number five out do the day before. You do that, you're almost guaranteed success.

Speaker 1:

I love it. This is the part where I watched the mindset part. That's what I do, by the way. I'm on the part where, like, well, what's the difference between somebody that's successful as Brad and somebody who's really struggling? It's not that you have more eyes, more ears, more hands, more feet, that's just the way you look at these things. And so here's a couple of fun things. One thing I do with these trainings for exactly the thing you just did the take a chance, have a, do a risk, all those things.

Speaker 1:

Have you ever heard the story? The difference between eagles and chickens? Have you ever heard that? Tell me.

Speaker 1:

All right, so it's a quick story on this one, but the idea behind it is a farmer was walking down the road and found an egg on the side of the road. He takes the egg back to his farm, puts it in his chicken coop, the egg hatches, and inside as an eagle. Now the eagle is raised by chickens, and so it just does what chickens do. It clucks on the ground, just eats grain, just flutters around and Acts and does all the things that chickens do and living its life like a chicken one day Sees an eagle flying overhead and he asks where the other chickens. What the hell is that thing that chickens like? That's an eagle man, king of the skies, man. Nothing is cooler than the eagle. That's one percenter man, that's the best of the best. But you never have to worry about that man, because you're just a chicken like the rest of us and that eagle will disregard the vision that it has. That I can see that everyone tells that it's weird because it's got an idea or a dream or a vision that they can't see, or a wingspan that's too big or real wide and like you're a fucking freak, you're weird. Oh, stop, stop with your weird wingspan freak. And that eagle lives its entire life with a mindset of a chicken, never, ever, taking risk, never taking a chance, never, ever trying to do what it was built to do, because it always believed it was meant for the ground. Yet when any eagle starts going you know what I was talking with Brad and he was he was telling me that maybe I can do it and all the other chickens are saying that's a stupid idea, that'll never work. You can't get that off the ground. That's a. That's a failure. You're gonna fail at that. You should stay between the lines. Just stay with your nine to five. Never take a chance, don't take a risk. And so those eagles live and die thinking that they're chickens.

Speaker 1:

But if you go out and fly, you go out and I go. Brad and I went out this week and we went. We fucking flew over from fucking mountains, dude, and we try to see who could push each other up higher to reach our personal best. And then we caught fucking fish in the lake and we ate in the trees and we talked about the dreams that we're gonna make come true and you go back to your chicken friends and you go guess what we did? And they go. That's not true. That's impossible. You can't do that. That's never gonna work. It doesn't work like that.

Speaker 1:

You should stay in the chicken coop, stay where it's safe, never fly, never take risk. What if you fall? What if you're flying and follow? Would you ever think of that? And most people Especially.

Speaker 1:

Did you know that most of the valedictorians or people who have like straight A's, usually never make it beyond middle management, because they're afraid to not get an A plus or a gold star? They're afraid to take a risk and go for it, because what if I fail? Well, it's got like it's like, there's like a 50% chance of failure if I went for it. I don't want to take that risk when somebody who's a little bit less averse to the risk we're like risk averse like 50% fucking odds in my favor. Glass half full, that's rock and roll, that's dogs I had all week Like.

Speaker 1:

This is where you see the difference from the mentality of somebody who thinks they're main for the ground and someone who's like you can fucking do it, man. I believe in you, you can fly, let's go try man. Yeah, you may fail. Yeah, you're gonna find challenges. Yeah, it's gonna get difficult. Yeah, and sometimes the storms come and sometimes it rains, man. Sometimes. So what, you coming.

Speaker 1:

And this is where you start finding other people with the same Mentality. Someone who, when you say I have a vision, they go, you can do it. People who may judge you as cocky or arrogant these chickens, but egos go. You have competency, you have the skill. I see that you can do that. I believe in you. And it's a different mindsets. And so when there are chickens and there are eagles, you can start telling the difference. When you're talking to somebody and you riddle me this, tell me I'm wrong. When you're talking to somebody who you're like. I see you trying to fit that eagle suit on buddy. You're jigging man. I want you to be able to believe in yourself, but I don't think you have the tools to do this. I don't think you believe in yourself enough to really go for it. In fact, your dream and what you want is so flimsy I don't know if you even have a why.

Speaker 2:

Well, the Bible tells us, you know, not to judge, supposedly.

Speaker 1:

Matthew 7.

Speaker 2:

Yeah and I say to that there's also scripture that says you can tell his children by their fruit. So I'm just a fruit inspector, you know. I don't doubt anybody has the potential because, because God made us, I do believe that some people lack the mindset, the skill set or the habits. You know, if you lock in three pillars, and Only those three pillars, you are unstoppable. You have to have the right mindset, you have to have the right skill set and you have to have the right habits.

Speaker 2:

I can show you somebody who has a great mindset, but they're running in the wrong direction. They're not very good at anything. They think they're good at everything, they're positive, they're abundantly thinking, but they're not going anywhere because they're not very good. And it's just the truth. So at the end of the day, they have to combine a good mindset with some skill sets, and the skill sets can be learned and developed by anybody. That's the good news, like, even if you suck, which a lot of people suck in the beginning we all suck until Everything, until we don't. But at the end of the day, if you suck, the good news is you can get better. Okay, so Now it's the skill set. But if you have the right mindset, your talent is hell. You're really good at some things, but your habits are terrible again. You can still crash. But if you got the right mindset, you got the right skill set and you got the right habits, brother, nothing is going to stop you, period.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm gonna throw in that, the other piece that makes the most sense here the hands that you shake, the more money you make. The more hands you shake, the more money you make. This is something I've seen you say over and over, and this is where, like, you can have, have the right mindset, the right skills and right habits and it seems like you're going to attract like-minded people.

Speaker 2:

Well, not fair I.

Speaker 2:

Would say fair again. I mean, you know the, the, the people that that Should be around you will come around you if you're authentically, authentically yourself. They will also Disperse when you're authentically yourself. The problem is when people care who's coming and who's going. The reason why is because they need validation from these Certain people.

Speaker 2:

So you fall in love with someone and you don't want them to leave your life, so you change for them, when in reality that's a temporary thing, more than likely. You're, you're pretending to be something. You're not only to Lose that person anyway five years later, correct? Why wouldn't you just build a relationship with yourself so you validate yourself, so you love yourself, and and then let everybody else do what they do. You can't control other people. So, at the end of the day, be yourself, be you know, authentically yourself, and allow other people to make their own decisions. And if they stay, great and if they don't great, mm-hmm into the day. I think that's a natural selection. I think it's, I think it's gonna happen automatically. If you let it, a lot of people, they won't let that happen.

Speaker 1:

They don't understand and this is why would I do the deep work. I do transformational work for people and so I just had a podcast this morning with a guy who goes into hell also, and you can tell the difference people have been there and people who just read about it. It's a different thing, and so when you're talking about like, be like, be yourself, love yourself, all those things Most people are so riddled with belief systems from their parents and from their Upringing and the things with them that know thyself has become a very. It's almost impossible, because they've never had enough exposure to anything that was that confident. And to break the curses that you've had to break, especially from your father throwing you out for the lawn and the shit you've had to overcome to be as strong and confident as you are, it requires hard, hard treks up to up mountains. Sometimes you're ice skating uphill and people don't understand. They're like you. You skated up three feet, went down to. You're like, and I did it for years, and they don't understand the grind that it takes to be able to find thyself. It's on the journey and I think that's where people are like.

Speaker 1:

You have to start with your. Why I watch Simon Sinek, brad, know thy why, know the why? I gotta know my why. You're like you find your why when you're fucking going up the mountain, man. You'll figure you out when you start hitting some obstacles, because it's not the circumstances that define you. They reveal you to yourself. And are you riddled with curses or do you find solutions? You're gonna figure you out in a little bit. You're gonna know when you run into something. Do you stare at the obstacle or do you stare at your dream? Because if you don't have one, you're gonna show who you really are to you.

Speaker 1:

And I think this is where you start seeing your pieces fall together, take risks, solve problems, make adjustments, and then you run into the challenges and people run into failure. I'm fear of failure. You'll figure out who you are when you have to face it. Now you're in a 1% of mindset. I already see you, and so, when it comes to this, what do you think about failure? Because people are gonna have here this all the time. Chick can talk about failure. I'm like, no, I'll take a different look at it. It's not failure, but what do you think failure is? What do you think we even have that for?

Speaker 2:

I think failure exists, but not how everybody believes it to be like. In other words, I've failed before Because I gave up, and once you give up, it could be technically a failure, but if you never give up, it's not a failure, it's a lesson, and the lesson can be learned and that means there's value, and the value, you know, basically Cancels out the failure. To me, a failure is a permanent loss. Otherwise, how's it a failure? It's just a temporary setback, it's just a lesson, it's a challenge, it's a, it's an opportunity for growth. So a lot of people consider failures, you know, or I should say, some people believe that opportunities are failures, when in reality I believe it's an opportunity to get better and stronger, and if you take the opportunity, it can't be a failure per se. But I think everyone's definition changes and it and it's based on your definition, it's based on your perspective, and so I've got an unbelievable perspective of life. You know, I wake up every day realizing how valuable that in and of itself is. So when some people wake up and they start dreading that they have to go to work and they dread that they're behind on bills and they can't figure out rent, they see that as a problem. I see that as an opportunity because I got to wake up. I Tell people all the time one of my posts went viral a couple years ago in multiple languages. I see people you know using it constantly to this day.

Speaker 2:

And it started out with Me trying to come up with an analogy to get someone to understand what I was talking about. And I said Let me ask you a question. How would you feel if I gave you like a million dollars? Because everything was about money, you know, oh boy, that would be amazing. I would feel so relieved and I would still feel so excited and you couldn't rain on my parade. I'd be in a great mood and everything would be wonderful. Nothing would be a problem. And I said well, if I Gave you a million dollars but you couldn't wake up tomorrow, would you take it? They're like well, of course not. And I said Well, then you agree that waking up is worth more than a million dollars? And they're like yeah, how much is it worth? You know, well, it's worth more than any amount of money exactly.

Speaker 2:

So you wake up with a gift so valuable and then you spend the rest of your day pissed off because you have Opportunities and challenges to figure out that make you stronger, by the way, which is what you're praying for, it's what you're hoping for, but yet when the challenge has come, you, you're, you're bummed out. Okay, that's a mindset issue, it's a gratitude issue. If you, if you really understand how life works, waking up is the most valuable gift there is and you get it every morning. And if you just accept that gift, honestly accept it and appreciate it, be grateful for it, well then, the, the behind-on rent and the car payment and the problems and you know, people wanting to frickin, murder you and all the crap that we have to deal with those become opportunities Instantly.

Speaker 2:

And so I tricked my brain a long time ago to think that I put a sign on my wall that said congratulations, you get another day. And every time I woke up and started worrying about Passed-dew bills and you know I'm not where I wanted to be and all the problems we face as human beings I Would look at that sign and realize, dude, I get. You know, hey, I get another day, I get another chance. So it just made me all of a sudden optimistic Abundant. I jumped out of bed. I didn't waste time, I wasn't. Hey, maybe I need to sleep longer. No, man, I was fired up to go after the challenges and opportunities that were before me and it changed my perspective. So that's the trick I always try to teach people is realize how important just simply waking up is and Appreciate and be grateful for just that. And if you can do that, honestly do that which I can honestly do it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Everything else shifts. All that you look at negatively become positive. So someone on a podcast one time asked me they were talking about my story and they did some research and at one point I went to LA to be a movie star and I ended up homeless on the beach and they and they wanted to know about that. And they didn't say that. They said, brad, tell us how it was to hit rock bottom. And I said, mmm, I Don't think I've hit rock bottom. You know cuz I'm? Because when people ask me question, I just try to think of the answer. So I thought, well, how was it hitting rock bottom? And then I thought, well, man, I've never really hit rock bottom. So I told them, I said I don't know, I've never hit rock bottom. And they said Weren't you homeless on the beach? I said, yeah, and you don't think that's rock bottom? Hell, no, number one, it's the beach. Okay, nothing wrong with the beach. Matter of fact, people pay a lot of money to wake up on beaches, you know. But at the end of the day, no, I do not think that's rock bottom at all. I don't think homeless is rock bottom at all, you know. So what's rock bottom? Um, life in prison Would would be a little bit more rock bottom than homeless.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I could think of a million things and, quite frankly, if I were ever in those situations, I would probably find Positive in that. So, at the end of the day, I don't know what rock bottom is, I couldn't fathom rock bottom, but I know I've never been anywhere near it. I've been blessed and lucky since the day I was born. Thank God, I Continue to be blessed and lucky every day, my eyes open. So at the end of the day, my mindset is of abundance. It is of possibility, optimism. You know it's not pessimistic, it's not limited and it's not scarce. Too many people have that Perspective because it boils down to a perspective. Man, it's your perspective. You can take two people, put them in the same exact environment, the same exact situation, and one's happy and one's upset. Now, how is that possible? It's possible because this person is seeing things differently than this person. That's your perspective.

Speaker 2:

So right now, if you're going through life with troubles and challenges and you're bummed out and you're depressed and you feel like suicide and you literally just don't know how you're going to manage, all you got to do is shift your perspective, because there's a saying. I don't know who said it, but it's true. If you want the world to change, change the way you look at it and it changes immediately. I always say, brad, what is the fastest way I can get out of this situation? I say change the way you look at it. If you can instantly change the way you're looking at the situation, instantly the situation changes. People don't get how simple that actually is. Right now there's people listening to this podcast, I'm telling you, and they're saying easy for you to say, well, you got money, and blah, blah, blah, blah. Your perspective is over here, where, if they just understood what I said and they really truly want to change what's happening to them, they have to change that perspective and instantly what's happening to them will change.

Speaker 2:

And that mindset is the key, if there is one. Because people always say Brad, what's the key? Well, I don't necessarily think that there's a key. I think it's more of a combination. Think of it as a combination lock, like there is a combination and everybody has their own Right. My combination isn't necessarily yours, but there's no key. So what we have to do if we really want to find the combination is search, get to know thyself, ask questions think man.

Speaker 2:

People don't understand how many people go through life without actually thinking. They don't think man, and people will really. Well, I thought about what to eat for lunch. I'm thinking Now. I'm talking about think man, because when you start getting new information, you start to think about that new information and that thinking causes you to get to know yourself, causes you to question and challenge and grow and develop One of my frameworks for building your self-worth, because I always tell people listen, you want to change your net worth, change your self-worth. The reason you make what you make is because you believe that's what you're worth.

Speaker 2:

How would you accept $20 an hour if you didn't think that's all you're worth? I would never accept $20 an hour. You couldn't pay me $20 an hour for nothing. Why? Because I'm worth way more than that. Why do I believe that Some people will be like oh, I can't believe this guy. He thinks he's so great. Am I supposed to think I'm not? Am I supposed to think I'm a low life? Am I supposed to think I'm worthless? What am I supposed to think according to you? If I'm not supposed to think I'm worth it and I'm great, what am I supposed to think? Explain it to me.

Speaker 1:

You keep pointing out the judgments on this Just as far as if I was hitting the bomb button for you right now. You are dropping a lot of wisdom. I think that people won't. I can see why people struggle understanding what you're saying, because you're saying the correct answer, but it's hard for them to bridge the gap between where they are to the answer. The answers are not the solutions. If you're like no, no, the other side of the river, that's where you need to be. They're like I'm over here.

Speaker 1:

I'll give you an example. You know what? This is right? Rubik's Cube. Yeah, it's a solve Rubik's Cube. This is what it looks like.

Speaker 1:

All the colors are corresponding with the other colors. This is what it looks like, and they're like all right, cool, so, all right, all right. So I know all the colors have to. I know that. I know what it's supposed to. I know it's supposed to, but mine's not doing it. Brad, how come? Like? Mine is like oh, it must be easy for you. Yours does that, but mine isn't doing it. I don't get it. Well, the answer is all the colors, but I'm not. I don't know the solution. I'm missing the gap, and so you're saying the correct things and trying to find that authentic bridge. How do you build your bridge? And each person has the bridge, but it's tough because how many people out there are like I'll get you the greens? Greens is the answer, get greens done. But you know the rest of their cube is fucked, you know the rest of their life is not in order, it's a total mess. But they're like get the greens by my program, get the greens. And so now we're getting the solutions instead of just the answers.

Speaker 1:

You said some really fucking good stuff right there and maybe we can just maybe put some bridge pieces together for people. You said the gratitude thing, attitude to gratitude, the presence and the presence. Here's something to help people out. You are actually giving the blueprint to stop depression and anxiety. I don't know if you know this, but when I beat it, that's part of it. Presence in the present is a big part of it. You said I wake up every morning and I have gratitude in my just. The value in waking up every day is more than a million dollars. That's such a powerful analogy, but how do I use it? How do I use that right now?

Speaker 1:

There's a Lao Tzu quote where he says like an anxiety is in the future, depression is in the past and pieces in the present, and so I wrote something recently for my guys where it says we see people right now spend their present minutes and pasts that are no longer happening and futures that will never happen, and the days that we go by are a documentary of us watching time disappear and we're just watching people spending their times and all the what ifs and the what I could have showed us instead of.

Speaker 1:

Are you present in the minutes you have right now that you're wasting, that you could be like, appreciating where you're at and learning and growing and connecting, and being grateful that you have a chance this very second. You're in free will right now, that you can choose right now to go. I'm going to go for my dream, actually, instead of think about how my dream got away from me that time, that I regret not taking the opportunity. It's like you're still in the opportunity right now, dude, you can still do that. Well, bridging that gap right there makes it so you get out of the past. You get caught up so much in the futures that you're scared of and staying present in the present, like you just mentioned in what changes your present minutes into possibilities, instead of just watching time disappear.

Speaker 2:

Well, again, you just did the Rubik's Cube.

Speaker 1:

Where's the?

Speaker 2:

bridge brother.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

the break. How do you do that? So this is where it goes down to you choose to you. There's no massive bridge that needs to be built. There's no map that needs to be drawn. People need to understand. It boils down to a decision. It's a decision. You don't find happiness, you choose happiness. You're choosing not to be happy. So, again, how do you fix that? Choose to be happy? Well, easy for you to say that's negative, scarce, limited mindset, that's negative thinking. Change the way you think. Well, how you understand, how you choose to. That's the truth and that's the simplicity you choose to.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes they don't know the tools. Do you want me to give you a bridge for?

Speaker 2:

happiness. You don't have to make a choice, brother.

Speaker 1:

I'll give you a bridge the happiness one. I was researching happiness when I did a program on this. You see, the experts, harvard professors like Arthur C Brooks, and people who are like professors, who write books on happiness. And happiness by itself is a subjective term. Do we at least agree on that? Like everyone's got a different definition of happiness? Well, sure, sure. So if I said what's happiness, your definition will be different than the next guy, the next guy, the next guy. So happiness by itself is already. We all have a different definition for that one word. Well, he says all right, first, get into Harvard, super easy. Second, that class sells out very quickly because everyone in college right now wants happiness. So you have to get in there in the first ones in class. And then the answers are three steps. It's satisfaction, enjoyment, and you have a purpose. I said wait, wait, a fucking second. Are you telling me satisfaction, enjoyment, those are three more subjective terms. Are you telling me, in order to find happiness, I have to get in a Harvard? Be first in line? Understand three more subjective terms. Understand the first term. What the fuck are you talking about? I don't, I don't. Kids that don't even know what Harvard is. We're happy as hell. So that can't be the answer. Again, people are trying to make up bridges that are way too complicated. We had a definition for this. Here's the bridge that we use.

Speaker 1:

Happiness is the awareness of the blips in life that are found in nouns and verbs. Now, what I want you to do is challenge the fuck out of that, because it sounds like bullshit. Happiness is the awareness of the blips in life that are found in nouns and verbs. What I mean by that is first, you have to be aware that they're even there, which is why you said wake up and enjoy. You woke up, man. Did you even know? Stop taking it for granted. Do you have awareness before you can even make a decision?

Speaker 1:

Blips, a blip, is, by definition, temporary. That means everything that exists is not meant to last forever. Every moment, this podcast, right now, this moment I get to hang out with you, it's a blip. We're in the middle of one right now. Most people take it for granted. They think that this is just supposed to be or something. Even the cup of coffee I have is a blip. It's here now. It'll be gone later. This whole building everything, life, is how we measure time in our timeline, in it. And then what's a noun? People places things Right or verbs, which is I like skiing, I like driving my car, I like dancing, whatever.

Speaker 1:

If you have presence in the present, you're surrounded right now by blips, at all times. Well, that means happiness then becomes a choice, because your awareness is different, because you're in. Everything around you is temporary and meant to not last forever, and that makes them precious, that makes them priceless, that makes them fragile, because right now we're in a moment that's not supposed to last forever, and that's what makes it so great and people are trying to be happy all the time. Slow that shit down, because you're missing all of the good things, because you're not paying attention to being present around you at the moment. So what do I need to do? To change my perspective, like you said, to choose being able to recognize what is happiness, just being able to know that everything around you is temporary and so appreciated in the moment because it is not meant to last, and that makes it beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Our lives, by definition, on earth, are a blip. We're a snap man Millions of years and we're here for not even a hundred of them. We're a snap in history. You're a blip right now, man, that's beautiful, that's amazing. You're in the middle of something so fucking rare and precious and we take it for granted, sitting in the past and depressions or anxieties of the future, and we're not paying attention that you're surrounded by blessings all around.

Speaker 1:

You're in a building right now. That is a blessing, and in a thousand years that building won't be there. Everything is temporary. The mountains will change, the trees will grow, the rivers will widen or shrink, everything will change. And so we're in the middle of a blip at all times. And do you appreciate the moment you're in? Because happiness is everywhere around you. That's a bridge. Now you can choose if you have awareness. Now you can pay attention to your blips immediately. Like, write this, set Harvard for that shit. You could just do that right now. Like, oh man, I'm surrounded by blessings. I woke up this morning. That's worth more than a million dollars.

Speaker 2:

I didn't have that perspective of the blips themselves, something so simple when you think about the blips or the future in the past, you're really thinking about things that don't exist other than the present. Correct, like literally, the future doesn't exist, the past no longer exists. The only thing there is, the only thing there actually is, is the now. It is the present, it's the now and, what's crazy, as soon as I say now, it's no longer now. As soon as you say now, it's already, it's the past.

Speaker 2:

It's no longer there. So if you break it down to the microsecond and you appreciate with the gratitude now believe it or not everything should be more valuable. Everything should be more enjoyed and literally appreciated. However, people can't get there. They don't understand why. Well, because they're not listening, they're not paying attention, they're too busy in their own head instead of listening to what you're saying or I'm saying or someone else is saying. So, at the end of the day, you could say that people are the reason they don't win.

Speaker 2:

You are the responsible party and that's why I say boils down to a choice, because people always say well, brad, how do you, how do you become this way man? You choose to. It really boils down to choose to. If somebody's really overweight and they say, well, how do you get in shape? Well, you got to eat right and you got to do this and you got to do that. Well, what does it start with? It starts with a choice Period. You got to choose to. Okay, I choose to be in shape. Okay, you have to choose to be in shape. What are you going to do? You have to start. You start becoming, you start to be. You know, and that's the thing you have to be before you become. Well, this is getting deeper than most people can grasp, because Please go, because this is where I write my books.

Speaker 1:

I know.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you have to be before you become. You can't become until you be. And people don't get that it's not, it's not something that you do. So you can be, so you can have, you have to, you have to freaking be, yes To do, to have, and they got shit backwards, correct? Well, you have to be.

Speaker 2:

So if I want to be rich, I think to myself what does rich? What is rich? What, what do I have to be? And you can just imagine and assume, and probably hit the target more often than not. I want to be in shape. What does the guy in shape do every day? Who is the person? What is he like? Describe it, just guess. Well, he's probably more disciplined Okay, be disciplined. He's probably eating better. Okay, be a healthy eater. He's probably going to the gym a lot. Be the guy that goes to the gym a lot. So all you have to do is choose to be first. So that's why I say it's a choice. Anybody can choose to change. Anybody can choose to to, to literally become anything they want to be. But if you right now, are listening to this and you're saying that's not true, okay, what's that called the denial? That's the proof I'm trying to give you it's denial. Yeah, you don't believe it. And what's crazy about belief systems is just because you believe it doesn't make it true.

Speaker 1:

Well it's. It's worded differently. The wording for it is beliefs. Do not require facts to be beliefs.

Speaker 2:

That's my point. You don't have to, you don't? It doesn't have to be true for you to believe it. You can believe you're worthless. It doesn't make it true, but it does.

Speaker 1:

It does If you believe it beliefs are the core of everything.

Speaker 2:

I will disagree with you a hundred percent.

Speaker 1:

Here's why. It's because it's because of self-fulfilling prophecies. If I believe I am not able, then I will make sure I am not able, and this is true and well, I mean. The truth now becomes relative and we're a part of the world right now. Is that truth is perspective? Truth is my point of view, In which case if I believe I could never go up that hill, it doesn't mean I'm not potentially able to. It means I will make sure I never get up the hill because I do not believe I can.

Speaker 2:

But again, what is true? True is something that everybody would agree upon.

Speaker 1:

Which means truth now becomes agreements, not truth.

Speaker 2:

No, there's. There's things that are true, and then there's things that are opinions and perspectives. But today's day has gotten weird for that.

Speaker 1:

My truth has superseded the truth in this day and age.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but there are certain truths in this world. I don't care what you believe, it's the truth. And it's the truth whether you believe it or not. In other words, if I cut your head off, you will cease to live as a human being. That is true, no matter who believes it or not. That's the truth. Okay, so there are truths, and then there's beliefs. The beliefs aren't necessarily true.

Speaker 1:

Now, when it comes to potential, beliefs become truths.

Speaker 2:

I disagree. Maybe that's because I'm so awoke.

Speaker 1:

Maybe, and this is where we run into the people like, just just you know ugly.

Speaker 2:

That's not true. You might think I'm ugly. That's not true.

Speaker 1:

If I say but again, those are beliefs and this is where it gets into also facts, just so you know. Like here's how much I disagree with you. This is my first book. It's called everything as a choice, just so you can see how much I'm aligned with what you actually are saying. So I'm not going against you. My very first book was no, everything comes down to choice, bottom line. So I'm with you. I'm with you, but I want to. We have to go into what are the choices that we make with our beliefs.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but you told me in the very beginning to challenge you to do so, and I'm challenging the fact that you are trying to to espouse that, because you believe it, it makes it true. No, it doesn't.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't make true when it comes to potentials, I'll stand with it.

Speaker 2:

And it's where, if I believe I can I believe?

Speaker 1:

I can't. Either way, I'm right.

Speaker 2:

That. I believe that's a graph system and being true, or two different things.

Speaker 1:

Well, let's do this. Here's one you ever heard of Isaac Newton? You ever?

Speaker 2:

heard that guy. So let me, let me just say this Okay, if we don't believe it, we can agree to disagree. True, if you believe, because you believe that makes it true. It doesn't make it true. It might make it true to you, but it doesn't make it true, correct?

Speaker 1:

I agree contextually.

Speaker 2:

I know, but you might think you're an ugly person and so therefore it's true. No, it's not. It's not true and it's never going to be true. Just because you believe it, so you can believe things that are not true, and so people need to understand. Just because you believe it doesn't make it true and that's a fact, that's true.

Speaker 1:

It's so tricky because the example you use is an opinion I believe I'm ugly, or I believe you're beautiful. Well, those are subjective opinions.

Speaker 2:

Those are, but it doesn't make it true.

Speaker 1:

But truth then becomes like subjective to the beholder and that specific thing like cutting your head off, that's not a beholder thing, that's is true is you can't, you can't. So Isaac Newton, when he had got hit in the head with an apple, he was like gravity pulls you down, man, gravity is a fact. Is gravity a fact?

Speaker 2:

The theory of it is yes.

Speaker 1:

Right. So here we are. Theory of gravity. So Newton's like man, gravity, everything I do keeps getting pulled down to the ground. So gravity pulls you down. And everyone's like, yeah, it checks out, dude Seems cracked. We all agree, Gravity's pulling us down, we all agree. Until this Einstein guy comes along and starts math and the whole thing out. He's like wait a second, we're being pushed down, not pulled down. It's gravity is pushing down. And they math it out. And then they go wait a second. That seems right. All right, we're going to change it. Gravity is pushing us down, not pulling us down. Who's right?

Speaker 2:

That's subjective.

Speaker 1:

Well, those are both mathematical facts and people all agree that Newton's correct until Einstein changed it. Now it's hundreds of years.

Speaker 2:

I know, but who says it's true or not true?

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm saying. Is we all agreed and that made it true?

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, it didn't.

Speaker 1:

For gravity it did. Then we'll get the next level of gravity, where the aliens come down and go. It's actually this way, and we'll change it again.

Speaker 2:

Let me give you an example. Let's say you're born with no arms and no legs, but no one ever tells you that. So you believe you have arms and legs. You don't, and that's the truth. And what you believe doesn't matter, because it's not true that you have arms and legs. You do not in fact have arms and legs, correct, you believe it. So therefore, just because you believe, it doesn't make it true. But again, you might think a tree is ugly. I think it's beautiful. What's the truth? The truth is it's not beautiful or ugly. That's true. That's a tree for sure.

Speaker 1:

This is where I think we're agreeing aggressively so like, and so, when we look at this, the person's belief system is not you know, do I have arms and legs? It's can I do what I want to do with my life, even without? And people who go you don't have arms and legs, you can never do anything. If you believe that, you will believe that it is true. But if you go that no, wait a second, I can still do this, even if I don't have arms and legs, then they will find a way to do it. And that's what I mean by beliefs.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but which means it's not. It wasn't true.

Speaker 1:

Correct. Now, that's how we agreed.

Speaker 2:

What you're saying is, theoretically, you know, perspective. Well, again, I mean, I don't want to say it's true because it's not true. What you're saying is not true. If someone believes what you said, then then I would disagree. Why? Well, because what you believe doesn't make it the truth. Period, period, it doesn't make it the truth.

Speaker 2:

If you believe something is true, it doesn't make it true. So, so in, and that's all I'm saying. It does limit you, it does probably indicate not being able to do it because of your belief system, but it doesn't make it true just because you believe it. I might believe that I can jump off a building and fly. Some people have believed that it didn't make it. It didn't make it true. I don't care what you believe, it doesn't make it true. That's all I'm saying, because there might be people out there and they need to hear. Just because you believe it, brother, doesn't make it true and it makes them question like is that true, is that real, is that possible? Even though I don't believe that it is, yes, it's still possible because, just because you believe, it doesn't make it true. And you were saying well, if you believe it, it does make kind of Well, we're getting contextual, in which case I am being specific.

Speaker 2:

I'm literal Lee, that's what they call me.

Speaker 1:

I'm loving it. So let's get literal, literally anything that has to do with the belief system on potential, not breaking physics. Not you know you're, you're you. I believe I have 10 arms and so I'm a spider. That's not a. I believe I'm a cat. I'm not a biological cat. These are weird beliefs that people will live by right now. They actually started doing weird stuff. Weird stuff, point Right. In which case I'm agreeing with you contextually for things that start getting into the physics.

Speaker 1:

Now, when it gets to, when it gets to belief systems on, I believe I have the potential to do something or not. Those are as true as you believe. If you believe you can start a business and no matter what obstacles come in front of you, you will go off of Brad's five things to do. I'll take chances, I'll solve problems, I'll make adjustments, I'll grow and overcome challenges. I will figure out how to make myself worth my worth. I will do the work because I believe I can do it.

Speaker 1:

If I just follow what he says, well then you're right. But if you believe I was born in the wrong home, I can don't have a chance. I'll never be anything more than this. My potential is limited based on the place I was born or who I'm around and I'd ever had the opportunities and I never really tried for it. So what's the point in even trying which is a rhetorical so I never even go for it? Well, that person is also right Now. The truth of everything became subjective based on I believed it, so I make it true, even though what you are saying is they still have the potential to do it, but they create a self-fulfilling prophecy, and that's what the fight is for people today Is the self-fulfilling prophecies of I'm not good enough, so I'm not going to try. Is that a fact? I didn't say it's a fact. I said it's a belief system that they make true, so the subjectivity of it.

Speaker 2:

They don't make it true. They make it right, but they don't make it true.

Speaker 1:

Fair enough, and to them, they believe it's right.

Speaker 2:

Well, again, I do agree with you wholeheartedly that if you don't think you can, you are correct. But correct and right doesn't mean it's true.

Speaker 1:

People, both correct and right, became subjective. That's just my opinion.

Speaker 2:

Well, hey, again different opinions, which is good, because that's In that, in that I'll argue with anyone until I die and God tells me different. I love it Because, at the end of the day, the truth is the truth. You cannot change the truth. Well, what do you think about the people?

Speaker 1:

who say my truth. What about my truth? What about people who say my truth, brad my truth, but listen to my truth. What do you think about that?

Speaker 2:

The truth is the truth. So when people say my truth, it's not your truth, it's not my truth, it's the truth. There's only the truth, and you cannot change the truth. The true meaning of the truth is it's the truth Period. So so you cannot change the truth.

Speaker 2:

The truth is the truth. You cannot change that. Your opinion doesn't change it. Your belief doesn't change it. It is what it is and it'll never be different. The truth is the truth. So therefore, you might have a mindset limitation where you believe certain things that technically, by what you're trying to say, makes it true. It doesn't make it true. It makes it right, meaning. I agree with you. By the way, living the truth will stop you. That is correct. That is not all of a sudden the truth, because the truth is. The truth is the truth. The truth is the truth. It's not subjective. The truth the truth is is your limiting belief is what's stopping you. It's not the truth that you came from a bad house or you can't do it. You believe you can't do it, which makes it correct? Yes, right, but it's not the truth. Therefore and you can, I'd love to have your listeners like vote on On who, which, what they're really, what side they're debating on we already agreed, brad.

Speaker 2:

I know, but I want to make sure that people understand. Just doesn't make it true.

Speaker 1:

So well so listen.

Speaker 2:

The truth is you can Change, you should change, and you have the ability to do anything. No matter what you believe to be true, you do have the ability to believe it. Now there's people going I don't believe that, which means more than likely They'll never make it, which kind of makes it true for them but it doesn't make it true, right, still incorrect. They just don't believe it. So I want people to change their beliefs. Do you know how you change your belief?

Speaker 1:

I do it for a living.

Speaker 2:

Yes, okay, tell me how you change somebody's belief.

Speaker 1:

What you have to do is figure out where they're stuck, and so a lot of times, people have the limiting beliefs, and so it's not one way, and I've actually change your belief. You say it's just set us decide, but people have usually grief.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

There's no what's your one way your belief. Let's see what's your one way To get new information. Yes, now that's where it comes into the bridge, the gap. That's the only way you can do it because most people's limiting beliefs are built off of a grief system that's created an identity for them and they don't know how to break out of it.

Speaker 2:

We're talking about two different things the old information changes your starter point.

Speaker 1:

If you don't know where your location starts, you can't get to where you want to go, and so this is like a GPS without a start, location gets tricky, and so the information is needed to go. Do you know where you're at so you can get there? Because where your location is yeah, so like where you're located right now, I get we're both having to get to Kansas City. We have different maps.

Speaker 2:

That's not. That's not what I said. What I said is there's only one way to change a belief information one. There's no other way. There's only one way to change your belief, and that is new information. If you don't get any new information, you can never change your belief.

Speaker 1:

That that's part of it, but it's not all of it, because people know a lot.

Speaker 2:

Give me another way to change.

Speaker 1:

Well, you need, you need action. You can know everything and do nothing, and it changes nothing at all.

Speaker 2:

You don't need action to change a belief. Not a lot, I mean information Well making a choice.

Speaker 1:

Wouldn't that be an action?

Speaker 2:

Again. You need new information to change your belief. Tell me another way to do it application of the information is required. That is changing your actions. That's not changing your belief. The only way to change a belief is to get new information.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but a belief system is based on the information you already have. I agree with you on this. Application of new information is required. But if you disregard new information or you take information and call it not true, I don't agree. You'll never use it, which makes it now useless. Or if you have an abundance of information, like people who go to program after program, read all the books and listen to the podcast, but never do any of the five steps that you just said, information now becomes pointless. It's wasted potential. At that point, if I never go to take a chance, or never go and start my business, or I never listen to your advice, it doesn't matter how good your advice is and how much I've listened to everything you've said. If I never use it, it doesn't matter what my beliefs are, because I never did anything with it.

Speaker 2:

I would agree with your statement. However, that's not what we were talking about. We were talking about how do you change your beliefs when there's only one way. An action doesn't isn't required to change them. New information is. I need new information, period. That's the only way to change a belief. Now, whether you decide to believe it or not, that's an action correct. That's irrelevant. You need new information or you cannot change your belief. If you get no new information, you cannot change your belief.

Speaker 2:

If I agree, if I teach a little kid when they're young that fire doesn't burn, they will totally believe what it is I'm teaching them. They will walk up and stick their hand in the fire and the second they touch that flame, they will get new information and that new information will change their belief instantly. So the only way to change your belief is To get new information. You cannot have the same information and change your belief. So in order to change your belief, you must have new information. So that's why, every day, I encourage people to get and seek new information, because then if you're, if you're getting what you're getting, it's because you're doing what you're doing. You're doing what You're doing because you believe. What you believe doesn't make it true Just because you believe it. So you're doing what you're doing. You're getting what you're getting, okay, so I want to change what I'm getting. So I got to change what I'm doing. Okay, then understand, in order to change what you're doing it, you have to change your beliefs. In order to change my beliefs, I must get new information. It's the only way to do it. There is no other way to change my belief. I agree, it's new information. So when I get new information now, obviously I can change my belief. I still have to take action. I still have to do all that, but that's another conversation.

Speaker 2:

My question and I want people to understand this that are listening the only way you will ever change your belief is to get new information. That's the only way. There is no other way. So once you agree, hey, I agree with that. That makes sense to me. Okay, and, by the way, it doesn't make it true. I just strongly believe it. I haven't discovered another way, but tell someone does. That's why I'm saying, hey, tell me another way. I'm open, but I've never discovered it in 55 years. The only way to change a belief is to get new information, and that new information will allow you to change your belief. So now, if people say, okay, this is starting to make sense to me, I want to change what I'm getting, well, then I got to change what I'm doing, correct.

Speaker 1:

That's action.

Speaker 2:

If I want to change what I'm doing, then I got to change what I believe, because the reason I do what I do and choose what I choose and act like I act is my belief system Correct. So in order to change the belief system, then I need new information.

Speaker 1:

So then I go back to the beginning.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so then I ask people if that's agreeable, then how come you're not seeking new information every day, voraciously? Why?

Speaker 1:

are you not?

Speaker 2:

scouring the earth for the information that you need. I believe that you need new information. That's why my mission is to get the information from the people who have it to the people who need it.

Speaker 1:

You are correct and on this one part you're right, I didn't. I will just never say you never need more information. That's never going to be my stance. So I agree the answer. I agree the answer. The answer is you need to know the answer. You need to know. Now, what I do is teach people how to solve cubes. Now, you're right, you need to get. I know what the cube supposed to look like. I know the answer. I need more information. I need more information. This is what it looks like. I know the answer.

Speaker 1:

Now we have to go. What I do is let's take the time to figure out what's in the way for you solving the cube. You know what the cube is supposed to be, but how do you learn how to overcome these obstacles? How do you learn how to problem solve? How do you learn how to handle objections when it comes to taking risk? How do you learn how to make adjustments and adaptability when you've never learned that skill before? So how do you learn that? Let's fast forward those things. This gets in a practical application of the new information, and that's where I say let's solve the cube, not just talk about the answers, and I think we're agreeing. I just think there's more than one step.

Speaker 2:

There's again. Yes, there is. There's a million, but there's a million ways to skin a cap, but you've already acquiesced to the fact that the only way to change your belief is to get new information.

Speaker 1:

I again, I agree, I agree and expand.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but again come back to me if you can think of another way.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of these topics I think we would love to have, because there's a few of these ones where I'm like I'm also very open to a better way. Just on this one I'm very open to, I do agree with you. How do you make a new decision if you didn't know one existed? You need the information for sure. You can't make a choice that you don't know exists.

Speaker 2:

You can't change your belief without new information.

Speaker 1:

Correct and you can't change your beliefs without removing a limiting belief which gets back to the action of choice. You have to remove an old belief to apply the new information. If you never do, it's just a waste of information.

Speaker 1:

Won't argue with that, yeah, and so this is why I say I agree with you. It's just another step. It's application of information. I agree very much. You need information, but you got to do something with it or it's a waste of fucking time, no different than you and I doing what we're doing. People don't understand. Maybe look like the people who are untrained. This seems like an argument or a debate. No, this is two people who understand their shit, who are just aggressively agreeing. This is the way that I see it. It's a beautiful thing if you understand it. Some people are like. These two have too much energy.

Speaker 2:

No, I believe, based on the exchange, I've learned some new information and I'm going to use that new information. However, I also believe that you might have gotten either new information or a new way of looking at the information that you already had, of course, because, at the end of the day, if we were to rewind and listen to what I said, what I said was there's only one way to get a new belief, and that's new information. Any listener out there, I would love for you to reach out to me and DM me and find me another way, because I'm open to realizing wow, I totally missed that option. Because I'm looking for options to change my belief. The reason why I want to change my beliefs is because whatever my belief is is what's limiting me to attaining more, to reaching my potential. There's some information that I don't have. That is why I'm not where I wish I was. It may be information that I'm never gonna get. It may be information that I'm gonna get tomorrow, but at the end of the day, every day, I'm seeking new information.

Speaker 2:

I'm reading books, I'm looking in, I'm listening to podcasts, I'm hiring coaches, I'm hiring mentors. I'm listening, I'm paying attention. I'm actively seeking new information. There's a lot of people out there, rick. They're not doing that. You know why? Because they don't realize it. They don't understand that simplicity. You need new information, brother. Go crack open a book. You want some suggestions? There's a million suggestions out there. Those are subjective, but the bottom line is the truth is there's information in those books and you need new information. That's a fact. That's the truth. That is not an opinion. That is the truth that is a fact, I agree.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I'm looking at steps. Step one I agree, need new information. Do I believe that's all you need? Is like that's it? No, I think there's more steps.

Speaker 2:

That's all you need. Well, you must have.

Speaker 1:

That's all you must have when you're working through anxiety and depression and suicide and PTSD and the things that people have to overcome in this day and age, especially if I work with the soldiers and I work with the people who are deep, Like new information isn't the only thing that they need. They need an application in a new way and rewiring a belief system isn't only informational, because you know people who are in analysis, paralysis because of information overload. They have all the answers and never even attempt to start a business. They're still reading about businesses and never go and do any of the things like grow challenge, fail and do any of the parts for step four. They don't even get to it.

Speaker 2:

Do you think that's because of their beliefs?

Speaker 1:

I think everything is because of beliefs, thank you. And the only way to change those would be we need step one, get new information. And I'm not disagreeing, I'm just saying step two, step three, step four and then you can do it. You have five steps I agree with agreeing. Step one is get new info.

Speaker 2:

New information. You gotta have it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we're agreeing aggressively and I love it.

Speaker 2:

And hopefully you got some new information here. Now, when it comes to depression and clinical depression and all of these things, listen, I don't claim to be a psychologist or a psychiatrist or an expert in that field. I personally believe that there's such a thing as depression there is, but I also believe that that depression is, in my opinion my humble opinion self-inflicted. It is yeah, so to me when it boils down to it. And again, there's more steps, but just keep it to the simple why. I believe in simplicity, man, it's just the easiest way to understand.

Speaker 1:

Simplicity is genius. I agree with you on this. Now I do the trainings for how to beat depression and anxiety, and it's holistic. It does work too.

Speaker 2:

Hey, and, by the way, that's another thing. I would advise people Quit trying to figure everything out for yourself.

Speaker 2:

dummy, it's already done you don't need to figure it out. Someone's figured it out, brother. What you need to do is listen and get new information so you can change your beliefs. And it might be Rick that gets you to change your belief, it might be Bradley, it might be Frick and Zig Ziglar. I think that's you know. People that don't resonate with you probably aren't listening to you. You are right. There's going to be people that listen to you, that think I'm just a blow hard, know it all and I'm arrogant and I was rude for arguing and I was wrong, and that's fine.

Speaker 1:

No, brad, my audience is gonna be like these two are doing the same thing. I love it. Yeah but for the point is, my audience don't like it.

Speaker 2:

My point is is you could get 10 people to say the same exact thing and there will be people that do not believe nine of them because they don't resonate with that person and for whatever reason they're not accepting it. But one person shows up and says it the right way at the right time. All of a sudden, that person's the genius, when in reality they were all saying the exact same thing. You weren't listening, you weren't paying attention. So to me, when someone says well, brad, how would you cure depression? You know, obviously, there's obviously some techniques I would say listen, number one, get some help. You can't figure it out for yourself, obviously, or you wouldn't be depressed. Agreed.

Speaker 2:

Now, I don't believe that depression is not real. I believe that it is real. The question is how do you fix it? Well, in my mind, you would fix it with a decision. You decide to no longer be depressed and technically you wouldn't be. But you're saying, well, no, because of their synapses and the relays and all that. Yes, yes, they've been in a habit for so long. They cannot just make a decision and change. I would agree. There are people that it's not that simple. Why? Because they're so ingrained in their nonsense.

Speaker 1:

So apathy is a very. It requires intervention at the point of apathy. So it's very difficult to do. It can be done, it just takes years on your own.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but my suggestion to people that think they're depressed or are depressed I'm not discounting that they are or not, I'm saying the people that are depressed in the world my advice to them would be find somebody who has helped people through depression and listen to their new information, get their new information and if that doesn't work, believe that there is a solution and keep looking, because it might not be from Rick. Maybe Rick's beard psychologically turns you off because your dad, who was abusive, had a beard, and so now you believe that it's not possible because you're not listening to Rick because he has a beard. Well, guess what? Go find another person then, because the truth is there is help, there is information that could fix you. There's information that could make you successful. There's information that could make you freaking happy in your marriage. There's information that would make you anything you want to be. But you have to get the right information and sometimes it has to be from the right person at the right time.

Speaker 1:

Big wisdom right there. Listen, drop the bomb. Bomb noise.

Speaker 2:

And I don't really coach people. A lot of people think I'm out there in the coaching space and the masterminds and I sell courses. Listen, I have a software that helps people do that and because of that I've created a few. So I wasn't a hypocrite. I'm not gonna tell you how to do something. If I've never done something Agreed so I do it and did it. For reasons like that, I don't care if anyone ever buys my course. I don't care if anyone joins my real coaching which, by the way, it's called real coaching because it's, in my opinion, it's real coaching Like I'm gonna tell you what to do.

Speaker 2:

I'm not gonna make you do it, I'm not gonna hold your hand, I'm not gonna show up at your house, I'm gonna give you the information. You gotta do it and, by the way, that's part of my coaching. I can show you how to get what you want in life. I can show people how to make more money than they're making. And again, based on what? Well, again, I can't show someone that's making $700 million a month how to make more, because I haven't even made that yet, right, but I can show the average person who's making 80 grand a year how to make 300, how to make 500, how to make a million, how to make 10 million, but they may not believe me. But it doesn't necessarily mean it's not the way or one way, because there's a lot of ways.

Speaker 2:

So my point is I'm not a coach and a guru. I'm not a guy that's out there teaching people and working with people for a daily basis. You are so in my mind. Well, who would I rather hire as a coach, me or Rick? Well, I would say Rick. Why? Because, dude, this is what he does day in and day out. This is what he sharpens his acts on, this is what he investigates and eats and breathes and sleeps in.

Speaker 1:

I don't but I've never made anyway a million dollars in a month, so I'll be sending them to you.

Speaker 2:

But I help guys like you get your information out. Why? Because I know that there are people that don't know who you are. Correct that if they got your information, it would fix them A whole lot of help, because all they need is new information. They don't have it. So that's why when people say, well, why is your mission? Get knowledge from people who have it to people who need it? Because that's all they're missing is the information. Now I will also add to that. Of course, they got to take action. Well, guess what? That's part of the right information they need. But they need information and they also need relationships.

Speaker 2:

There's reasons why people aren't winning, and I believe that it boils down to two very simple ones you don't have the right information and you don't have the right relationship. I agree, it might be the relationship you have with yourself that's lacking. Go fix it. You might need a relationship with somebody else, but if you knew the right people, you'd have everything you wanted, if you just knew the right people. So if you want to correct that and simplify that, I need new information and I need new relationships.

Speaker 2:

So, guess what? Start getting a relationship with yourself and other people. Start introducing yourself. Yeah, but I don't know what to say. Get some new information on how to introduce yourself, start building your self worth, start working, brother. That's what it takes. You know why they call it work? Because it works. At the end of the day, you're going to be uncomfortable. If you're afraid to be uncomfortable and you're not willing to be uncomfortable, then you might as well take off the jersey and set out the game. Agreed, let the players play. But if you're gonna raise your hand and tell me you want this and you want that and as soon as you find out how to get it, you're like oh, I don't want that, that's fine, you don't need to want that. You can want whatever you want. But I'm telling you, if you want something you don't have, get the right information and get the right relationships and you will have it. And that's the bottom line. I got a bomb. I drop it.

Speaker 1:

Boom, I'll do it for you. Wisdom herd. Well done man. I love your passion bro.

Speaker 2:

And, by the way, I have five minutes to a hard stop, so I don't want to.

Speaker 1:

Let's call it Bradley. Thank you for being on the show. If you were to direct anybody for anything, or if you wanted to help anybody, what would you recommend they do? Should they click on your things, buy your program? What do you want them to do?

Speaker 2:

Anything, no, no. What I would do is I would go focus on yourself, I would make yourself the most important person in your life, and I would do, and I would start seeking information and building relationships. And the most important relationship, I think, is the one you have with yourself. You're not gonna increase your net worth if you don't increase your self-worth. You're not gonna increase the fulfillment and joy and you're not gonna get any better until you get better. So start with yourself, go build yourself, go work on yourself and the rest kind of takes care of itself.

Speaker 1:

Correct. You wanna change the world, change the way you look at it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and if I can help man, hey, dude, follow me on social media. Dude, I'm dropping this kind of nuggets every day Relationships, business, life, sales, whatever it is. I know that I think is valuable, I'm putting it out there for free. Hell, yeah. Now, if you like that and you wanna buy my course, I have a course on sales and then business and life. So it's coaching and sales training, that's all it is. But I do have businesses and opportunities. So if someone's like, hey, brad, I need an opportunity, I need to learn and have you hire me to make better money, dude, I got opportunities coming out, my yin and yang.

Speaker 1:

Sounds good, Bradley. Such an honor, bro. Thank you so much for being on the battlefield of mine, man.

Speaker 2:

Let's do it again. And next time you come to town, dude, let's argue on my podcast.

Speaker 1:

Let's do it, man. Hell yeah, thanks a lot.

Speaker 2:

All right, man Thanks.